It’s the loneliest number since the number one.
Tag Archives: sex
Two Can Be as Bad as One
04-Oct-18There is no rule of law in the USA, and the proof is everywhere but the Romanesque orgy.
30-Sep-18Meet me halfway on the plank.
Comics Gated Community
21-Sep-18Comic book enthusiasts are a superstitious, cowardly lot.
Fans of Tom Waits are assholes.
Citizen journo trumps Drudge.
Everything you know is wrong!
The economy is so great my street’s maintenance man just hung himself last Friday.
The Modern Conundrum of Missing Shoes
10-Sep-18Slim Shady majorly overestimated his consumers. “Go back to rhyming about killing women!” they scream, through teeth displaying the many colors from the wide range of prescription pain killers available on the free market.
Hands Of Gory Glories
Destroy America! Destroy America!
08-Sep-18“They must be serious, they said it twice.”
Censorship Applies to More Than Ideas
04-Sep-18Fear of words is an amazing thing to behold.
Kicking Matt Drudge in the Balzac
03-Sep-18A tale of lamb-chops and pork-chops.
Centuriae Cursus Honorum
31-Aug-18A hundred times the character.
State Workers Kill Homeless Woman
31-Aug-18Arguments with invisible friends.
Up your rabbit hole, Big Tech.
Open My Eyes So That I Might Breathe
27-Aug-18The finite truth concerning the Facebook echelon.
The epic struggle between wooden teeth and gold teeth rages on.
When gonzo citizen journalism makes a valid fucking point.
écrasez l’infâme
17-Aug-18Just another word for nothing left to lose.
All programming has the same sponsors.
Godlike, The Vagrants and Paupers
04-Aug-18What I got you gotta give it to your mamma.
Eminent Domain Applies To More Than Land
03-Aug-18When the hired help perversely gets all uppity about its station in life.