Getting to the bottom of yonder aerials anomalous as though time and space ever maintained an interest in being catalogued by insects. Although, lessening the world to familiarity and comfort is the stuff of ungracious cowards. In retrospect, gamergate had failed ethics in pop culture journalism as a dance around nonexistent equality. I played comix journalist and then comix ethicist, concluding pop culture abhors both journalism and ethics, as the core attraction to any fantasy rests in how it liberates enthusiasts from facts or accountability. Not the anti-Capitalist selling a book, the anti-Capitalist who’s never had a credit card in his or her life because real principles are changeless.
If you don’t like how the people who sign your checks put you in an impossible position, stop working towards their benefit. Society’s so stable that anything not conducive to the fantasy is a threat to it. Social-networking is DIY segregation, likewise are news media and schools also forbidden from conveying anything unfamiliar or uncomfortable no differently from gated communities blocking out the mass of reality. It’s frowned upon to communicate without following, but wouldn’t remembering to check in on people without prompts be more emblematic of actually following? Evidently every problem is too big for god. But then, the commonality among authoritarians is how they pick and choose the who, what, when and where for which laws are enforced, while picking and choosing which laws to abide by themselves. Every precinct, every seat of power and centerpiece to every personality cult is a fiefdom free of democratic checks and balances, filling the void with whatever trending variation to blood offerings or civil asset forfeitures. Along with probably serving as the largest domestic traffickers of narcotics and guns themselves being the root to most unsolved murders, cops also being the largest sex-traffickers in the country is why most rape kits go untested for years. Alright writing community let’s see your ransom notes!
Capitalism is a derivative of ego’s willingness to push sacrifices for its own benefit upon others, but still we like and follow persons actively looking to be liked and followed as though ego is born in a vacuum. Like ageism, racism, sexism and militarism, Capitalism is just another method for ego to force others to sacrifice for its own esteem with lesser rights, resources and opportunities. Everyone wants to pardon their own comfort and joy as necessary to survival, but they’re not. And when everybody insists their own perversions be the norm, fantasy becomes hindrance for reality. There’s reasoning bedrooms aren’t inside city hall, it’s no setting for sadism or masochism if it’s to serve its simple purpose managing resources for all to withstand societal collapse. I’m not a know-it-all but a fellow know-nothing, and even I get that no life is worth less than another.
Entertainers by default, whether they can admit it or not, believe we should scrub toilets so that they do not. Anyone insisting that sacrifice is for other people should be kept from power by force.
I guess a two-person flash mob is bare minimum, as a one-person flash mob is just a brand ambassador. Word of mouth tends to be organic, but depending on the general public to be one’s free marketeers is the same mindset signing off on grocery customers performing the functions of the cashier without being employed to do so. IRL, what we like is not a competitive field and what we dislike is not a competitive field, because self-determination is the most basic of human rights. Meaning not one person has any monopolistic authority for their private likes and/or dislikes being mandated for replication by others. Supporting a given thing absolutely does not equate to only ever being positive about it. That’s enabling. We can push and pull one another to broaden our respective horizons, but love and cruelty both achieve their value only when used sparingly. Church, State and Industry all contain built-in workarounds for ignoring that reality. If consumers or acolytes or citizens aren’t deciding their options for themselves then it’s not a free market, and it’s not self-determination, the most pivotal of basic human rights. Boo-hoo I subscribed to marketing and invested in hogwash and it failed miserably to fill any voids or make me whole but succeeded in centralizing control over my livelihood and well-being, boo-fucking-hoo. When you hand over the other end of your leash to a chosen master, they probably will not be leading you to the ice cream shop.
Escapism would be less required if people gave their excess to those with less than themselves rather than to those with more no matter how entertained they leave you. Likewise will the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Boogaloo Bois, Patriot Front, etc never really align, because every ego is the star of its own pocket dimension, believing itself more deserving of entitlement and privilege above the rest. The world will be saved by friendly-fire. COINTELPRO is word salad is mansplaining of course, what’s not explicitly purposed with telling you how much of a goddamn badass you are at all the things as if no other priority may possibly exist. Like how “woke” regards anything with a function other than repeating one’s dreams. There’s no audience when all the world’s a stage. People who don’t give a fuck, do they sell them or just hold onto them? Often, people can’t take no for an answer because they’ve nothing of equal or greater value to exchange. What about barter and trade? Everyone in society still barters and trades, not for goods or services, rather their life. This culture will give anything more value than life itself.
We’re expendable human capital and human shields, purposed solely with being human receptacles for the piss and shit trickling down from the flaky upper crust we carry aloft and saying in unison thank you master may I have another. I honestly became convinced years ago the only reason suicide’s a felony here is because it deprives the system of a worker, consumer and tax-payer and potential soldier. The sadistic powers that be spouting “We’ll fucking tell you when you’ve had enough!” Man I just want to roll around in a muddy field and wonder at the sky for whatever remains of my life, but the miserable end is the only possible conclusion.