The more irresponsible the masses, the less room they have to argue.
This whole bit where a person cannot be taken seriously on a given thing unless trying to get money from it needs to end. Language and ideas with context and subtext actually do exist outside of advertising someone or something’s own esteem as anything but. Children like and dislike stuff, adults should be capable of defining their place in the world around them with a little more depth than that.
What if…short of stopping people bent on actual lethal harm no such earthly right or authority or privilege exists for anybody anywhere to mandate what others may like or dislike? Drive as recklessly as you want provided you accept the consequences if any, but you cannot drive the other vehicles on the freeway as well, as they have their own drivers cursed with their own biases, desires, fetishes, quirks, whims and wishes.
AA has an adage, about how the only way to look up is when you’re down and out, which I always took as a bastardized variant to the Wilde quote about all of us lying in the gutters and only some of us seeing the stars. But Americans biting the curb look up with hopeful admiration to the voices nonchalantly raising heel to finitely decide their life and liberty and freedom of choice. Government says job numbers are great because they turn down most unemployment claims. Like Trump booting millions of households off SNAP without warning or explanation, just so he could brag fewer were getting food stamps. We only helped 3 people so everyone must be fine. Helpless idiots look to government for solutions while governmental business interests are directly responsible for each and every societal ill outside our own egos. If you fucked off a tenth as much as your favorite politician you’d be on the streets begging even more than you do.
Upstanding citizens turn a blind eye to all the wrongs wrought by the highfalutin recipients of their affections, but being relegated to the lowly muck and mire those who do the most good survived it themselves. Sacrificing for higher powers be they god or country or our favorite ego causes problems from personal to worldly, and failure to sacrifice will meet with every hell on Earth they’re empowered to give. Sacrificing for those with lesser power than ourselves unmakes that hell. The most celebrated of angels were merely following orders, whereas any demon recognizes no vista as beautiful as the sun’s setting would be founded by coloring within imaginary lines.
It’s not the physical survival of self requiring more than breaking even, it’s the survival of ego which by total happenstance manifests heartache for ourselves and all we come into contact with when not getting itself rightly stroked. Pain from what we allow in our lives has us convinced that being disconnected means set adrift, whenever and wherever it amounts to standing unaided.