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voices carry

Americans rest on a first-name basis with the four horsemen of the apocalypse, but keep themselves so preoccupied with doom-scrolling online and off as to never see them for who they are. I’d die before I swear allegiance to anybody’s icons of church or state or industry, as every persuasion of church and state and industry thrives by exploitation. The imposition of will upon others is the root to each and every problem life meets with, and the most extreme form of that imposition is the taking of a life, punitively lethal actions for the inability or unwillingness to prioritize and replicate the thoughts and feelings of the given ego. As though life were some luxury or privilege unsuited for all parties. Killing is justifiable only by the laziest standards and practices of sadomasochists. Violence has a time and place in defense of those who cannot do for themselves. Violence is the one universal lexicon and sadly, it is the only language understood by too many. But lethal force has no time or place, for taking a life is merely trading a life and naysayers are too self-important to experience for themselves the ending of a conversation.

We all technically live outside the Israeli west bank barrier and iron dome. In social sciences or theaters of war there is no moral compass, as players are guided by the pricks they’d most care to explode. There is a global copper shortage to spite supposed technological revolutions aplenty, explicitly because the USA produced in recent decades some millions of dollars in pennies too many. When and where everyone is self-entitled to their 2 cents’ worth of opinion, the USA has gone further into debt than any collective in world history.

Metaphysics after a fashion is a dialectic, mediating between externalized ontology and internalized phenomenology, that emphasizes its own narrative structure in a way which inherently reminds the audience that thoughts and feelings are not bound by the laws of physics, but everything else in all of creation must be, or else thoughts and feelings would have no fires to forge of themselves when their day comes, no fires to snuff themselves when their day grows overextended. In this manner would energology present itself as neither the being or the doing of existence, or even necessarily the mediator betwixt the two, but the undoing. And not in the senses of deconstructing or reverse-engineering, as either implies a learning while unlearning more closely approximates the connotation. It’s the letting go, of ego and everything else.

In this society it is widely accepted, even renowned, that one can be things without doing anything and that one can do things without being anything. But suicide is legally a felony, because to remove both being and doing is an insult to all those who think and feel that they will fucking tell you when you’ve had enough. As such, applied, energology is the dance around that; the thing we take to the grave is the thing nothing but voices carry.