My mom was so hurt by most everyone she knew throughout her final bedbound years, when I left the bluegrass I resigned to never see her grave again for fear I’d pay any of them a visit. When I was interviewed for the true crimes podcast series concerning Bardstown, our landlords were so freaked by cops abruptly pausing their cars in front of the house every few hours night and day, they installed cameras, they were so worried we were going to be murdered next. I know every place is full of it, I’m in Texas now because my little sister and her husband lack the funds or health to move though they’ve nobody to trust or talk to and are scared shitless by the neighbors. But the years I gave to Kentucky were more than my fair share.
Explaining our most mournful lusts is no more significant for passersby than detailing for them the most vivid nocturnal meanderings of our subconscious. The devil never made me be a contributing member of society with hollow promises of comfort and joy and glitz or threats of duty, Nuremberg principles be darned to heck if not tooting the right horns for self-righteous comeuppance! In the quote unquote friendship state anything not reaching around goes into a cage. They remember the Alamo, they just don’t remember how miserable it is to be boxed in by the standards or power-fantasies of others. Speaking of which, test-drove my new Croatoan-brand time machine by rescuing all the Roanoke colonists from vanishing and depositing them in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. These will be such fun toys but we mustn’t interfere with the continuum.
If your icons can do no wrong you are a nitwit. Never afforded any myself. The recent #cyberattack downing more flights in the USA than any day since 9/11, was made possible because Musk is not alone in his field of grazing Peter Principles. Don’t be so willing and able to soak up the marketing, there’s blood in it. If it’s any consolation I cough up enough blood nightly to sustain a family of vampires. And they never have bones to pick. Then again, theology free of personal sacrifice is usually referred to as a hobby, but sour grapes draw the best communal whine.
To save life is to check every ego. As power corrupts irrefutably then none should pursue it, and those who do must be held to account at every turn no matter how successfully they appeal to self-interest. Every hint of power should live under constant threat to its esteem. Because only psychopaths and self-centered ingrates believe that any life anywhere is worth less than another. People who endure without cause for justifying side-effects to their own lying, cheating or stealing are the closest things to heroes this society will ever know. Inconvenience unto itself is no sacrifice, and disagreement is not de facto hate.
As long as ego is boundless, to deny our insignificance is to prolong the suffering.
Home/about pages on sundry blogs and webzines bearing named achievements and credentials are for subjectively adding color unnecessarily to the words and ideas conveyed therein. If the devil’s in the details, then non serviam isn’t about putting on a show. It’s the gods who are uncredited co-creators of grandstanding, not the broken pets bleeding out in the gutters. No life is worthless and no life is worth less than another, unless the standard for value is primarily what’s in it for you.