An ego failing to meet with adulation for whatever it wants is no infringement of inalienable civil and basic human rights to life and liberty, especially when what it wants is to proactively diminish those rights for others, because any entitlements beyond the inalienable civil and basic human rights to life and liberty is unrequited privilege dependent upon obliging others to compensate for the excess. Declaring ownership of the faculties, resources and attentions of another means faculties, resources and attentions divided from matters potentially more important than flattery or appeasement, which are interpreted as life-saving only by the ego. If neither you or your favorite thing succeeds in being met with love, you are not being subjected to a crime or a sin, whereas to become the recipient of unearned respect is to accept the extroversion which pardons the awful lot of humanity’s absolute worst. Contrarily, it could and should be normal to have common sense without pursuing seats of power or positions of authority over others. I think common sense rules that out actually, because all those to have ever indulged seats of power or positions of authority over others invariably reveal themselves lacking, lacking common sense and so very much more.
Comparably no different from the many other self-inclined fascists throughout history, modern USA patriots define themselves by an eagerness to see fellow citizens of their country suffer. Pro-guns and pro-war, while opposing non-corporate welfare, universal free healthcare generally and pandemic masks specifically. It’s not just that they’re racist or sexist or homophobic, they obsessively want to see as many Americans suffer as possible. Any persuasion of nationalism, supremacism or superiority is fundamentally an embrace of derealization, with symbols magically carrying more gravitas and reverence than human life, for conveniently hiding and masquerading one’s own private biases, desires, fetishes, quirks and whims as anything but. America is not one of those self-cleaning toilets. In this sense of contriving self-gratifying alternatives to reality even in opposition to their own foundations, the sadomasochistic egoism dividing and conquering religion is the sadomasochistic rightwing politics dividing and conquering state is the sadomasochistic Capitalism dividing and conquering industry, because inhuman symbols inherent to god and country and capital provide fan-fictional rationalization for those most inclined for selfishness to indulge in all things but problem-solving. I insist that enrichment is not the product of responsibility, but its omission.
The famous 7 deadly sins all boil down to giving in to ego. The Catholics have counterparts in the 7 holy virtues, which all come down to letting go of the ego. Which is the core of the troika of Abrahamic faiths and the other organized religions, if one goes by advertising alone and not what church leaders have done and shalt continue to do. I’ve always maintained that morality predates efforts by theologians to weaponize it. Spirituality is wholly unnecessary to understand how, in all matters under the sun, we either put the needs of others first or we prioritize our wish-fulfillment. One maintains groups/countries/relationships and the other eats them alive. Hell arrives directly from the absence of self-sacrifice, personally or socially; the refusal to help.
I’ve actually been homeless myself more often than not throughout my adult life, and have written extensively about the firsthand experiences. I have spent more time volunteering than most people do playing video games. And still I haven’t gone more than 3 weeks without work since I was 17, and have never been in debt in my life, because I do not live beyond my means. Not if but when employers misuse their authority and unveil their shadiness, I cut my losses before I owe anybody anything. Americans confoundingly show no comprehension of the great many things one can go without to avoid dicking people over. For the last 5 years I’ve sacrificed everything to support my mom, whose health has left her abandoned by every Christian she knows and by every Conservative she knows. It doesn’t matter how much I disagree with her, she needs help and if that means years since I last knew a chance to sleep more than 2 or 3 hours at once so be it. Some of us in this life are rational adults, who understand that cause always meets effect regardless of inconvenience. Even prior to these circumstances, in all my homelessness I never had the opportunity to sleep more than moments here or there, as homeless are never allowed to pause anywhere. This is a concern which absolutely nobody observes, presuming that the misnomer of rough-sleeping applies only to the potential settings themselves. While working homeless, I literally never had chances to actually dream, and for no better reasons but my blanketed refusal to be enslaved for the flattery and appeasement of selfish others, or to become a consumer and fall into debt before my own flattery or appeasement. I never presumed entitlements over arguing against the effects I faced, not when the cause stemmed directly from my very own words and actions. Without a bed I would make it and I would lay in it, if only proverbially, metaphorically and metaphysically. After years of misgiving I better understood that the lone function of celebrities is to lie, the lone function of politicians is to cheat and the lone function of executives is to steal, and I’ve no esteem for any of them. There are no “good” ones, for there is no goodness in ego, just as there is no good form of Capitalism because there is no goodness in entrapping, exploiting or extorting. Neither audiences or their applause are fundamental for survival.
