Convictions only reaching for comforts or enrichments are cowardice even were society not brimming with recreants. Misidentifying any entitlement, luxury or privilege as personal necessity is what defines the coward, all matters unfamiliar or uncomfortable predictably breaching their standards for terror. Engaging entitlements, luxuries and privileges beneath guises of serving some greater purpose is detestable horse-shit even if it is the basis for civilization, with every conglomeration of peoples throughout history always the story of the few somehow deserving more comforts than the rest. Millions of American gun-owners missing daily opportunities to play action hero prove again and again that their power fantasies are nothing better than wet-dreams, nothing to show for themselves but the stain they leave in their wake. No matter the connotation, cowards play with toys as others suffer. Donations toward campaign fundraising efforts by any politician should only consist of thoughts and prayers.
In the land of milk and honey, favors are one-sided. Addressing the reality that help is never on the way allows one the chance to reveal just how insignificant he or she truly is. Life can only be the ending of belief and of faith, letting go of each and every platitude invoking salvation coming from whichever preferable derivatives to church and state and industry, leaving no persons or places or things left to trust. Emotion is a waste, as vapid as proper society’s rage over inconveniences of homeless not maintaining illusions of success. Cowards require more than one home to conceal their shame, more than one vehicle to assure getaways from accountability. Cowards make requirements of plastic/cosmetic surgery. Cowards wish to be taken for adults while griping about the inadequacies of their entertainments. Cowards spend more energy on those entertainments than any semblance of problem-solving. Cowards demand that their social networks, schools and news media block out the mass of reality save what they are already familiar and comfortable with, or there will be hell to pay. Escapism is the responsive deflection from personal responsibility, fantasies proliferate for the inability or unwillingness to face the consequences of one’s own vices. Cowards would rather be applauded than helpful, the lesser the capacity for earning respect the more insistent on being loved. As though love were rewards above and beyond the more deserving heaven of heavens, and not the origin to every tragedy.
No fantasy is worth recognizing, but the absolute worst is that anyone alive today is ever a decent person.