If we accept the proposal that some breach of Israeli intelligence left them unprepared for the initial attack, then how certain can we be that the same intelligence is on the nose when asserting highrise tenement buildings filled with innocent civilians sheltering in place at home were actually human shields? The same Israel to host what is considered the Silicon Valley of INFOSEC software for corporate defense systems, maybe if we are to dread the dawning of deep fakes, footage supplied by the Israelis showing the recent hospital bombing in Gaza as the work of an errant missile by Hamas was manipulated, unless we are to presume Israeli forces just happened to be innocently filming the hospital in question. The government which previously launched in STUXNET the first malware in the world known to have resulted in human fatalities reportedly could never be capable of technological malfeasance. With no real air force or navy of its own, armaments of Hamas were more than likely purchased by Saudis from USA weapons manufacturers, the Saudis being the world’s largest arms buyers and the Americans being the world’s largest arms dealers. We know that the otherwise feeble resources of the Hamas likely means their recent attacks took weeks if not months of planning, but the IDF were ready, willing and able to surpass their kill-count in mere days. Commercial media reports that the Israeli government is blocking utilities and supply chains for Gaza, without ever wondering how the caught off-guard Israelis possessed the power or authority to accomplish this so fastly, had they not maintained power and authority over utilities and supply chains all along. But no, if we question or critique the military whose chief rabbi has stated before that soldiers are allowed to rape for the purposes of maintaining morale, then the questioning critic is suddenly a raging antisemite hellbent on the same scale of ethnic cleansing which senior officers of the IDF have no qualms about publicly voicing or evidently enacting against Palestinian families. It is sage wisdom to acknowledge the one common factor to all of your failed relationships is you yourself, but the only government of the Middle East ever to have warred with every other government of the Middle East is somehow flawless in all that it does and anyone not agreeing a thousandfold is suspect? It’s not that there’s two sides to the story, rather there is a wealth of information which the general public has never been and will never be made privy to. And there is simply no rationality to accepting at face value any narrative which has both liberal and conservative media reading from the same script.
For all the bluster of challenging the patriarchy or Big Brother or the Deep State or whatever other guise for Powers That Be, whensoever such opportunity presents itself everyone bends over backwards to perpetuate every Goliath’s upper hand over every David. Gripe about the job but still clock in every day. Hashtag against the evil multinational corporations for keeping everyone too divided to unite against common foes from the irony of a social media profile with uncountable accounts muted and blocked. Anyone not in the position to replicate my bad choices in life is arrogant or ignorant or both we chant in unison from our shared web, each strand of order reverberating nothing of consequence throughout the chaos, only due cause for the spider-crawlers to dance as they do on the graves of all the useless thoughts and feelings to have come before. Perhaps, not one person in all of Israel or Palestine needs munitions, or monetary enabling for munitions, and perhaps all those who would see such a measure as a roadblock against peace is not remotely serious about building bridges or making nice with others. And perhaps there is no earthly such thing as good and evil, just this sliding scale of persons unable or unwilling to allow their ego to lead others to unwelcoming places on one end, and those who find success from the imposition.
I’m not one to say that Israeli Jews or any subset of the population beyond the most selfish among us run the media or Hollywood or anything else particularly, but financial interests are clearly aligned to pulverize perceived threats toward fabled economic dominance, just as most sociopolitical or geopolitical issues today, most wars generally, amount to competing billionaires. No theology or partisanship rules any for-profit industry as such. And the more fervent one’s Capitalism, the more easily they can justify arguing against any other loyalties, even to extents of permitted backstabbing. They lose their religion for money, as noted by all the televangelists with multiple private jets. They lose their politics for money, as noted by billionaire Neocon Mercer coming together with billionaire Neolib Zuckerberg to jointly profiteer controls over millions of Facebook user experiences, to guarantee returns on their own investments. The temptations of industry trump the morality of religious belief systems and the legality of political belief systems. Nothing sells better than death, not even sex anymore. Grab some creature comforts of overpriced burgers and refilled antidepressants, plan that vacation now before the world erupts, while you still can stream a stack of movies to distract from the news, spend and spend some more. And thank Shiva for never soberly explaining exactly why the USA sells more weapons globally than any other nation in our world’s history to inevitably lessen the means of every other nation in our world’s future, yet somehow Americans live beyond their means to such extremes that all the gun sales leave them still further into national and private debt than any nation in world history. Not the best source for tips in regards to anything.
Astronomical sums in federal aid aside back and to the left, what most state governments gift regularly to the Israeli government and its businesses is conceivably enough to house the homeless in their respective regions. The American pundits citing lack of resources to swing universal free healthcare for USA citizens are either oblivious or complicit to Israelis affording universal free healthcare for themselves whilst still necessitating our assistance. It wasn’t so long ago when every US Senator co-signed a letter of grievance to the United Nations, insisting that a non-binding resolution was yet going too far. Like macrocosm and microcosm joined in an ongoing reenactment of Betty & Veronica and a cup, the matching domestic and foreign policies of our leaders and the official narrative and status quo all bluntly refuse to abide with persons whose immediate physical survival requires life-saving help actually receiving any if those affording luxury and convenience might not care to learn when enough is ever enough.
What angers me, is how the pathology is commonplace everywhere. The words of this sentiment-
“If I am prevented from disregarding the civil or basic human rights of dastardly disagreeable others then my imaginary rights are being infringed upon! If I cannot have guarantees that others will get lesser resources or opportunities than myself, then my privilege and entitlement mean nothing!”
could easily represent the mentality of Trump. Or the Roman-Catholic church. Or any despot the world over past or present. Or Hillary Clinton supporters. Or any celebrity, no matter if hyper-conservative like James Woods or hyper-liberal like Nish Kumar. It’s the result to any high school romance. It’s on display by my cat, who will fucking let me know when I am finished with the petting. It’s in your family tree, it’s in the bullpen of your occupation. Any personality cult but the ones you subscribe to. Everyone, not only sharing this absence of empathy, but when gone unmet by rewards of esteem for doing so then eventually also disdain for all those who would keep it in their jargon even just by default. Your idols get no fealty from me, because the people around me could frankly use the esteem more. I’m not one to say that everyone should love each other, and I am not saying that abject peace is the solution for any lethal razzmatazz. Love loses all value when given freely, and violence has a place where no other language gets heeded. Encouraging every potential threat to get eradicated however, only ever results in your relatives having nobody to fuck but their own. The ultimate end of every supremacy, whether proclaimers understand the very nature of cause and effect or not.