Everybody endlessly encounters persons with fewer resources than themselves, and by extension lesser opportunities. And societal problems fester and grow explicitly through the immoral leniency the public both collectively and individually grant themselves, from taking any personal responsibility for that. When the pilfered hoards and inherited hoards of resources and opportunities declare nothing but the most selfish among us as categorically being the least likely to help anybody, it proves no less foolish to believe that assistance might ever trickle down from above as it is to believe that problems resolve themselves like clockwork. You keep reaching down until there’s nobody left knowing even fewer resources or opportunities than your own, or you are not a good person. Keeping your head down and staying out of trouble, and refraining from actively raping or murdering, that does not constitute a good person, not outside of such a person living solo on an otherwise deserted isle in the middle of nowhere. Living in a collective makes one a component of said collective, always either helping or hurting the whole as independence simply does not exist within bucket brigades or chain gangs for purposes of private wish-fulfillment. Rather than fret about what anyone anywhere thinks or feels in regards to anything imaginable, ourselves especially, worry for those whose life hangs in no balance liberating enough for time and space to spare thoughts or feelings either one.
Wherever I am, I choose to exist where there is nothing meant for me. Because I myself am so far from good, I am welcome nowhere. Never in my years have I ever felt at home anywhere, as by taking none of the considerations given to the people and world around me, I have robbed myself of that most basic of resource or opportunity. By words or by actions or by presence, going where I am unwanted humbly lands me where I am needed, for I have experienced begrudgingly across this lifetime how I am only good when I am helping to safeguard a manageable reality for the experiences of all those around me. If I wanted to flatter or to be flattered I’d have founded resource for my opportunities and opportunity for my resources. Instead of compensating for neglect I’d have lionized it. Instead of repairing or cleaning the mistakes of others I’d have portrayed the faults and fallacies as hallmark of genius. Instead of giving food away I’d have kept it til rot for the amusement of imaginary acquaintances. The finest, the bravest and the strongest and most honest people I have ever known stockpiled no riches but losses. The one and only thing the good person shares is the burden of others.
Autonomy must stop when any life is on the line, and only then.
Across the greatest pond, there is an agency called Trinity House. It was begat by King Henry VIII, uniting the various lighthouses which surrounded the British isles. And it exists to this day, although with most of its sites now automated and/or having reverted to historical museums and curiosities. I always saw fictional potential there for an ulterior design, perhaps following the death of their faerie queen Gloriana, a ringed mystical network of listening stations to safeguard their borders from the many horrific and dire things beyond their points in space and time, in an otherworldly projecting of what the East India Tea Co. was set to do with megalithic resources and opportunities across the known world on behalf of the crown protected ultimately by said Trinity House. And maybe in this modern era, MI:13 or the like maintains these locations still, to observe and to obfuscate colonizing breaches from beyond space or time by horrific and dire threats of unknowable quandary. Nuts to all of that. Each and every last one of us could be a beacon however, an interpersonal lighthouse seeking not an audience but lost causes as the finer fiction no matter where or when we exist. Learn from my mistakes, let me accept the costs and you the value to whatever improbable sacrifice I take on for your best interests, but allow me to invest in no foolishness no matter how anti-establishment that way leads, and I can in return help further people without fighting for my own life in the doing. If only we choose where we direct our attentions, rather than where we defer, we could light safe harbor for strangers with our energies and faculties, and not reserve all spotlights for the show.