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When Violent Protestation Is Called For

When a societal status quo or its ruling body gives no regard to the value of life of any subset of its population, then that subset is under no moral obligation to give any regard in turn to the societal status quo or its ruling body. When a peoples are boycotted by the culture they are obliged by the population’s most enabled and privileged to contribute to, then they have every earthly right to boycott that culture, its entitlements and privileges, in spades. And when fascists are at liberty to kill indiscriminately, in direct conflict with constitutional guarantees for life, liberty and pursuits of happiness and in abject denial of the liberty and justice for all as sworn by its pledge of allegiance, then absolute destruction of the mere things fascists hold onto is a small price to pay, destruction of things cruelly instilled with more value than a belittled life itself a smaller price than the bloodied, irrational costs such egocentrics demand for themselves. If a xenophobe proven guilty of deadly force is empowered by the courts to a lifetime of freedom denied their fatalities rendered, then the courts stand revealed as meaningful as any void. Wherever that void has exhausted all the proper channels to justice with obfuscation and with obstruction, manifest exits.

The homemade assembly of ghost guns is no bigger a concern than the widespread presence of other firearms, but they in fact have nothing whatsoever to do with any of these perpetual mass shootings across the country. The deadliest mass shooting in US history, with the millionaire unloading his insecurities upon hundreds of citizens in Las Vegas back when, involved a roomful of guns, but not one ghost gun. President Biden’s outlawing them in response to gun violence would then appear to be a matter more concerned with safeguarding the copyrights and trademarks of the bigger weapons manufacturers than with saving lives. As I’ve written before, gun owners in this country are largely past and present members of military and law enforcement, whose marketing enamors the rest, the rest generally being cosplayers who possess mental and/or physical deficiencies so severe as to prevent them from climbing the low bar warranted for enlistment themselves. So, any notion that current members of law enforcement or military will ever submit willingly to being tasked with any sort of gun confiscation is laughably naive, as unlikely as this or any administration ever regulating militias in accordance with constitutional law and the second amendment. Meanwhile, lawmakers indulge the blunt criminality of Civil Asset Forfeiture simply as a cost of communities doing business with police forces, as we wouldn’t wish to upset any of their hundreds of shielded fiefdoms comprising the largest standing army in the world. Defunding them means nothing when they are openly empowered to enrich themselves at cost to anyone they encounter. In any context, if you want a job done properly you must do it yourself, and in this context if you need a job done properly, results still rely on self-sacrifice and nothing more.

Under threat not of hurt pride or of bruised ego but of tortuous demise, the only ethical response left to lethally subjective laws is objectively non-lethal force, to a point as inescapable as force majeure. Decidedly non-lethal to boot, as the tiny pricks of gun-owners can only find gratification in bullet holes. Hence the mad desperation of their sickly exertions. Killing one’s enemies no matter the repugnance of their words and/or actions grants them an ongoing holiday, so that they may never know the true punishments that come from shame or guilt, may never be humbled by understanding the error of their ways or the chance to redeem themselves. And all while admitting one’s own preference for permanently silencing the counterpoint rather than sorting how to win the argument. People we simply disagree with are potential neighbors and co-workers, potential friends and lovers. But even for those intent on deadly force against others, powerless before the inability to refrain from racist or sexist or homophobic branding doing their thinking for them, leaving them alive to suffer the inconsistencies of their preferred fantasies is far more just than simply removing them from existence. Ideally, prisons should only exist for the rapists and murderers and bankers, those persons who have proven themselves incapable of being around others without doing actual harm. Where they would be made to physically work toward the common good, their own actions volunteering them as free labor for domestic infrastructure concerns and the like. But since ours is a system and culture both refusing to concede that life is eternally more valuable than profitability, that life must never be disdained for the sake of comforting ego, vigilantism is called for. In the spirit of Citizens Arrest, forcefully remove their tools of fascism, and in the spirit of the Good Samaritan’s clause, physically disenfranchise them from the ability to end any life.

Regardless of the immediacy of circumstances, when persons open to utilization of lethal force universally are every bit as ignorant as they are cowardly, murdering for their own lacked ability of winning debates while scared shitless others might be as crazy or malicious as themselves, there really is no justification for allowing them the right of way or preferential treatment above and beyond persons unable or unwilling to rationalize the avoidable pathways to death. Self-defense does not require deadly force, and preemptively defending the well-being or livelihood of oneself or another does not require deadly force. There simply is no such thing as a threat whose one and only solution is absolute termination. Bite a chunk from its face, whatever it takes to get the point across that your life holds no less value than its own. Give them the gift of much to ponder as they lick their wounds. Ethically, the only life which anybody might endanger, under any circumstances, is their own. That is what I view as the fundamental principle underlying the concept of equal rights, even as it goes unobserved by seemingly all others.

If the means and methods for saving life ever run counter to the law, then damn the law, and all its upholders. Elsewise it’s what we have, catering to the lowest common denominators, like pro-lifers of the conservative right priding their selective principles before quarantine precautions purposed with helping everyone. Maybe whenever a mass shooting occurs, all gun-owners in that county failing to prevent it should be made to forfeit their own, as affirmations for protecting their own communities is clearly not what they are hiding underneath. And maybe, if all that authoritarian racists can see are threats, perhaps their peace of mind would be left better off without functional eyesight.

The most extreme violence is ethically applicable never for the imposition of one’s will over others, but rather only ever to assure the common-fucking-sense starting point from which any democracy might thrive, where no life could or should be claimed by another. Nobody should ever want to fight anyone anywhere, but everyone should be willing to fight to the death for the inherent human right for anyone anywhere to continue living. The perpetuation of this societal and cultural insanity to the contrary comes entirely from anyone anywhere making exceptions to that one simple truth, that outright killing is just plain wrong and that nobody holds the authority to suggest otherwise. It is very much a sad and lonely realization, to see day in and day out how all but a handful of the total population, and I’m probably being generous, are quite willing and able to find excuses to not actively or proactively fight for the right of others to a continued existence. The vast majority of the population has no qualms whatsoever with finding ample room for allowances and preferential treatment for their own, either loudly or quietly abiding with the perverseness that some life whether their own or not, could or should ever be valued over others. Even filming the bigoted nature of cops is a poor fucking alternative to punching them, for the simple fact that recording the ending of a life is not saving that life.

If a demonstrably indefensible platform comforts itself with defending subjugation, sides with oppressors, turn off its lights. If a store window is valued more highly than, regarded as more important than a flesh and blood victim of entrapment, of exploitation, of extortion whether by individuals or by conglomerates, then shatter another one. If a country of hundreds of millions of souls persists tirelessly with pardoning its own sadomasochism, denying god should fastly become the very least of its inopportune worries.