Nobody has to love anybody. We just have to refrain from using and abusing one another. Most peoples, and I’ve moved around excessively so I feel comfortable asserting this, justify lying, cheating and stealing, or rationalize lying, cheating and stealing by whichever personality cult they’ve been sold on, as necessary for survival. When really it’s to maintain unnecessary creature comforts, not just keeping up with the Joneses but obsessive-compulsively trying and trying and trying to surpass them, as though all of this were some kinda contest, rather than a life of consequence. With no sense of irony it’s always self-professed Christians taking issue with any virtue-signaling. Their own faith declares there is no salvation without sacrifice, yet they really want the heaven on Earth of unquestioned ego to be comforted and catered. Prosperity Indoctrinated, sacrificing only their beliefs and only ever for Capital gains in the here and now which won’t be going with them.
Before realizing they could simply sign a treaty with the Vatican, the Nazis briefly established their own Christian denomination called Positive Christianity, with the aim of winning over the hearts and minds of European Christians to dissuade retaliation for what they had in store. It sought to downplay the mystical elements to the mysteries of Christ, specifically the concept of self-sacrifice, while emphasizing instead a more immediate gratification through tangible successes for those not so keen on personal responsibility, such as the worldly achievements of Christ’s role as center of attention and catalyst of scapegoats. Using Christian belief not to promote salvation but for repurposing lives to advance the singular goals of self-appointed leaders of men. Famously going to great lengths rewriting the history of civilization so as to flatter their own pathology, the Nazis seemed oblivious to how most non-Catholic denominations of Christianity in the USA had already welcomed elements of Prosperity Doctrine, very much the same set of egocentric justifications, particularly in the years of the Great Depression, but in these decades since it has overtaken the Vatican itself, as a civil war unfolds between selectively populist sentiments of current Pope Francis, and detractor Capitalists among his flock who ignorantly perpetuate what the Nazis toyed with. So much lip service is granted to the dire need for separating Church and State, Israel serving as a fine testament to where that unnatural union leads, though less often do we hear calls for separating State and Industry despite governance ideally being the matter of managing resources for all constituents and not generating profits for the select few. Nowhere is there publicly-voiced concern for the separation of Church and Industry, because egos dominate the programming.
That is *how* sadomasochistic egoism divides and conquers religion, justifying desire even in opposition to its own foundations just as synonymously sadomasochistic rightwing politics divide and conquer the proverbial state. The sad irony is that DC is nothing but competing shades of rightwing. There’s no leftists to be found in American politics for the same reason there’s no such earthly thing as a leftist millionaire/billionaire to be found in the world. Pelosi herself said at day’s end they’re all just Capitalists, and rather than ever seriously self-sacrifice for whichever greater good, all those constitutional guarantees for life, liberty and pursuits of happiness only apply to themselves, who they wish to be, to befriend or to fuck with everyone else left as a non-player character or background extra. Trump needed no global conspiracy for people outside his own personality cult to note the incompetence underlining his infectious egoism, although saying someone must be a liberal for wanting people to stay alive is a truly Freudian accusation.
At the end of the day pursued or indulged wealth is neither partisan or religious, but happy to exploit fans and followers so easily sold on marketing it can certainly afford, to sacrifice their better angels and thus flow everything unnaturally uphill on its behalf. The wealthy do not engage in tax havens or tax shelters out of patriotism, or in accordance with religious fundamentalism or calls for industrialization’s production of goods and services meeting existing demands. But it’s always the divided and conquered codependency, witlessly avoiding personal responsibilities through the broken promises of church or state or industry, who prove willing and able to justify words and actions of the egotistical keepers of wealth. Kings had their harems of boys and girls long before some idiot put the words “spirit” and “cooking” together. Ultimately affording nothing but the opportunity of derealization, wealth is literally the absence of responsibility, as money is for those who cannot do for themselves. Meaning that anyone with enough money will eventually be bored by the interpersonal voids of self-serving opportunity to indulge in perversions or to betray their country or their faith, because ego prioritized is *how* resources get pillaged and hoarded and partisanship has nothing whatsoever to do with any of it. As exemplified with god and country illusions of partisanship actually accomplish nothing physically or metaphysically, other than masking a private shame. Condemning the foreign buyers but never the domestic sellers is no less ridiculous than thinking the pervs always vote differently than you. Your team can do no wrong yet have proven abject failures in preventing the other team’s decimating of all we hold dear? Maybe I’ve been wrong to undervalue counseling.
