For all my seeming arrogance, by giving unto others what they need from me rather than allowing them to take what they want of me, exactly who is facing inconvenience? Do I voice concerns or objections toward a given thing while doing all within my power to prolong it? Are social networking users not proving themselves without exception incapable of reading that question as non-rhetorical? I insist that an ego is no more forgivable simply because one wishes to fuck the holy hell from its starlet of a punchline. None speak on my behalf, I see myself in nothing and I make no assertions of my words and actions being representative for anybody, anything or anywhere beyond myself. As that would be arrogance made manifest.
The US census bureau is announcing the total population rests at 331,449,281. Let’s play at some maths, and show how my offensively modest point of view contrasts with the most self-centered among them.
In the 2020 Presidential election, Donald Trump garnered approximately 74,222,958 votes from the public. Which is less than a quarter of the population, meaning that over three-fourths of the population did not vote for him, whether they voted at all or not. But that’s another argument, how the rightwing is deeply troubled by prospects of adding immigrants, migrants and refugees to the voting rolls, thus admitting the nature of their xenophobia probably holds no appeal for foreign-born voters to be, while neither party seems all that concerned with swaying the half of the population never to vote. I say many of these non-voters have long-term memory enough to guide their inaction, and that party heads are aware of this, realizing on some level that a victim might only get milked so much. Suffice to say, 331,449,281 minus 74,222,958 equates to 257 226 323 American citizens not voting for the rightwing candidate of this last Presidential election. My countrymen can be quite prolific in their bad decision-making, but I doubt there are over a quarter of a billion minors unable to vote here.
Yet the more mainstream of the proselytizing rightwing pundits assume these numbers represent not a majority rule or populism in effect, but a forgettable murder of crowing insurrectionists. Were we to give credence to a recent NBC poll, only half of conservative voters favor Trump to the Grand Old Party they claim allegiance to, meaning that fewer than one in eight current citizens of the USA support Trump. A minority of less than one-eighth believing passionately that they themselves represent not only the best interests of the country, but the country itself, wholly oblivious to how the greater majority of their neighbors disagree with the constrictive views of their reality tunnel, where the well-being of others plays second fiddle to pride. Americans define themselves by the propensity to be easily sold on marketing, but shamefully and shamelessly some bet their lives on nothing more, nothing less. Their mistaken sense of self-worth, as individuals and especially as a collective, is not a mild issue of believing their biases, fetishes, quirks and whims are shared by more persons than not, but rather at odds with established reality do they demand that their desires in fact be regarded by more persons than not as aligning with any measurable standards for ethics, morality, or legalese. Despite polling data confirming and reconfirming such is not remotely the case.
In no regards do I myself make such presumptions. I admit to there being a number of starlets whose derrieres I would care to drive downhill through rigorous terrain, but knowing I would never be afforded the opportunity for a personal scrutiny of the matter, I confess to finding no other possible usage for them as persons in the constrains of my life, as my purpose is neither to entertain or to be entertained, nor to enrich or to be enriched. Now, if they are ever on the down and out and require food or lodging, I am their huckleberry however, no strings attached. Although that’s another experience which will never occur, because enough consumers believe on some level that they themselves might someday, someway know a chance to personally scrutinize what holds their attentions, enough to uplift the right egos so that lucrativeness of the hollow appeal is fully explored in accordance with the entrapment, extortion and exploitation which the free market relies on fundamentally. When we respond to verifiable needs, we maintain one another individually and collectively, but when we strive to appease our private urges or to fulfill the desires of our chosen masters, we demolish something or other, be it the pert asses of starlets up for auction or the general well-being of others whether compatriots or strangers, or societal guarantees for unobstructed life, liberty and pursuits of happiness as observed by documented civil and basic human rights.
And while pundits have the tendency to loathe the both sides game, see current President Joe Biden as he creates a task force to assist workers in organizing and asserting their legal rights before their employers. See this and take note how, of all persons in the nation, Biden alone literally holds the constitutional powers to regulate corporate America as far away from utilizing the grotesque concept of human capital in their respective lexicons as ethics, morality and legalese require. See this and wonder why he chooses not to do just that.
Am I inconvenienced in any way, shape or form by the likelihood of Hermione Corfield never needing hard anal sex performed upon her person by a random blogger she’s little in common with? Absolutely not, as my actualized wish-fulfillment in such a vulgar example would be a direct imposition upon her own life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. Are executives inconvenienced in any way, shape or form by sustaining their own employees, their customers and audiences by extension, simply in keeping with the basics of ethics, morality and legalese? Absolutely not, because the wish-fulfillment constituting their entitlements are at odds with the life, liberty and pursuits of happiness for all those many persons whom privilege asserts are beneath them. And the comedy which is trickle-down economics aside, gravity suggests that all things invariably return to where they arise from. But whose willpower is socially enabled and enacted by the masses, creeds be damned? Contrary to anybody’s better angels, those betting on nothing more, nothing less. All the domestic readers disturbed just by my insinuating such mental imagery of what must become of Hermione’s ass were I to ever experience what surely would be the finest 2 or 3 minutes of my lifetime, these same persons actively support the politicians proactively enlivening executives robbing millions of workers nationwide, thus ass-fucking far more intrinsically than painting any portrait proves possible of matching or surpassing. Like I should keep my little fantasy of the day to myself unless it actually harms countless others, which evidently assuages folks to vote, pay taxes and work just to help it along its tragic way, when even if she were (bottom’s) up for such a clandestine ordeal her agents, managers and publicists would undoubtedly insist she could and should do better for herself. But for all we know, someone in her circle might forward her a link to this unnecessary conundrum and she is already well on her lithe and lissome way to mentally developing a cover story for explaining to her grand-kids how she met their grandfather. Unfortunately the doors opened by glitz and glamor infer she’d be more likely to give me VD for my cheeky though worthwhile troubles, because what we want. what we desire has absolutely no gravitas in determining how and why the grand scheme unfolds as it does. Hell on Earth is a thing for no other reason but that nobody is willing to part with their most selfish fantasies.
Pardon my villainy for refusing to ever impose no matter how much I really, really want to, but even potential friendships are less important than unobscured truth, and ideological masks are for the flocks of liars whom I want, whom I need nothing to do with.