Those many voices accusing antifa of burning cities are as gullible as their counterparts across the imaginary aisle, who believe that law enforcement and military will assist with the removal of Trump from the White House should he resist an electoral defeat. The same law enforcement and military who have thus far resisted charging him with any crimes against humanity, and by crazy happenstance the same law enforcement and military eager to let loose and open fire on everybody opposed to lethal force ever being utilized on domestic soil against USA citizens by their own establishment without judge or jury. The very forces which persons in favor of civil and basic human rights are protesting against. Law enforcement and military so patriotically cool with killing fellow Americans, theirs are the trades most prone to domestic abuse, caring as they do for their own families about as much as they do for the public they are purported to serve. These people have already killed for Trump and his office.
None can actually name a single city, much less a neighborhood or street, which has been torched to smithereens by antifa. Personally, I think antifa are show-boaters, but such a claim as their being large scale arsonists has not one iota of basis in reality. A trashcan fire here or there to shock and awe the fans of shocking and awing is one thing, easily dealt with by such a device known as a fire extinguisher. These crowds protesting lethal force by the government are generally not proponents of lethal force themselves, aside from undercover cops attempting sabotage and frame-ups.
The reality is that those voices, those same voices dropping such accusations in fact, have always been the ones prone to give more weight to symbology of god and country and capital than to their fellow Americans. And accusations of fire-buggery are projections from them 23,000%.

USA neighborhood burnt by USA patriots, 1985.
The last time a whole neighborhood was burned by arson was in 1985, when Philadelphia law enforcement illegally used napalm against a houseful of civil rights activists (and their children) for the crime of somehow surviving the two days prior of unprovoked thousands of rounds of ammunition blasted into their home from all directions. This fire spread to make the inhabitants of 65 houses homeless, with not one charge leveled against the culprits.

USA neighborhood burnt by USA patriots, 1921.
Prior to that was the Black Wall Street Massacre of 1921 where over 35 square blocks of Tulsa, at that time the wealthiest black community in the nation, were leveled to the ground not by antifa but by the exact sorts of persons antifa would just love to punch out on camera. Many dozens were murdered and hundreds more were wounded by god and country-obsessed pricks who could not live with the grandchildren of slaves doing alright for themselves. No arrests, and history books scrubbed for the sake of public fucking relations.
Throughout all of history, it has always been those most favorable of the establishment who are ready, willing and able to part with humanity. It’s the god and country assholes who support every war no matter how many American casualties result, refusing to wear masks in a pandemic and demanding that their fast food joints stay open nonetheless, and who are outraged by any mention of private interests ever being barred from profiteering the healthcare industry. There are millions more guns than there are citizens in the USA, and billions more pills than guns, owned not by persons concerned with the value of life because the symbols to mask their egos matter more, have always mattered more and will always matter more. And they are scared shitless that people may exist out there in the wilds of their shadows who might be as batshit insane as themselves.
Their statue of liberty lights the way alright.