Serving and protecting themselves while indulging the masturbatory fantasy that gun-owners save lives.
Tag Archives: sex
fiefdoms of sadomasochists
17-Feb-24Apologies to Col. Ignatius Rake
16-Feb-24Oncet I had a gift, and, mistaking it for love I gave it away.
the mourning after valentine’s
15-Feb-24Shoe-gazing means they’re not staring at your tits so they must be proper gents then.
Death is inescapable, the real wonder is why the wait.
note for the Texas governor
24-Jan-24In this nation of scarecrows, effigies of thinking, feeling beings, when and where it is to be experienced that nihilism is the absence of codependency is when and where no ego finds shelter..
deconsecrated church, state and industry
01-Dec-23Say what you will about nihilists, by definition nonetheless do they lack your co-dependencies.
Reternity and the odour of sanctity
19-Nov-23Maybe, doing good means not turning away from the miseries of others, rather than not turning away from the masturbatory fantasies of others.
introspection inured to ingathering
10-Nov-23The measure of a fantasy’s appeal lay in its ability to effectively produce reasoning for avoiding a life of any real consequence.
scathe or scruple
04-Nov-23Abandoning others to a fate worse than our own is not what good people do.
Just like the early industrialists of America going their own way, the Maine serial killer would have unrealized dreams without the loses of others.
Tu stultus es
18-Oct-23Resistance may well be futile, but not as futile as overcompensating for one’s station in life.
13-Oct-23I have endured thus far without your consideration, so why should you require mine for any purpose?
WildO.A.T.s – Overt Action Teams
16-Sep-23Sowing and reaping and sowing and reaping and sowing
requiescat and doggerel
18-Aug-23Independence, maturity and self-reliance all mean no compulsion to issue rape threats over inadequate entertainment.
the deuteragonist
02-Aug-23Scribbling a nightmare from 23 minutes back.
Neither making friends or influencing people.
bomb pulse anamorphosis
22-Jul-23Maybe heroism is just the realization that every prelude to the abyss ends with the abyss.
Time dilation of the pusillanimous
11-Jul-23All the esteem in the world is worth less than a meal.
Pansies require escapism.
commandeering your imagination
22-Jun-23Like a sweet nothing whispered into your ear.
Beating Kids Til They’re Red and Blue
21-Jun-23For permitting thousands of children to be fucked every year, the status quo itself could and should get fucked.
19-Jun-23The legend of BUSTY CRUNKERS.
comment to a political blog
11-Jun-23Crimson Diamond is the NSA file explaining the futility in blackmailing me for my browser history.