If I still had a fake news website, I’d do up a piece on Trump announcing a new political party spearheaded with the singular platform of proposing a real life purge, as seen on film and television. With the Democrats who voted for Biden and who have since been greatly disappointed by Biden realizing they would be more likely to vote for a purge with or without Trump than they would to vote Democrat in the next Presidential mud-slinging competition. And I’d bet 23 dollars such a proposal lands on social networks via monied pundits over the next year or so.
I believe that with January 6th, considering the Proud Boys and Boogaloo Boys and 3-Percenters and Oath-keepers and other militias present, so few had the balls to follow through with their years of online threats and actually bring their guns to town, I think a lot of conservative leaders were frankly really shocked by the lack of excessive gun-play that afternoon in DC. So with recent legal cases in national headlines, I think through long-manipulable courts Powers That Be are making it easier for citizens to get away with shooting and killing others in broad daylight. So should the next opportunity present itself rightwingers need not be chickenshits about having their toys in hand or not. There were two huge arguments for the respective defenses in separate jury trials in different states this month, both urging that defendants were being oppressed because unarmed persons were opposed to being shot by said defendants. Which is indeed the same pathology as persons pursuing social lives while openly fighting against masking or distancing during a pandemic. Nobody gets to endanger others, not ethically, and free speech does not mean that anyone must hear you out or agree with you regardless of who you are or what you have to say either for yourself or for whichever branding iron got to you.
I do not personally believe that the purge could happen in the real world for the same reason I don’t believe that a civil war sequel could ever occur, because people here by and large are lethargy incarnated. They can forward a hashtag and they are wiped out for the day. But I do think that the concept of what amounts to a purge, I can see that being unironically debated in public venues by people. And just like with Facebook still existing people will argue loudly for and against, but the bottom line behind the scenes will always afford just enough for leaders to go down in history as utterly fallible hypocrites.
Justifying a relocation to Dallas in 8 or 9 days myself…realistically, there are almost 4x more guns in this country right now than there are people, and I would say half of those guns are in the consequences of Texas. So that if something scary does happen in time, I imagine friendly fire will have me eye of a hurricane safe.
One way or another I have maintained my own websites hosted on foreign servers outside USA legal jurisdiction, going back to when Edward Snowden had been gone from the states for less than 3 weeks. Apparently he and I had been using the same webmail service, whose founder had opted to kill the accounts of all users without warning rather than betray the trust of any one of them. That company was headquartered in Dallas. There are some decent people there, where so many Q freaks have elsewise been gathering in anticipation of the first undead kennedys concert. I want nothing but to find ways to help others, leaving no openings however for anyone anywhere to ever receive credit or blame for what I do or say. But I find most folks already are ready, willing and able to punish such actions even without a martial law to hide under. Doing the just thing is simply not allowed, whereas doing the unjust thing is what gets you accolades. I will oppose lethal force within my means to my dying day, and while I am not currently nor have I ever been looking for any life beyond a peaceful and quiet one, all things dutifully considered I do see logic in carving Travis Bickle abs in the near future. So little left worth protecting does not make it less worthy of defending.
Which incidentally is transparency on my part. In all matters do I prefer privacy, but I am never in hiding. If we feel that a given thing is the moral way, we cannot be shamed from it. My requiring peace and quiet is guarantee it will never come. Life is nothing but a series of broken promises by the gods below us. Life was never an option. But preemptively ending it for anybody only puts them out of their miseries, and if they truly and objectively warrant such enmity why assist them so? Racists do not actually limit themselves to racism, sexists do not actually stop at sexism and enough is never enough for fascists, but when each and everyone indulges a madcap shouting contest to win their demographic the spotlight of most wrongfully embattled and victimized by proper society, then only fellow victims are ever paying the piper. I want to help anybody who needs it, but I do not want to make friends with anyone, anywhere, as that only further sustains the ego, theirs or mine. Assertion of ego is what endangers life, though denying the ego, denying any and every ego, is how lives get saved. I don’t need money for video games and I have no codependency for any religious or political group. It is not difficult to come to such conclusions, but surviving for very long afterwards is a story nobody wants to hear.