I’ve never claimed the world is magically transformed into some utopian hippy paradise through altruism, but it is in fact made functional. The giddy implosion of America’s political spectrum (extending from capitalism to capitalism) is as predictable as its social contracts necessitating non-disclosure agreements and non-compete clauses, for as every life is allocated less value than one’s own thoughts and feelings, the heavily-populated proponents of lethal force are more inclined to take liberties than ever safeguard them. Gun-owners caught eating meat they did not hunt should forfeit their stockpiles for smelting at the nearest scrapyard. And for communities suffering a shooting, every gun-owner therein failing to stop the ordeal should forfeit their arms, their ammunition and whichever licenses in exchange for a fun-house mirror to better portray their perceptions of the world around them. But indulging fantasies is more important than life itself for contributing members of proper society. Indulging the fantasy that there may be people out there as crazy as themselves somehow matters more than the actual well-being of others.
I wonder if death is oft referred to as the eternal sleep because, having nowhere to go, the unbound consciousness has no choices but to dream and dream forever, of their heavens and of their hells. Finally, nothing to bar the way to fantasies unabridged and all-encompassing.
I’m more intrigued by prospects of journeying towards the hereafter not being an instantaneous affair. Maybe, ghosts are not lonely souls still with unfinished business, but merely stuck in transit. I forget if it was the Kabbala or some other tome, decrying that god only made so many spirits, and when the last one is put to use is when the end times begin, but it’s a wonder why the New Age freaks never latched onto that as justification for reincarnation, because if souls are to be recycled then there must be finite numbers to thus allow mortal coils their repeat performances. And were reincarnation a thing, why the presumption it be chronological? Perhaps you die tomorrow, and are born 7,000 years ago to live as an ancient Egyptian slave. If persons can lapse in life for decades or centuries before their next go at living, this would be of no difference, particularly as time is given little more meaning than measurements for labor. A culture willfully programed to be product-driven is one ceaselessly guided by immediate gratification, unlike the natural world which has always understood time better than that. I think it only shows how the authors of even the grandest intellectual properties never really think things through. If created in the image of god however, it would make sense to have inherited humanity’s failed logic from on high. If goods and services are theoretically produced to meet existing demand, then the masses already know what they want or need, making all marketing altogether unnecessary. And while there is no existing public outcry begging for the installation of AI upon their livelihoods, each and every program is subject to both the arrogance and ignorance of its creator. God-complexes never result in godliness, unless we take for granted how any example of a living god can be ascertained by basic deduction as being nobody’s friend.
As eternal rewards stemming from such brevity of existence is no less ridiculous than eternal damnation stemming from such brevity of existence, I’d imagine reincarnation appeals to those simply preferring another chance at the world, which in a roundabout way is them admitting they haven’t learned their lessons yet. I’m reminded of voters, electing whichever voice insuring their destruction with more flattering airs. The vast majority of persons are incapable of governing their own lives ethically, morally or logically, so they elect others into parental positions. And when the same majority continuously empowers the absolute worst among them time and again, they prove that it’s not America which is shit, but Americans themselves. It’s no love of country if all your ideas entail whichever subset to the greater population having lesser rights, lesser resources and lesser opportunities than oneself. But the insistence on a supremacy or superiority cannot stand unaided, so it requires others be made diminished, to support the contrast and perpetuate the illusion. When everyone is special then nothing gets accomplished. When some are regarded as special then others must suffer entrapment, exploitation and extortion. But when we observe how none are special, then we might experience and thus understand both public equality and personal equanimity. Meanwhile, the fantasies indulged are not merely the absence of problem-solving, I say they are how the problems undergo manifestation.
Sign me up for physical immortality, for surely there is no greater elation, or greater damnation, than to see every possibility through to its end. No restarts and no escape hatches. Reserve the afterlife for those cowards entitling themselves to any guarantee of safe passage toward nonsensical limbo. Save the afterlife’s bastard offspring of simulation theory for those cowards privileging themselves with roadside attractions that spare their ego from meeting with responsibility. But regardless of crimes or sins, allow every “bad” person to live to regret it. Despite a society and its culture placing such emphasis on winning generally, escapism is categorically not winning. Rather is it fleeing, from actual problems or threats, but also from what is uncomfortable or unfamiliar enough to be mistaken for problem or threat. Which for cowards is the rest of existence beyond their controls. There is nothing more cowardly than to only see certainty in the following of whichever person, place or thing, and it is the source to every evil that requires a subservience by word or by action.
Observing the reality by no means sets me above humanity, but it does cast me aside from it, introducing me to a vantage where I see no distinctions between honor and humility.