In accordance with this bipartisan government of the crank magnetism, by the crank magnetism and for the crank magnetism, the plenitude of inconsiderate farmers destroying their crops and killing their livestock over regional supply chains breaking down amidst a global pandemic, these business-owners deserve to have their properties burned to the ground.
Judging by their own public actions they would rather go without the good word of mouth from helping those in need who could well remember the kindness should times change, than to go without finding momentary profit. What they choose to destroy would save lives, yet their own arrogance somehow matters more despite the blunt fact of those lives lost presenting fewer customers down the road. Their convictions scream that the consumers who their trade categorically depends on do not in fact set the values for what they themselves require, which is the exact opposite of supply meeting demand. If paying bills is more important than prolonging life, what are bills paid for?
It’s the same pathology to assert that debtors’ prisons make any degree of sense, this inhumane insistence that finances must carry more weight than either supply or demand, when history surely has at least 2 or 3 fine examples of capital simply not existing without coattails of supply or demand to thumb a ride on.