There is no passion to luck, and no luck to passion. The imaginary right to kill anything which cannot or will not love us is America’s dream of indulged fantasies jumping all the sharks to the point of no return.
Polarities are never more than competing brands. We know voting was ever a real thing only because we are told so by those servicing power. Social-engineering doesn’t happen overnight or across an administration. This hole takes lifespans to dig but a commercial break to refill. The only thing collectively owned is desperation. When both parties are Capitalist there is no real leftism in politics. And I think it extends beyond, like there is no actual partisanship in pop culture, just people insisting their private gains be prioritized by everyone else. When we demand that what we like be held as superior, we are confessing a lack of faith in what we like. Like how god has a whole day set aside for judgement yet all his followers think he needs their assistance. Conservatism and Liberalism as our great-grandparents knew them probably never existed either. People were objecting to thoughts and feelings other than their very own being granted the mic. If everything wrong with the country of the last few years, the last few decades, is the fault of the other guys, then your guys are either more innefectual, or they are lying to you. Around 25 years ago I had a long, day-long talk with an old homeless guy in NYC, who told me nothing in life is more ostracizing than immunity toward marketing. If the universe laughs at our thoughts and feelings, we should too.
My thoughts and feelings are never your responsibility, they are mine. Your thoughts and feelings are never my responsibility, they are yours. We do not have to love anybody to refrain from being bad people. As long as we are not using or abusing each other, not lying to, cheating or stealing from one another. Your thoughts and feelings are not my priority, they are yours. And my thoughts and feelings are not your priority, they are mine. News networks inform nobody, only fanning preexisting bias in the viewership. Political polarities both want schools to teach only what students are already comfortable with. The virtual socials are DIY safe-spacing. Nobody exposes themselves to shit outside their very own thoughts and feelings.
The privilege we allowed the church to interfere with the rights of others is what opened the door to everyone today seeing it as a personal entitlement, that somehow their own rights are violated when they cannot deny the actual rights of others. And this goes hand in hand with the majority of Americans who prefer killing to rescuing, whether it’s a foreigner or a fetus or a pill-head teen trying to break into your garage at 3am. Fan-fictions that salvation comes without sacrifice mean more than actual life or death. I “both sides” an argument only ever to suggest everybody everywhere is hopelessly reprehensible. But if you can’t find empathy for the people you hate the most in life, then you do not honestly understand the concept. You don’t have to agree on anything to empathize. Old-time Christians understood their 7 deadly sins were not a by degrees thing with only the extremes to be avoided. It was all or nothing, the smallest piece of shit spoiling all of supper. As well the Catholics with counterparts in the 7 holy virtues. Being good isn’t a circumstantial thing, but I have yet to meet anyone in my life who wouldn’t argue special exceptions for themselves or whomever they wanted to be, to befriend or to fuck. Hopelessness and selfishness of the Great Depression never ended, and today everybody’s revival is kept as Prosperity Indoctrinated, every ego higher than kites breathing in the fuming dust-bowl bin of our wasted better angels. A revolution without nationwide lobotomies is just flipping channels. All it takes for evil to prevail is for everyone to look past their own shortcomings. Nobody anywhere thinks they themselves are horrific.
I don’t tell others how they are to refer to me, because I believe nobody has any right to place restrictions on the free speech of others even if culture and society idealize exceptions. Call me anything, then we both are free to explore whichever vocabulary we’re cavorting with. Indulging every dream makes establishing an objective reality to meet with scarce, so we must inform culture and society both by our unique identities, not demand culture or society exist to reaffirm our identities. The world doesn’t serve me or you, we serve the universe by being its components. I think the most basic human right anywhere absolutely must be for each and every last one of us to decide who we are for ourselves, but in response to the universe and not as any authoritative overlay, because reality is interchangeable with nothing. I believe that nobody anywhere holds any right to decide the value of the life of another whether demonizing them as expendable parasites or lifting them up above everyone else. We can set our own standards, not standards for others. We do not actually have to love anybody to make the world run better. But that can be no license to view anyone as inferior or subject to our biases, desires, fetishes, quirks or whims or wishes as they’ve their own. Lessening the free expression or self-determination of others is not how conversations occur. Equality isn’t about sharing in some ideal luxury when that ease depends on the troubles of others. Which can come from language unabridged, but then so too do solutions. Equality is the sharing of burdens, picking up your cross and paddling it back out to sea to look for others drowning, not for others to like and subscribe. Make the efforts to define yourself and what you believe, so that you know what to make of the world, not so the world will know what to make of you.
Because all of us are gone too fast for that to really matter. I’ve roughly half a million words at my site all arguing that no life anywhere warrants fewer resources or opportunities than my own. Up to and including life itself. It is pure ego which justifies otherwise, down to mandating private thoughts/feelings be replicated by others. Just because equality doesn’t genuinely exist in the here and now, doesn’t automatically mean that any superiority does either. But nothing is more un-American than humility, giving what is needed, and nothing more offensive than failure to indulge what is wanted.