Since nobody demanded it, shazam!
Tag Archives: sex
When The Official Story IS Propaganda
13-Jan-19Public Obscurity
10-Jan-19Transparency from the government should be desirable for more than just those perverts who dig geriatric nudity.
Clarifying Gainful Unemployability
06-Jan-19Journalisming til the cows come home to roost.
Army of One Versus The Lone Gunman
05-Jan-19Next verse same as the first.
By surviving without killing others am I greater than any soldier.
Labor Organizer for The Maternity Ward
04-Jan-19Legalities favor sadists.
I want no part of it.
Insatiable Cryptid Buggery
27-Dec-18Challengers of the unknown sexual limits of cryptozoology.
Neither Forgive or Forget
25-Dec-18The best offense is a good self-defense, and the best defense is hermitage.
Taking a Break From Mopping
23-Dec-18More like Jesus and Mary Jane.
Closed til further notice and quite beyond.
The League of Aquatic Zeroes
04-Dec-18And wet t-shirts were the last things they saw.
You Are Not Your D&D Character
29-Nov-18My gender pronoun is DESTROYER OF WORLDS and anyone not obliging is committing a hate crime.
The Twenty-Third Alternative
28-Nov-18Helping can be both good and evil, just as hurting can be both good and evil.
e-Jesus gonna be here soon.
Customer Service Martyrdom
24-Nov-18Fighting Christians with Christianity.
Broke But Never Broken
24-Nov-18A truly satisfied customer is a dead one.
21-Nov-18Turn on, tune in and drop out! Power to the people!
Inauthentic Interconnectivity
18-Nov-18“If you’ll step in one moment, Dear, you shall behold yourself.”
Body and Mind, Soulless as You Wish
13-Nov-18That winged angel has a boob-tube for a head!
More Important Than Hollywood Scandals
12-Nov-18Freedom’s just another word, told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
10-Nov-18Cthylla, my love, I am become Caliban.
This Zombified Living Tribunal
09-Nov-18The trick is you have to save yourself, but without killing anybody in the doing.