Aaron Swartz had the line about this internet doohickey being humanity’s greatest boon and bane all at once, but I think his death chose a side, and I think everybody is in denial about the breadth of theorized benefits.
Maybe who we know as Julian Assange never physically existed but is actually the world’s first AI run amok and covered up. Likewise is Snowden a real Max Headroom, a gaggle of reconstituted atoms on a screen punctuating the importance for consumers to nevermind the bullocks. I feel bad for Assange, even if his gatekeepers of the decade past have grown more rightwing in ideology. He’s a sad story detailing how an ego-maniacal control freak can in fact be capable of so much good, and can in fact be willing and able to give his trust to others no matter how misplaced. But every single President in US history is directly responsible for more bloodshed than Assange or Snowden ever could or ever would. It’s that unwillingness to pardon blood-loss that demonizes them, vessels though they may be. When everyone is talking then everyone is a messenger, so the life we give to all prospects of shooting messengers as rule of thumb wherever it results in comfort or convenience actually ultimately endangers us all. Yet motherfuckers treat solitude like torture. I bet Tower 7 demolished itself because fuck standing strong in this world for very long.
It’s a fart compared to neolib Zuckerberg selling control over user experiences to neocon Mercer’s Cambridge Analytica, amplifying confirmation bias and suppressing reality for news bubbles in support of Romney, Cruz and then Trump, which “liberal” media let fade from discourse. Personally I’d rather write for Rolling Stone than be a social media intern but trajectories do weird things the further into the 4th dimension we get. I’m just glad Hunter will go down for the Halloween fentanyl candy he spirit-cooked to appease Belial, Azazel and Tiamat. Robert Mercer’s public business model via his SCL Group was delivering military-grade psychology through digital ops, explicitly for swaying dozens of elections around the globe across 20+ years, but he’s a billionaire conservative so let’s gloss af. There is no wing of Gitmo for Mercer, and Aaron Banks, Steve Bannon, Nigel Farage and Mark Zuckerberg and everyone else who actually warped the resources and opportunities of millions of others, because courts exist to support them. Hunter is a tater tot. Hey Taibbi, I doubt I.F. Stone would have depended on twitter had he been in his prime today. On that note, I think lady justice stays blindfolded because it takes no vision to abuse the trust of the many. There’s really nothing about the US judicial system’s standards or practices that isn’t insulting, but citizens let it fly because life is just so short.
Plot twist: Hunter’s laptop’s webcam memory contains the original footage of Trump’s piss-tape. Some 30 years ago there was an Alien Nation comic about a rock tour called “It’s not my damn planet, monkey-boy!” and that always comes to mind whenever I read testimonials from followers of paid journos insisting it’s the competing brands who are evil, stupid and traitorous. Hardly the matter when everything’s varying shades of rightwing.
Truth social, gab, minds and parler were all very democratic, unless any voices were unable or unwilling to praise Trump. Wherever you go online, the more you want to be in touch with truth or consequences the more of a minority you make of yourself. The other guys think they’ve suffered the most but also are the best and strongest and deserve the sun, the moon and stars but we say our guys suffered the most but also are the best and strongest and deserve the sun, the moon and stars. The universe enjoys both Laurel and Hardy. Hilarious if Coke and Pepsi publicly treated each other the way Republicans and Democrats do. We’re again reporting Coke to the FDA for spirit-cooking and fake sales receipts! Well Pepsi’s the choice of the next generation you feel doesn’t need to finish puberty for impregnating! Pepsi, how can we be warring on X-mas when we freaking invented Santa Claus? Whatever Coke-tard teaching the world to sing in perfect harmony is part of the zionist conspiracy! Well the Pepsi agenda uses as much aspartame as we do the evil bastards! Clean drinking water: Our research shows most Americans would honestly like to someday have us in their lives, especially as we are not actual poison. Coke and Pepsi bipartisan commission: These Russian trolls are everywhere!
There is not a politician or a pundit in the country I would ever allow inside my home. Reminds me how I used to call my testes Sirhan and Sirhan.