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who pacifies the pacified

The United States of America has made itself every part as dependent on foreign investors and foreign audiences as the United Nations has made itself every part as dependent on the imaginary debt ceiling of the USA’s self-entitled powers. Seemingly everywhere, the liberals are altogether self-inclined, while the conservatives believe in the conservation of nothing but their own liberties taken.

Liberties taken with everything. From state legislations denying incest as legal grounds for abortion or adoption, to allowing child brides in well over half the country in the 21st century’s broad daylight, I don’t think a master race will be what’s grown, for all of this was status quo even prior to the current President’s diaspora of the relationship between cause and effect. And Americans have nothing to show for themselves but wishlists. Ego trumps every shade of church or state or industry, every persuasion. The more it feeds, the more it disregards all things but what pleases itself.

So self-possessed they won’t ever read or learn nonfiction anymore, not on history, maths, science or philosophy or religion, or even how government works. I remember, elementary school called it social studies, and because I enjoyed it or took to it, it was the first class I really started excelling with, to the extent I was recruited into the Future Problem Solving program in the mid-1980s; an unpaid think-tank of pubescent brainiacs around the country, the best of each school or county full of schools gathering and on, discussing and debating topics that tended to be Presidential debate talking points a full decade later. I can’t bring myself to vouch for any program, but FPS was a degree of stability while moving about the schools and towns of the modern dustbowl bin. We’d get to skip class every Thursday or every other Tuesday I think, and spend the day at some other school in symposium. We used our recess block to play Dungeons & Dragons, or for the production of homemade Tijuana Bibles even though we wouldn’t have known the terminology or history then, from ages 8 to 13 particularly every American boy and girl thinks they can write and draw, but only the smartest kid in any school can bring their demons forth and relegated to the second dimension. There was this kid from South Korea, his family had moved to south Texas just a few years prior. He was maybe 9, could read and write English intelligently but only felt comfortable speaking perhaps six words. But he would take these twigs and crawling on knees and elbows draw these huge, 6 by 6 foot bust-portraits of the Transformers characters in the sandy dirt, with hyper-detail. We were impressed standing around them, but when we returned to class a few stories upstairs and looked down on his portraits, we saw the intended POV, all scenes of birds in flight and not fighting bots. If a child can be moved by art, I experienced it then. I wonder where he is now, years and politics and over-saturation by creative industries come and gone.

NATO (and the United Nations) have regarded the welfare and interests of its fellow member nation-states as fodder for whatever the Americans or Israelis feel like, for something like decades except where adding to the coffers of the Geneva council. That bugged me over more recent calls to punch through membership status for Ukraine. I’m not suggesting Ukrainians be barred, but I think it would be an insult to the peoples elsewhere enduring membership limbo, unless all were to be accepted jointly. Reconsider your respective charters, if a country finds more logic in teamwork than in any nationalism, let them in. NATO and the UN for that matter should be looking to gather and unify numbers, to ready for the eventuality of self-defensively standing opposed to this driving under the influence United States of America.

As Democrats and Republicans and overpaid talking heads discuss and debate who claps, and who claps loudest, before the world stage with the madman telling the tale full of sound and fury abruptly signifying more than nothing as his crescendo lurches amidst the audience brandishing matching pair of 3D-printed Uzis, but that’s where we find ourselves right now and no parking is to be validated because people still need food and people still need places to live and no show trumps that. As Democrats and Republicans and overpaid talking heads discuss and debate who claps, and who claps loudest,