I should think it would be a given how, in this day and age, power and wealth could not possibly be more bluntly interchangeable, and that regardless of marketing by design are they fundamentally self-serving. Neither power or wealth is the result of pursuing good intentions. The comforts of entitlements and privileges stemming from power and wealth simply do not exist without the entrapment, exploitation and extortion of others, with the more power and wealth accumulated leading inexcusably to more persons being bled dry. There is no such earthly thing as a moralistic millionaire, billionaire or trillionaire, their most public acts of philanthropy and political campaign emoluments a mere fraction of the taxes they evade though legally required for all others. Not only do “nice guys finish last” in western civilization, but unless one is abruptly inconsiderate in all concerns, self-centered to the very end, then they will know nothing but struggle in this lifetime. The lesser their reluctance for contrition, the lesser the prosthetic valor they rely upon, the greater the tribulations they will come to know.
When applied to technological advancements, the biggest breakthroughs tend to come from military applications first and foremost, as no endeavor in the history of mankind has generated higher costs than the military industrial complex of the USA. Military apparati functions to inflate the power and wealth of the select few angel investors, from pillaging the livelihoods and resources of others to obliterating them altogether so as to cripple potentially competing claimants to rewards of entitlement and privilege. While sometimes the technical work of entrepreneurial advancements is outsourced to non-governmental organizations, as is the case of companies such as Facebook, Google and Palantir making the lives of the intelligence community simpler through crowd-sourcing DIY authoritarianism; or companies such as Blue Origin, Dynetics, SpaceIL, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and the United Launch Alliance venture of Boeing and Lockheed all developing the East India Tea Company ships of tomorrow, more often the work is manufactured in-house via black budgets, although the ultimate beneficiaries remain the same as the very definition for profit manifestly is that which is not shared.
Of course egocentrics such as Elon Musk are fans of the simulation theory, because as with any other religion, it alleviates personal accountability. And along the lines of police unions, laws are bluntly manipulated to further enable what are essentially modern day fiefdoms, so that state and federal laws applying to lesser egos can be openly forgone in the reprobate conquest towards centralized authority over wealth and power free from democratic oversight or incrimination. Both geopolitical and social issues always come down to egomaniacs rewarding themselves for being at once willing and able to sacrifice humanity, enlivened for doing so by the very same unwashed masses obliged to prioritize the biases, fetishes, quirks and whims of self-appointed celebrities, heads of state and captains of industry above and beyond their own well-being, as though their lives or livelihoods depended on nothing else but the relentless gratification of egos.
And when knowledge of such innovations is made public, generally the Powers That Be are clandestine years ahead onto the next breakthrough, as noted by drones becoming a thing in the 1990s despite the Pentagon constructing experimental versions a solid twenty or thirty years prior, if not earlier. Thus explaining after the fact many UFO sightings of recent decades. Only a few years ago it became public knowledge that WiFi could be used as a manner of radar capable of seeing through brick walls, yet even as this was scientific reality rather than science fiction, many among the public continue to doubt the veracity, as what defines first world nations is a public made susceptible to marketing concisely manufactured for the contradiction of reality. That reality however, is that business interests of the USA government, the Israeli government, the Saudi kingdom, the Russian government or the Chinese government, the nation-states most focused with funding weaponized cyber-technologies, likely had developed that specific tech some years prior. Now we have the news that an AI has been produced capable of utilizing radio waves to discern and manipulate the emotional state of whichever target, conspiracy theories regarding HAARP made real. Whether that specific AI technological curiosity is made possible by the separate news story involving scientists grafting brain cells onto microchips for “unrivaled computing powers” is worth some scrutiny, but the reality remains, that self-enriching authoritarians very likely held these technologies in reach years earlier than the public being made aware. Like they were awaiting domination of a given tech before going public with the information, for fear that competitors may jump the gun and beat them to the punch. Military applications are preemptively exhausted as the regularity proves too far along for the general public to do anything in self-defense.
In recent years, I have been fascinated with the matter of Zero Point Energy drives. According to private communique between longtime DC insider John Podesta and retired astronaut since passed away Edgar Mitchell, data for its development was being shared with scientists of the world by some form of extraterrestrial intelligence, with long decades spent reverse-engineering its reality. If we consider the scarce element known as iridium, found predominately in meteor impact zones the world over, so rare yet possessing even rarer properties such as resistance to arc erosion, as well as resonant and recoil-free emission and absorption of gamma rays by atoms in solid metal samples containing iridium alone thus leading to important contributions to research in physics, chemistry, biochemistry and metallurgy, then my own theory of the Pentagon’s experimental unmanned space plane, the X-37B, actually conducting secret experiments with Zero Point Energy safely away from Earth’s atmosphere explains itself. If alloys devised from iridium may well necessitate the physical mechanics to house Zero Point Energy drives, and when external exposure to iridium can cause burns, radiation poisoning and death, then perhaps exploring the full scope of its capacities can only be done off-world, lest we experience something on par with the worst fears of the Hadron collider brought to light.
When the US Navy, which gave the world DARPA, the internet and a song by the Village People, suddenly unveils patents from a mysterious rockstar of a scientist purporting means with which to engineer the fabric of reality we should bear all of this in mind. I’m no scientist, but “controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transients, in order to generate extremely high energy/high intensity electromagnetic fields” would seem to suggest that science has finally broken Zero Point Energy. And in their willingness to discuss the revelations of these patents now, lies the potentiality that the science has already been utilized in full, and at tremendous cost for the masses while benefiting none from among the masses. What are the chances that these disclosures are not merely occurring as sender of dick pictures Jeff Bezos refocuses his attentions away from the bread and butter of his Amazon business to his Blue Origin endeavor, but as he pursues ores of the blue iridium easily afforded by his hoardings?
And what if, just as the exorbitant nuclear testings of yesteryear instilled all life on Earth animate and inanimate with trace amounts of radioactive carbon 14, exploring Zero Point Energy even at the furthest reaches of geosynchronous orbit, beyond democratic oversight or incrimination, has somehow inextricably narrowed the halflife of sanity ever diminishing worldwide?