Those possessing wings never feel the urge to wear shoes, and those others flying their jet-packs while wearing sandals are certain to lose them. Sometimes, some folks are tenderfoot because they can fly, and learning of their ability to fly meant that their feet rarely would touch the ground again; but more often it’s down to people limiting their experiences of the world below their feet, no flight at all for freedom or elsewhere and only their heads in the clouds to spite it all.
The official narrative from the current Presidential administration concerning antifa, paints the portrait of participants as being an organized terrorist cell so ultra-violent as to be the instigators of force at all gatherings, warring against responsible citizens until lives are lost and cities are left in smoldering ruins and the good lord’s name is taken in vain. Which is sooooo far from the reality of firsthand experiences for millions of people and cities by some tragic misfortune not actually torched to their masonic foundations, that even a propagandist outlet such as VICE can hit most of the heads on the nail as response. One point never considered for clarification in the program, neither by the reporter, his producers or their pill hookups or even antifa participants featured themselves for that matter, was to make the distinction between force and lethal force. That’s never a talking point anywhere by my measure, in this culture where a difference of opinion is taken as a death threat or equated with literal rape.
But that really is the root to the ideological divide there, separating antifa from those angered by antifa. One side can justify killing anybody anywhere, even fellow Americans to the extent of collecting more arms than there are limbs in the nation, while the other side would rather look for alternatives. Alternatives to one less potential friend or potential lover, co-worker or neighbor no matter how vast the chasm to overcome. Lethal force is always the most extreme form of egoism, prioritizing self-interest with a blunt finality, yet even liberals today can find reasoning in conservative efforts to view protecting everybody everywhere as magically a violation of civil or basic human rights by the more obscene stretch of modern imagination. Permitting the means for enacting unnatural demises to occur and to proliferate is not protecting lives. Shields protect lives. And unfortunately violence remains the lone universal language, but any goal can be accomplished while falling short of lethal force, unless of course the goal itself is to murder. The inability to kill is absolutely not unto itself an infringement of any established civil or basic human right. Regardless of what the Constitution says or how it could or should be interpreted, impairing or infringing the civil or basic human rights of others no matter who they are or what they represent is not a right, it doesn’t matter who is preaching for it, and the termination of a life is the apex statement to that end.
Regarding the protests in cities across the country, whether they emphasize antifa or Black Lives Matter or opposition to Trump generally, footage largely shows groups of people for the most part not carrying any sort of firearms. That lack of responsibility falls on the opposition they face in public streets and public parks. Protestors are usually masked up, having adapted the practice even prior to the pandemic over law enforcement’s illicit usage of chemical weapons banned by international law from fields of actual combat. Chemical weapons used against unarmed American citizens on domestic soil, by purported servants of the public trust. Also their fetishists, who are just as trigger-happy to render friendly fire with zealotry should neighbors or co-workers fail to prioritize symbolism of flags or crosses or dollar signs before human life.
With little irony it’s the separate gatherings of those same sorts prioritizing symbolism of flags or crosses or dollar signs above and beyond human life, which serve as super-spreader events perpetuating the coronavirus. The political rallies, the centers of commerce which never should have resisted closure or returned from closure either one, the concerts to praise the most self-serving among the populace like demigods on high, the many heads requiring masquerades of faith and fantasy because this reality where self-interest is such the norm without a second or third thought people lie, cheat and steal at cost to all those around them, is a motherfucking nightmare if ever there was one. Lockdowns have not worked because most in the USA never or only sporadically obliged them, each and every asshole so self-inclined as to be oblivious, believing their own actions to be exceptions to the rules. The majority believe that a few bad cops shouldn’t by default cast all of the police force nationwide in the same lighting, yet without irony share the belief that a few bad protestors does speak volumes for the rest of their own. It’s logic as reversed as accusing mask mandates of endangering lives rather than protecting them. Protecting *everybody* is no violation of any right. Endangering everyone, much less anyone, actually violating their rights, is no right either.
The DoJ sides with the President to the extent that the Attorney General openly uses federal resources from taxes to manpower defending members of the Trump family and their business associates in lawsuits originating from before this administration even began. This is criminality and illegality on full show. If Trump himself were innocent of rape charges then why repeatedly refuse to share DNA samples? If his finances have always been on the straight and narrow, why have his legal teams gone to court obsessively to prevent most records from ever being made public? Democrats cheer themselves for an impeachment leaving the same man in the same office with the same authorities, token victories purely for the theatrics with not one daring a Citizens Arrest, or at least a left-hook at the pile of lard trusting enough constituents would be so thrilled as to crowdfund bail before the blubber stops swaying in response. But with these resources of proper channels in steady and long-armed reach, the FBI and all of domestic law enforcement and hundreds of judges ready, willing and able to sign whatever warrants necessary, to say nothing of the big media eager for the click-bait, through these past years why has no actual evidence grandiose or otherwise been presented to follow through with every Trump rally’s insistence for locking her/him/them up? The only real reason for this is that the two parties are not actually opposed, sharing blame for everything, and conflict with one another only over the bigger side-deals. It’s difficult to announce a particular thing as a vile evil when it’s all over your very own track record. In this month preceding the election, Trump’s biggest concern concerns deals which Biden’s son probably did make years ago with foreign enterprises. Yet his own offspring have made millions through his own White House connection in the more recent years. Trump himself has broken laws to the sum of tens of millions, and has publicly stated he has no qualms accepting aid from foreign entities for the sake of political gains. All of which makes Hunter Biden’s dereliction of virtue a drop in the ocean.
