The mainstream TV magazine show 60 Minutes airing a bit on the government acknowledging the existence of unidentified flying objects is itself not a trivial occurrence. The modernized phraseology of unidentified aerial phenomena I think suggests they know enough to know them not to be physical craft but perhaps projected consciousnesses or otherwise ethereal matters from elsewhere in space or even elsewhere in time. But politician Marco Rubio declaring them as threats I feel is the real story. In related stories of recent weeks on other online platforms, I’ve noted two separate Pentagon officials, one current and one previous, using the same wording. If they can fess to hundreds if not thousands of incidents over the years, when and where was there ever one conducting itself with hostility? Perhaps they are troubled by the actual lack of anal-probes, but declaring something a threat for merely existing is every bit a retardation of common sense as it is distinctly American.
I would love to organically anal-probe the actress/model Hermione Corfield, whose hindquarters are unquestionably enticing by my modest standards, her self-assured, even joyous presence in such films as Bees Make Honey assuaging nothing else for me personably if not personally, but self-awareness means that I dutifully realize her needs may not encompass such damage beyond repair, especially when provided with all the dedicated intensity this rando blogger proves capable of. To my credit I’ve no interest in ever masking my intentions, in any regards, whereas the soullessly sole functionality of the most fervently hero-worshiped among us are one and all astronomically more and forevermore self-serving, the functions of celebrities being to lie, the functions of politicians being to cheat and the functions of executives being to steal. Those are who the masses are informed to aspire after, the very ones giving the least consideration to others. I cannot subjectify such personae because I will not embrace their pantomimes, so absolutely must they be objectified. I would never contact Hermione directly and I would never impose my wishes upon her. Yet until I part with the nonproductive nonsense formulating such self-gratifying appeal then elements of pop culture retain some measure of control and influence over me. I can choose to withdraw that power.
Not everything must exist forever in service to our self-interest or to the self-interests of whomever we’d wish to be, to befriend or to fuck. Autonomy, independence and self-determination are never concerns to be inhibited or prohibited. But in the USA, running counter to actively enriching political persuasions or religious dogmas or corporate branding is to quite literally run for your life. From the ill-gotten vantage point of gated communities both physical and metaphorical, of news bubbles and echo chambers and safe spaces and the DIY segregation of the for-profit social networks online, one strangely never gathers firsthand commentary on how ostracized homeless are made to feel by their government or how demonized they are made to feel by its citizenry, and largely for no better reason but the inability or unwillingness to consume hard enough and fast enough. If you are neither buying or selling, what good are you for, to the self-interests of those so ready, willing and able to disregard your own? Too often what we want in this life is nothing short of an imposition upon others, whether we have it in ourselves to take notice or not. This applies to lustful urges or wrathful comeuppance, but as well to meritless constructs existing for concerns other than our own, competing political partisanships, competing religious zealotry or competing branding irons, onto matters altogether unknowable and unfathomable by the restraints of what passes for proper society.
Rather than contributing to the value system of enslavers, ascribing emphasis to it or downright praising it, recognize the reality of there being no benevolent form of entrapment or extortion or exploitation under any circumstances. See this truth and choose to become a thing which cannot be entrapped or extorted or exploited by its system of codependency, where all must be influenced and controlled while hoping for all they’re worth to someday influence and control others as reward for being influenced away from their own thoughts and feelings and controlled away from their own livelihood and well-being. I have been homeless more often than not throughout my adult years, unreliable employers and a brash populace reared to believe favors are always a one-sided affair being key components to my undervalued trust, and I would adamantly insist on my remaining not a thing to be exploited, rather than accept restitution and thus continue to play a part in the grand design of never asking where exactly the money or resources arrive from. Independence of body or mind is not wanting what they offer.
