But if they let go the greatest star for it how can there be another greatest star for it when that greatest star for it was the greatest star for it since the previous greatest star for it imma buy tix but begrudgingly cause I make up my own oh wow commercial teaser trailers. But the last time they rebooted they promised they fucking promised all my dreams would come true and all my voids would be filled so how can they reboot it when I’m still waiting for the other to fill my dreams and make my voids come true wait what. Why don’t reboots come with refunds for the one before? If it was the perfected thing set in stone then why try again? When will Hollywood have made enough? Never. But this time this commercial says this is the thing and being born 5 seconds ago audiences are thrilled for it all to finally end, every time.
For all anyone knows DC just couldn’t justify the amount of money Henry Cavill was asking for. He didn’t die for anyone’s sins and nobody forced him to leave the last time. Celebrities thrive on egomania, and entertainers strive to portray it as anything else. Billions of options. James Gunn could recast every character in every DC film and TV project with his brother in a motion-capture suit, and commercial media will still apply zilch effort toward getting Palestine’s side of the story regarding Israel because I SEE THE FNORDS.
Justice League Danny the Street, featuring Heckler, Despair of the Endless and the Plaid Lad. The original writer never explicitly said drawing for DC was out of the question, and my stoned cat has a script that’d OMAC the Fourth World outta Major Wheeler-Nicholson’s identity crisis. Ya see, when Sandman reaches the World’s End story just have your people shoehorn an update for the rest of the concurrent Zero Hour event across film/TV properties in development or production, reboots ranging from gentle to heavy fabrics to oh shit this is a tesla subsidiary. The TV live-action stuff is shit but maybe say the Lazarus Pit doesn’t heal, rather it’s a portal to parallel realities so there were multiversal crossovers already in effect, though if the other guys copyrighted the term just marry Warren’s Bleed to Grant’s Hypertime. So everything happened but fans can mix and match the specifics of multimedia content into a personalized canon that best suits their private interests because maintaining any continuity has required all kinds of inadvertent fan-fictions to justify this and that and the other. But Superman as a violence is a last resort cub scout, friend-to-all is fucking law. I will be happy to backseat drive all of this provided the boys upstairs issue a public apology for having anything ever to do with Mnuchin. It’s that easy. But PS, instead of a Talking Dead-style hub to keep everyone on the same page generally and in the same gutters between frames specifically… PG Porn the Plastic Man, chatting up the stars who are getting so hot and bothered by their work, they need a New 52 shades of something and sidenote but I think every creative industry is stagnating when the people at large are increasingly at liberty to fan-fic reality itself, and in real-time.
If DC and Gunn go through with all of this, I’d prefer to have my work credited under the pseudonym “Alan Moore” which I just made up. Reviewers won’t notice. If they’re not objectively evaluating the merits to a work, its elements and components, then they are presuming the publisher doesn’t already have adcopy for it. Creatives want to have their context covered and subtext appreciated, their weeks of work to rate more than mere syllables. And as much as reviewers like to see themselves as flavor-makers, when it’s all they see they can’t mind the foreplay to get there. Fans think and feel they see hearts and minds of the creators though. It’s an old story for reviewers to think reviewing is just coughing out a summary of what they read, flavored with compliments toward the writer or artist or publisher to assure themselves a career across the fence. Fucked up bit is how often that actually comes to pass. Comic reviewers don’t usually know how to write a negative review or objective review, but more recent years offer the added issue that should each and every detail not match their personal dreams then the entire thing is somehow less than what it could or should be, thereby saving themselves the trouble of scrutiny altogether. Gonzo journalism is about becoming part of a story, like non-fictional meta-fiction, but reviewers seem to think their personal opinion matters more to readers than the subject, as if readers are otherwise helpless to know how to think or feel for themselves. And usually they are.
Everyone has an opinion though, that’s what we’re told. But anyone with a heart or mind to could find better things to talk about than what everyone else is talking about. What bits of your life fed your causes and effects. Perspective is rarer and more valuable than opinion. It’s the non-fictional which moves the world. Why be OCD about human-centipeding Joseph Campbell when the next shit will be recycled right back?