Really basic logic- nobody obtains wealth or power or authority from giving, but by taking. Doesn’t matter if it’s the seating chart at the family supper table or Geo-politics. All those born are born with ego, and so all pursue the avoidance of self-sacrifice while demanding it more of others, and those who achieve the most are those who make themselves more willing to actually make sacrifices of others. Allowing others to face death and beyond for the pursuit of one’s own creature comforts is the birthplace of problems just as the other end of that spectrum, demanding others face death on behalf of one’s own unabridged ambition and self-entitlement. The fortune of short-cuts is just airy marketing strategy, as with the lottery itself- you gotta play to win, even as resource disappears and values get so concentrated they seem to vanish from the world, too. The big counter-cultural revolutionaries and artistes of the 1960s thought they could drug their way to transcendental awareness, but without every step on that journey they went nowhere.
Judging words in accordance with their related action and inaction, this country’s populace, like the current Democrat party, are predominately, essentially rightwing whether they face it or not. Democrat politicians and pundits cast themselves as simply the lazier of self-inclined competing for the biggest slice of pie, noses stuck to the heavens with demands, until met with the slightest opposition, from which they buckle and fold emphatically although with egos surprisingly free from deflation. Actual leftism is spurned with bipartisan and public support, just as the most giving faces I ever encountered were known only to be mocked. All fools on all hills to prehistory and back reach the conclusion that the only obligation in life regardless the life, is to help others stay alive; and those who stand against that by words or by deeds are neither sharing or contributing to anything beyond their favorite ego’s gratification. Nothing else matters, nothing else is so real, than what you yourself allow to pass.
Consider how quite contrarily to that are the imaginary claims by the US state department for the Panama Canal, and Greenland’s pwning. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s. (Exodus 20:17) Whether PG or NC-17 about wearing their rightwing hearts on their raised sleeve, Christian Conservatives and Christian Nationalists cannot justify breaking their very own tenth commandment without also disregarding the first, which the faithful will recall without looking up. Of course every dogma and symbology is a workaround for personal responsibility, but you don’t have to embrace it or cower behind it either one. You could not play into the fantasy at all, no fantasies, because people need a hand more than you need to feel alright about your choices to not lend one.
But then, if any industry ever actually filled voids, it’d find no cause for continuation of production.