The masses who accept the marketing that said drop of water is somehow worse than the current indulgences are royally asinine and should be ashamed of themselves, but the real gall rests in how the concept of law and order is not only oh so clearly a mass hallucination as laws apply to some but not to others, but that inflammatory charges of anti-establishment conduct can so easily be fired against whichever voices even vaguely dissenting from among the public themselves, guilty not for violating any sense of morality but for objecting to the lack of equality executed by the law. What if, in a rational society, *no* ego ever warrants a statue to their honor, or a street or building or park named for them? If someone doesn’t care to get punched by antifa, then maybe cease and desist with insisting that huge portions of the population deserve fewer civil or basic human rights than the ego-cases you fetish. Maybe stop threatening to kill anyone and everyone not sold on the marketing wot sold you. I’m not defending Hunter or anyone else within spitting distance to a politician past or present failing to follow through. I am pointing out that not one voice among liberals or conservatives is suggesting that he share a prison cell with Trump’s offspring. Which means that not one voice among liberals or conservatives actually takes issue with the existing machinery of governance purposed entirely with profiteering, so much as who gets to be the profiteers. Every single voter encourages them by playing into the fantasy that their own opinions mean anything at all.
Bribery from financial interests both foreign and domestic, withholding federal lands and resources to be sold to the highest bidder, these are neither new or partisan matters, but apparently an easy sale to close nonetheless provided the audience is inside American borders, where reinterpreted constitutional amendments assure a solemn right to profit by the landscape of free market capitalism where regulation has always been synonymous for sacrilege. Founding fathers or not, slave-owners are incapable of ever taking ego into account. For the public, having their own resources habitually tasked with concerns other than their own best interests seems so easy to justify while most of the population quietly endures unemployment and/or homelessness in spite of their own government. I don’t believe that anyone could or should ever have any entitlement or right to profiteering the resources of others, no exceptions with regards to labor, possessions or ideals. And I do not believe that anyone ever under any circumstances has the right to get killed, which would undo the sole foundational threat leveraged by law enforcement and military alike, as well as deservedly cripple the economy rather than enabling the working class to more immediately work themselves to death during a global fucking pandemic. If by the standards of the two political parties both these views cast me as anti-establishment or unpatriotic, so be it.
Maybe the American dream is simply that problems are not actually problems, contrary to all of reality, and especially when there may in fact be any negative self-implications.
Trump has been the single biggest source for false information regarding the coronavirus, yet not only was he never physically removed from office, but most of the country justifies the casualties of their own for the the star-crossed sake of Trump or his office never appearing culpable for anything anywhere. With tens of thousands of documented lies to his credit even before the pandemic he proffers a threat so ingrained that the masses have lost themselves up the folds of his fatty bloat trying to justify his words and actions, while differing opinions preach that a mere vote might ever possibly snuff the capacity for abuses or the permanent damages pushed as parting gifts for having played the game. How people can faithfully rationalize supporting him or his office after so much blatancy to disregard their own lives and livelihoods, is beyond the grasp of adults around the planet. But how his sanctioned opposition can still downplay what he and his followers represent is no less insane, being as they are no more intelligent, no less egocentric than the rest of America itself. It’s condemning the shooter while presuming that anyone else pulling the trigger will result in less fatality, casually forgetting how perhaps nobody ought to be pulling any triggers at all. Logic and reason are every bit as welcome among the population as are the virtues, locked outside the ideologically gated communities like so.
No differently from Trump and regardless of circumstantial persuasions, Americans as individuals absolutely never consider themselves culpable for anything, anywhere, and they sure as shit did not learn it by following his lead. God-blessed American exceptionalism means that national policy whether foreign or domestic can never be in the wrong. Your heartthrob celebrity was misquoted out of context. Your ex was the one with the problems.
It is power which cannot be destroyed, only contained or redirected. Democrats and Republicans are mistaking ego for power and versa vice, in accordance with the bottom fucking line of their entire society. Those who only dream of flight, they lack the experience to know how, were they to fly too low the ocean-spray of the world’s sweat, blood and tears dilutes the wax which glues together the harness of their fancy, while to fly too high the wax their fancy relies upon melts before the emblazoned hotness from the center of their galaxy. I’ve long insisted that susceptibility to advertising is a character flaw, but how gullible is it to believe that self-possessed American negligence happened overnight? The USA had not in actuality been playing a seamlessly unbroken run of Red Rover, Red Rover for 200+ years until suddenly this one particularly overgrown, overstated testicle was able to break on through to the other side of virginal White House antechambers to hasten mutually-assured destruction. The last few years may well have been emblematic of the proverbial suburban parents too distracted by their phones to note the children have played with guns for the last time, but it was always the society they contributed to all the same, where sacrifice is never personal.