Predictable state of affairs, when anarchists begin realizing that conceptualized allies do not care to challenge the system so much as to become its beneficiaries. It’s the lacking logic of American liberals denying how their “chosen” leader has no earthly intentions of posing a viable threat to the “competition”, just as the competition continues illogically insisting that said leader will indeed pose a threat to their “ideals”. Because there are no combative ideologies to choose from, only the tug ‘o war over who gets to claim the benefits of this system of exploitation, extortion and ego-centrism. Nationalizing the hordes of millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires does nothing to prevent the exploitation and extortion fundamental to accumulating or furthering those resources. They could and should physically eat the rich but everyone everywhere would still need to get used and abused to varying degrees in order to keep the monies flowing about. The shit really doesn’t grow on trees regardless of what gets UBI chowder-heads off.
The liberals and conservatives one and all deny how their own private comfort levels might be playing any part whatsoever in the prolonging and nurturing of the pandemic. Sacrifice is always a matter for others to contend with, the others adhering to different political ideologues, faithful to competing brands or alternate constructs of faith; all of which are every bit as hollow as is love itself. Let the other community deal with your homeless. Allow the other nation to suffer sweatshops for your style. Have the next bastard in line be made to pay the difference. Your beautician somehow deserves to continue their abject uselessness in contributing anything of substance to society outside of appeasing what’s in your cracked rear-view mirror. Businesses have predominately stayed open thus far exclusively due to ego-centrism manically meaning more to the persons paying taxes on behalf of fatter egocentrics than do their own livelihoods in utterly inevitable self-defeat. It makes no sense but it’s what has been the case by and large. We are beginning to see headlines full of shock over prospects of legal limitations to impending holiday gatherings, when a vacation from the family tree is a holiday unto itself for anybody who is able and willing to be frank with themselves, but god fucking forbid Black Friday gets reined in as flies on the wall know the lethal riots which normally occur inside of the stores will then just be relocated outside. And for no better reason but that ego-centrism matters more than others maintaining life. As long as you feel good, when goodness is a far cry more subjective than any evil.
A thing is what it is being all that matters for all those incapable of third dimensions, then there is no cause for fantasy at all, nor duplicity or self-contradictions. Which is the one and only error to the thinking of the late though timely Steve Ditko, the most devout Objectivist ever to pass through American culture. Yet a point pointedly missed by every last one of his critics, themselves preferring fantasy to reality by default in keeping with the hedonism of consumerism generally. What fans still see as his greatest failure was in giving them precisely what they claim to yearn for, absolute prioritization of fiction as metaphysical necessity, but are too ignorant for even that much self-awareness. Because there simply is no logic to support anything to do with this society, or the costumed idiots fulfilling their roles therein with the clothing laid out for them. In that last link, he says that history shows how mankind really is, but that only art can show mankind what it could or should be. I think he was limiting in his experiences of the world to be filling voids like that. The equivalent of declaring the USA the greatest without ever having set foot on foreign soil. And not just nature but the universe truly does abhor a vacuum, so it really doesn’t require authorship assistance from the stagehands. It is presumptuous to think the universe is unable to fill its own voids, requiring our art which at its very best is never a thing itself but imitation or commentary regarding a thing whether dream, event or emotion. But if his idealistic philosophy of identity meant so much, he’d allow it to speak for and execute itself, rather than make 4-color effigies. The comics would have been completely unnecessary, the commercial stuff or his later, vanity works. Alan Moore as well was wrong for his attempts at conjoining magick with the arts, for the same basic reason as Ditko’s fallacy. Magick isn’t about creating anything. If you hit a light switch you are accessing that electricity, not inventing it. We are funnels, not bowls and not the ovens. The world does not start with us and it does not end with us, neither collectively or individually. Egos are always in the wrong regardless their appealing soothes said. The call for appeasement is in the wrong, and fulfilling that call is in the wrong. He can cast grand designs unparalleled in fictional matters, making puzzles of fancy, but imagine if that consideration and resource had instead been applied towards redefining the churches and banks and governmental offices of the waking world. Both were reaching to pardon their own ego, instilling fantasy with a harmful gravitas for the sake of readers eager to never self-reflect. Their devout love for the medium unnerves the biggest fans, that’s possibly the closest any of them comes to self-reflection. Neither sub-cultural patriarch was denigrating their mediums of choice when none loved it more. And, Ditko and Moore, both working with diverse styles in diverse genres, also similarly were ascribing broader ideals to personal perspective, their personal perspectives identifiable as their own and thus applicable only to themselves. Nonsense fails to be constructive the moment anything is required from others, whether a financial cost, or something else. The only trickle-downs are golden showers and mud-baths, as shit flows downhill. Only on paper does self-government amount to wiping one’s own.
If you demand an audience yet you’re not resolving their problems or giving them visceral tools for solving their problems themselves, but in fact enabling them to avoid solving their problems with products and services which have jack to do with their problems or their livelihoods, what exactly are you good for? Aesop’s approach on the other hand was closer to the higher truth, for his gift of ascribing individual perspective to broader ideals, seeing forests for their trees. A dramatic connection missed by those cruel persons selling his words. This applies to storytelling, but it also applies to holding any power to account, and it applies to our own smaller interactions. Care about k-pop, a new superhero flick or the NFL or streaming games or an intangible pronoun while your government is physically ending people, and you present a self-centered piece of work. Societal ills continue because the rules and laws set in place by persons afforded resources entertain a plethora of exceptions, excuses and exemptions, rendering said rules and laws meaningless, weightless. Why would anybody care to replicate that in what they themselves ever might say or do? Because orgasm is kinder than exhaustion?
What anybody wants has no weight unto itself, but suffocates to the Nth all the same, because at day’s end the peoples of this society and its culture are cupcake cunts ashamed by their own vacuousness, depressed and angry over not being the center of attention themselves while unironically giving their all wasting as few moments of their lives as possible making life any better for anybody but the most selfish among us. I’m talking to you you little nitwit twat. Entertainment is the avoidance of problem-solving, but that’s alright because you were informed to extremely deserve it with the rest of time and space on a silver platter to be carried to you and only you by lithe and lissome supporting characters. Meanwhile the bloated assholes you emulate with every fibre of your being have bunkers to shield their guilty consciences, for nothing may interfere with the unbridled ego. You want to play a part in this world? You sick shit.