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Tag Archives: sex

four-colour’d horsemen of the apocalypse get free parking



all hope is false hope


If strength shared is not a strength depleted, there is no sacrifice.

good free of audience and award is the reprieve from ego and evil


I have never welcomed blame or credit for the actions of others, so of course I can be no patriot.

the sorrow division


After a point, life is nothing but deterioration, and I’m dandy about that.




buffalo stance not superhero landing pose


Voting to swap out the Republican and Democrat candidates for USA Presidency with the stranded astronauts.

not a eulogy for Simone Weil


Wondering if my insomnia is down to some urge to not miss the chance to kiss a falling nuke.

mechanical electuary


Democracy does not die in dankness, in fact all that is good is born there, from the quiet desperation to come of maintaining the ruse that Democracy was ever a thing to begin with.

the expletive


The love people expect from the world around them they never quite have themselves for anyone else; in that the most obvious come-across about supremacists is their wanting to be led. They need others to tell them they are superior, just as egoists need be appraised of their impeccable taste whilst it is goddamn harvest season..

No place to know, no place to speak


Family means nothing, nothing at all.

ignis fatuus


I would fight for anyone anywhere to stay alive, so as to not free them from experiencing every nightmare to come of what they supported with their lifeblood.

preposterous intransigent


Persons more willing to have strangers die than have them fed or housed, this cannot be dismissed as some quirk of civilization.

voices carry


Esoteric was the original no additives.

death-defying ego-tripping


No life is saved by you receiving oral sex.

an id, an ego and a superego walk in to a bar


Those who forget the Alamo are doomed to repeat it.

insubordinate for whom


Worth is to be nobody’s human capital.



The zillionth Éminence grise to align the I Ching’s hexagram 23 of destroying the couch or uprooting foundation with the devil’s non serviam, and Meister Eckhart’s to be full of things is to be empty of god and to be empty of things is to be full of god.

dark life of the soul


If the Israeli government is now saying that the ICC holds no authority, will Netanyahu be granting clemency to all the Nazi war criminals tried at the Hague?

My Sean-nós


The Earth won’t die were all the money to vanish, but were the Earth to vanish all the money would be good for nothing.

come-all-ye’s of joie de vivre


Again, I am available for bat mitzvahs.

archconservatives of paradox


Nothing gets Americans madder than being as unwelcome as other Americans.

why politics or religion never manifest do-gooders


To deny your capacity for bad decisions is to declare that the people, places and things which influence you are incapable of fault; but if the people, places and things which influence you were incapable of fault they’d have no requirements of your support.

Bleating Union Jackdaws


What maliciousness manifests from my proposing that no ego ever get fed? Exactly which lives would be made worse by such a changing?