The common law marriage between ignorance and arrogance is open enough for everybody. Narrowed options always means someone’s taking liberties. And if you’re not opposed to power then it already owns your sorry ass. Objecting to life and liberty being rendered valueless is always a different matter from attacking to devalue the life and liberty of others. There is nothing virtuous about mental leaps justifying for anybody anywhere to have less rights, resources or opportunities than oneself. If you’re cool with others having less you are not a good person and most gods take great offense toward competition for their ego. Anyone selling the myth that helping others means seeking out authority over them is selling out their own humanity. Running offense for the most selfish among us is not at all serving the public trust, it’s abusing it in every sense. The only interest any of these people have in you is what you can give them, when chances are they’d survive just fine without.
If more folks could entertain the notion that they are not the slightest bit special by any stretch of the imagination, much of the assorted fighting in our communities would vanish mighty fast. Problems come about because we give all our love and support to the people, places and things that could endure without, rather than those which would not. There’s saints in your family tree or on your bloc who deserve your esteem far more than any entertainer or entrepreneur. If immigrants, migrants and refugees smeared feces on the walls of Capitol Hill mayhaps then conservatives and centrists would support them, but foreigners were likely raised better than that or they wouldn’t be so needed to clean after the ignorant.
A pet peeve of mine regarding online stuff, is how so many are so quick to presume that their opinions are maintained by any majority, while unironically also believing that society’s fucked because too many are too different from themselves. Like, the subsets most insistent on being superior also tend to view themselves as the most subjugated, while in practice they are always a far cry from either. I turned down so many invitations to pitch stories because nobody actually needs blame or credit for what I may ever say. I’ve known all my life I’ll die alone and penniless, yet still I lack the insecurities of anybody’s idol. It’s difficult to be let down when you never gamble on trust. Americans hate Americans so much, we reserve hero-worship for persons most inclined to overwork as many of us as possible, underpay as many of us as possible and overcharge as many of us as possible. We measure patriotism and define heroism by one’s willingness to be the cause for suffering.
Israel’s new rerun of an administration weakening their courts makes some sense when it allowed for the first malware to result in human fatalities, the claiming of Syrian land and bulldozing hundreds of Palestinian homes without warning, but an enabled Bibi thinks it was restrictive. Help help we’ve nuclear munitions and a space program but the billions that foreign governments gift us annually leaves us powerless before nations affording neither and who also by happenstance won’t give us their oil rights or buy our software. Personally, I don’t see others having the same rights, resources and opportunities as myself as presenting a threat to myself, because I am strangely not a first world nation unto myself. Not for lack of trying. All of my neighbors still refuse to love me more than themselves though.
Either your own ego causes the problems you face in life, or it’s your gullibility for the egos of others. The people you hate the most never have that ultimate power over your fate. They only have what power you allow them. The post-election mobs in Brazil are endangering and possibly ruining their own lives for the sake of one prick’s esteem. Bolsonaro finding his half-ton emotional support animal in Trump’s company, a love flagrantly opening windows of opportunity to defenestrate most every check and balance the UN purports. Summoning a shitstorm and pointedly removing himself from harm’s way, to watch via TV screens all who love him destroy what they depend on. Birds of a feather fucking right off together. Recognize how cowardly are the ones most eager to claim our life and our death for their own. Nobody actually has to enlist in any personality cult. Every celebrity could fuck off to fast food jobs and the world would survive quite famously. Maybe the only people we should feel obligated to carry aloft are those who cannot get to where we’re going alone. So many people fight tooth and nail to declare the brands they love the most are worth every arrogance of the entertainers, the politicos, the entrepreneurs. But the act of needing to follow reveals them all to be something other than independent. How the fuck can one feel superior about anything if not independent? Anybody with more time than you or more resources than you, does not need yours. That’s why they have more, because of gullible tits giving it away.
The influencers have nothing meaningful to say, the captains of industry are successful only at mooching and all the world leaders are the loudest crybabies among us. A crisp breeze is anti-establishment. To accept the assurance of any person, place or thing is to not observe it closely enough, everyone masturbating in the chaos. Absolutely pathetic that someone such as myself could or should ever be the voice of reason. Never having a horse in any race means I can communicate with anyone but everyone assumes sharing enemies makes me a friend or ally. It takes tremendous effort to be immune toward entrapment or exploitation or extortion, it helps having nothing. Real maintenance has jack to do with fixing anything, it’s all about maintaining things so they never need repairing. People, places and things. Time being the one and only investment with results. Over half a million words in essays at my website and not once do I argue anybody anywhere deserves more than anyone else. But I argue none deserve less, and keeping with that I have never and will never justify the death of anybody anywhere. In all my meager decades of life experience and research I’ve yet to find a political or religious ideology free of exceptions to those principles or convictions I hold. So I’ve no love or support to share with any political or religious ideology, as their victims know the need. Having no price doesn’t make one without value, it means there’s no receipts to dread.