Last year, I composed a pretty good deconstruction of the Q collective, wherein I wrote
“Also wholly overlooked is how the Christianity of the Founding Fathers was actually a starkly different beast of burden than any of the Baskin-Robbins flavors of vanilla regarded today, their belief that god was a sort of grand clock-maker who’d long-since moved on to other clocks. It’s why they were obsessed with self-divination and making independence a buzzword, because they did not believe that god could or would save them anymore. Historically, publicly and socially the age of enlightenment was the entanglement of ideologies which gave physical birth to supporting a conquest of the New World, as an opportunity to be born anew like the phoenix. Its movers and shakers were concerned with a learned mankind finally applying wide-scale usage of science and reason to humanities and the arts, and to social-politick, all to light a better tomorrow. Privately, it was about an aristocratic messiah complex, social-engineering the Christ-like transmogrification of malleable grey matter as symbolized by lead, into a thing of unified though singular purpose inherently lucrative for beneficiaries, as symbolized by gold. It was not the uplifting of spirit but the uplifting of ego, by commerce, by governance and by mass hysteria, to the extent of hand-picking which slave-girls they were gonna fuck. Egos empowered to withstand the absence of god.”
Last night on the other hand, a matter dawned on me which I would care to explore here.
Rightwing extremism among domestic military and law enforcement has become so blatant an affair, that commercial media might now broach the topic head-on. Yet contrary to that fact, commercial media nevertheless insists that such extremism is but a minor thread among enlistment numbers, as opposed to the status quo across the board. Indeed, the crossover between rightwing extremism with badges and uniforms is no coincidence, but quite purposefully by design, as these persons are actively recruited for their limited mental faculties as much as for their susceptibility toward racism, sexism and homophobia, as their lone function is to keep the masses disunited from challenging their common keepers. From training on to their self-perceptions maintained on the job, biases are programmed and perpetuated not necessarily for god and country but for nationalistic capital, favoring symbology above and beyond the principles and convictions of any possible human identity. When you wish people to kill for you, empathy detracts from all capacities for lethal force, as the act of killing could never be more removed from self-sacrifice.
And no force on Earth is greater than the nationalistic capital of the USA, no military in history as costly or expansive, no law enforcement so unregulated, and all for serving the private trust that is the enrichment of competing Powers That Be, themselves holding no allegiances to any god or to any country greater than to their own egomania. And as no immovable object might possibly evade or endure the shear marketing reach of such irresistibly ego-appeasing forces, no capital existing with means for meeting such force with greater, much less equal force, how exactly would these astronomical levels of control be met by opposition, for good or ill? By hacking the definition of patriotism, the syntax of the symbology itself.
To this day messaging among commercial media persists of a Russian involvement in prior Presidential elections, yet without any explicit details. Rationally, Communism and Capitalism are very different bodies of thought, in that I fail to see how pursuits of monopoly, whether over the fifth estate or over American politics generally, can be a tactic of an ideology built theoretically on common ownership. As such, all along have I seen these claims as projecting capitalistic greed upon foreign interests which are decidedly not capitalist in nature. At the utmost least, pundits pushing the notion are suggesting that the buyers should face scorn rather than the sellers of democracy. Which is no change in philosophy for them, coming from the same general talking heads who assert foreigners working domestic jobs somehow manifest more problematic issues than do the domestic job creators who eagerly exploit them to avoid paying legal taxes or insurance or wages. But according to the claims, the Russian involvement would somehow pertain to radicalized messaging, to favor rightwing agendas domestically.
Maybe, somebody in federal governance knows something more than do millionaire news reporters, that an actual Russia-based agenda has been underway to radicalize social media boards and forums with rightwing messaging pushed further and further to the right. And maybe in keeping with this, the source of Q is not the father and son chan operators or Milo Yiannopoulos as coached by Steve Bannon or any other so far proposed theory, but in fact one Edward Snowden.
What if he sought a personal revenge against the same class of hyper-partisan citizenry accusing him of being a traitor these last several years, by playing into their ignorance of current events, ignorance of governmental procedure, ignorance of civics, ignorance of documented history, and ignorance of the earnest considerations of everyone alive today outside their Facebook friends list; expressly by nudging them more and more into taking off their metaphorical masks in public, revealing what actually is dividing the population? Julian Assange began surrounding himself with right-leaning gatekeepers years ago, the sorts of personalities who would give idiots like Roger Stone the time of day. Glenn Greenwald has outed himself as merely another self-inclined reactionary, hand in hand with the company he now keeps. The Intercept somehow avoided being taken out in a false flag reproduction of what transpired at the Charlie Hebdo magazine, its billionaire owner noticeably withholding the bulk of Snowden’s leaks either for private sale on the black market or to trade back to Uncle Sam for allowances and extensions regarding his own financial interests abroad, before ultimately and rather quietly taking down much of their past reporting on Snowden altogether. Putin’s own nationalistic capital demands he never be willing to comply with extradition orders concerning Snowden, who would thus be left very much out in the cold, new baby and all. Would he be capable of anonymously posting official-sounding ridiculousness? Would he be so inclined, perhaps not realizing how well such insanity would take and how well such insanity would spread, among dyed in the wool adherents of a supremacist pathology focused on taking and spreading and never self-sacrificing, logic be damned?