The time I spent in this past year staring into space could otherwise have indulged 23,000 fantasies of others, but in the 5 years leading up to that everyone I’ve ever known preferred indulging their own to helping save a life. I imagine they all take themselves for good. If you give more time to entertainment than to the deity of your choosing, you are worshiping your ego and not the ego underlining your theology. A culture shared but for profit is not a culture, it’s a vice. And a culture which isn’t shared is no culture but a psychopathy. Same goes for enacting a cost to thoughts and feelings, inherently without value outside our respective gourds. Survival doesn’t depend on others having less resources or opportunities than what comforts you. Sharing in a functioning society doesn’t actually require cruelty *or* love, just ethics, and only fascists, capitalists, divas and demagogues and egomaniacs say otherwise no matter the personality cult centerpieces at play. When nobody is more susceptible to fears than are gun-owners, then none are more cowardly. So guns tend to be directed more towards those doubting the fantasy, that towards actual threats.
As with guns, no life is literally saved by art. Artists believe themselves too good to scrub toilets and insist others regard them with the same entitled feeling. There’s some neat shit manufactured but have you seen the universe. Fictions are by and for persons sold on the notion that all of creation doesn’t adequately serve them without copyedits.
It’s never about liking and subscribing, it’s about letting go, letting go of all of it. Giving in to ego causes all problems and denying ego prevents and solves them. Others need food more than you deserve toys; insisting to the contrary makes you a bad person. Finding entertainment for yourself while others suffer and die makes you a bad person. But living for entertainment means surviving for nothing. For Christians, the 7 deadly sins amount to allowing ego to have its way, and counterparts in the 7 holy virtues amount to stopping ego in its tracks. So the concept of any supremacy, especially Christian supremacists with burning crosses and the like, is blatantly satanic, were they self-aware. The biblical satan wasn’t drawn to the lepers, whores and thieves. It wanted to tarnish what’s most pure and graceful. The things you find most appealing, products and services and personalities, are more intriguing to satan than are the things you dislike. Jesus literally said for one to see the treasures of heaven they first had to sell their possessions and give the money to those whose sustenance is jeopardized. Everything you desire in this life, you have to part with, and no prosperity indoctrinated twat gets that regardless of purported convictions. Even without fairy tales, the world is a dumpster fire explicitly because all peoples would rather indulge escapism from problem-solving. Of course you are too insignificant to fix all that ails society outside your comfort levels, and nothing prevents you from trying but ego. But if more persons reapplied the time and resource given toward games and sports and streaming services away to those with real concerns, the world might last a moment more. There’s bigger problems than what you think and feel about yourself, no matter who the fuck you are.
There’s not a person on the planet I believe should die unnaturally, but my life spent compensating for everyone around me has left me with the impression every last one of you is a useless cunt all the same.
All those dreaming of heaven on Earth, becoming rich and/or famous reveal their codependency. And all those justifying having more resources and opportunities than others, than any other, are who cause every problem in this life, for themselves and everyone else. No problem arrives from denying ego, your own particularly. The promises of Church and State and Industry are masquerades to deflect from that and nothing more. Heaven and Hell are only some of the world’s first popular fictions, not verifiable matters awaiting anyone whether they feel they have it coming or not. It is our responsibility to sort out salvation and damnation in the here and now, not accept bribes of momentary ease. I doubt simulation theory for the same reason I doubt any afterlife, they remove all meaning from the here and now. But this is it. You could bring heaven for those with nothing, hell for those entitling themselves to it all. But everybody would rather be a captive audience.
Maybe the biggest fantasy indulged is of powerlessness, everyone voting and praying for daddy to make all the problems you create and all the problems you allow to all just go away so you can finish frigging to your cartoons in peace.