When pulling a Gunn in a crowded house don’t dream it’s over.
Tag Archives: sex
This Lacking Mythology Of You and Yours
22-Jul-18But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.
Predictive Rebelling
19-Jul-18Nothing is more predictable than greed.
“Sell Your Cloak and Buy A Sword”
16-Jul-18Fulfilling the prophecy not yet created.
War-cry me a river, recorded history of past millennia.
Neither Time Or Place For Slum-Boogie
12-Jul-18Get down on those fancy graves.
Face True, Front Believers!
07-Jul-18I am Rex Graine.
The Age of The Cyclops
04-Jul-18Aesop walks into a bar.
The Devil’s Piss
03-Jul-18Bardstown is full of the worst people.
Ode to a Fucking Toaster
03-Jul-18Virtues are counter-culture. Up is back and to the left.
Faute de mieux
26-Jun-18Forgiveness is enabling.
23-Jun-18Lefty Anti-Capitalism, Know Thyself.
Lightning vs Thunder
15-Jun-18To impose an unfinished sentence is a captivity of thought.
Digital Coprophilia
05-Jun-18Playing “follow the leader” invariably leads to a BDSM dungeon.
The Duplicity Of All Things Israel
01-Jun-18Israelis, revolt!
Ripping off major conglomerates is actually good.
The prevalence of drugs is itself all the more cause to question their existence.
I don’t love you.
Left at The Altar
30-Apr-18Fingering the corpse of empathy.
The Prom Kings Union
03-Mar-18Living symbols are better off dead.
Physical Education
19-Feb-18The United States of America, the short bus of peacekeeping nations.
An embarrassing number believe in a right to infringe upon the rights of others.
Fighting the power has jack to do with petitions.