It’s a telling manner to note how American liberals are not actually leftist in ideology publicly or privately, by how they would guilelessly respond to the declaration that real equality is not a matter of divvying up proceeds of exploitation but a matter of sharing the burdens of its victimization in fullest opposition to the chain of events. Just as “the economy” when mentioned by pundits or politicians is actually in reference to the gains of the billionaire class and nothing else, pollution is synonymous for excess, but where there is no consuming there can be no trends to follow, so too many obvious correlations, too many blunt examples of cause and effect go unrecognized.
According to this website consisting solely of partial surveys, nearly two-thirds of Americans now view themselves as more selfless due to the pandemic. Clapping themselves on the back, when endangering others is actually not a civil or basic human right to begin with, regardless of the prideful comfort zones of those in favor of war and private gun ownership, or those opposed to pandemic masks generally and universal free healthcare specifically. No matter the marketing of a given supremacy or superiority, whether in terms of an individual’s kindly self-perceptions or established ideologies and principles of a social collective, it is never more than one side of a greater story. When lying, cheating and stealing are all basically forms of codependency, then not lying, cheating or stealing is bare minimum to being a decent person. I would bet my arms and legs that every last one of these persons surveyed play video games or collect comic books or otherwise indulge of themselves without the thought ever striking their surely commendable selflessness, how those resources may keep somebody somewhere alive for another day. Pay out the ass but pay no attention to how the artists producing those works are themselves short-changed by their brands, being as they are also sold on the premise of living beyond their means and thus made willing and able to justify the promises of those selfishly declaring ownership of their resources. To be selfless is to give of oneself, but not for the blessed sake of some other profiteering the endeavor or expenditure. As no man is an island with each and every word and with each and every action, no matter the conditions, if we are not helping others in need then we are helping those incentivized by their needs. This can be as simple as just not using or abusing anybody or not allowing others to get used or abused. Meanwhile everyone I have ever known reconciles their personal exceptions and exemptions, which is the removal of themselves from any equation only where convenient.
I used this analogy months back, but it’s a thing squarely missed by current proponents of restitution specifically and capitalists fundamentally. If you object so intrinsically to your grandma being mugged by an attacker, how does sharing the contents of her purse with you undo the act or prevent such acts from happening again to anyone anywhere else? If I proclaim no price greater than my principles or convictions, how do the inevitable struggles to follow from abiding by that quantify me as arrogant? How does refusing to be exploited or refusing to buy into the exploitation of others amount to assholery?
Giving to Hermione the tragicomedy of anal sex is not an inalienable right of mine no matter how much I want it so, unless she needs it from me explicitly. Her own actual inalienable right is to never undergo such an ordeal no matter how much I want it so, but whether she ever entertains other dicks up her ass or not is of no threat to me, as I obviously hold no earthly claims over its possession or resource. Living by that means recognizing the autonomy, independence and self-determination of all parties, something which self-enrichment at the expense of others mentally or physically is proven incapable of acknowledging regardless of consequence. Demanding restitution is awaiting the master’s hand, the choice remaining nonetheless contrary to their wishes, to simply not want what they are ready, willing or able to give. That is the recognition of your own autonomy, independence and self-determination.
If these sentiments come across as arrogance, then who am I subjugating or seeking to suppress or to oppress? Who am I selfishly disinclining from following what’s truly their best interests or better angels? Whose inalienable rights am I defying or denying? What ego do I indulge? Never would I argue my superiority or supremacy over any others, as none exists, but categorically do I fight tooth and nail without reprieve to disallow contrivances of my moral code. My moral code, which will absolutely never undergo a “going out of business” sale. Fuck each and everyone who finds time for playing games while others elsewhere suffer, Hermione’s infuriatingly unobtainable asshole notwithstanding, as asses unto themselves technically have no legs to stand on, whereas I am dead-set on dying on my feet in opposition to kneeling before anything. Cunnilingus aside, which I knowingly equate with sin-eating, enough of which leads invariably to the sort of astral projection which the self-serving asymmetry that underlines tyrannical surveillance is eager to record, and to exploit, but is helpless to domineer.