About as believable as the idea of most Americans *not* making excuses for their fast food runs, prayer meetings, political rallies and D&D groups while quarantining. The pandemic persists here because everyone is and always has been the magical exception to all rules, egos only ever bowing to greater egos and anything remotely disagreeing with their supremacy or superiority as individuals or as a collective an attack upon their god-blessed liberties. Even the most mild inconveniences equated with death threats, while any concern for the actual well-being of others is generally belittled as un-American. Even where regards abortion, neither shade of purported political differences of opinion have yet proven so concerned with safeguarding life, to consider prompting scientific breakthroughs for removing contents of an undesirably fertilized egg as unobtrusively as possible and as fastly as those with comparable self-inclinations undergo cosmetic surgery over a lunch hour, the fetus finishing its growth cycle with technology implored for test tube babies and given over to nonprofit adoption organizations with no legal strings attached for the biological parents. Both sides of the aisle under the same glass ceiling, they are apparently far more unanimous in preferring standards for what constitutes bodies with rights than they are with problem-solving, or accountability, both sides of the coin ready, willing and able to undermine the value of life for the sake of comfort and rebutting cause and effect. So open to choosing for themselves a democratically free will, but not when it means preemptively avoiding selfish decisions or taking personal responsibility from pursuits of happiness leading to anything disliked getting dead and buried. Blocking guilt or shame is a sorry rationale for declaring some other life to be merely three-fifths of a person, or not a person at all, as though the reality of cause and effect were never a thing as well.
By their very nature and stated goals it’s Capitalists so obsessed with marketing spin and optics, as leftists are too busy getting their hands dirty trying to prevent the free markets from beating and starving people to death. Do Socialist and Communist governments collapse? The moment their leaders put their egos before their people, acting the same as any Capitalist. Leftism and Capitalism are opposites. It’s all competing right-wingers from media to politick, or you seriously believe Communists are out-purchasing Capitalists in media and politics contrary to everything that the ideologies are built upon. The only leftist media are ad-free unpaid blogs which everyone ignores and Drudge never links to, and there are simply no true leftist politicians at state or federal levels, because you need to be a millionaire making promises to billionaires to play that game. Perceived “left” politicians like Sanders and the squad are the closest thing to centrists, but neither fundraising or speeches or social media prancing help others so much as helping their own campaigns and boosting their own signals and tooting their own horns. There’s better means and methods of prioritizing the needs of others than seeking out authority over them.
Thanks to that “bleeding heart liberal” Obama, homeless shelters in this country no longer receive any federal grants or subsidies unless assisting strictly either those fresh out of jail or undergoing outpatient therapy for substance abuse. That leaves many millions who are neither felons or junkies, without official support. Doesn’t matter what their stories are, how many kids they have in tow. Faith in the system shows how little life experience is held in this society away from keyboards and their reassuring prattle of inconsequential self-pleasuring. I have known hundreds of homeless personally because I was myself for years, migrating from city to city and state to state because nobody is willing or able to acknowledge how excruciatingly broken the system is. I knew so many who were not druggies or criminals but victims of impossible circumstances beyond their control, like with “job creators” abruptly deciding to pay late and/or less than contractually agreed or simply weaseling out of payment altogether, because the employer deserved a motorcycle that month. I dated a girl who lost her house over failure to cover all the excessive costs related to her mom’s burial. She tried signing up with HUD for emergency housing only to learn her small town had a waiting list of over 300 already, more than the number of any year’s graduating class there. If you’re fine with your taxes already paying for ongoing US military presence in all but 30 or so nations of the Earth, consider how closing most of those bases and installations, most of them on stolen ground to begin with, would cover all irrational expenses to feed and house everyone in this country for life, and for less cost. Observing at once the decency and the necessity of fellow Americans, of anybody worldwide, having unchallenged access to free education and free healthcare should be offensive only to the personalities raping us all by declaring ownership of the sun, the moon and stars.
To that effect, following the plethora of travesties known collectively as World War II, governments of the allied forces gifted to the Jewish peoples a huge portion of Palestine, against the wills of the Palestinian people. Decade after decade the Israeli Jews helped themselves to more and more Palestinian land, with the international community looking away as dozens of homes get demolished every year and Palestinians outright murdered for daring to not be ecstatic over getting robbed in broad daylight. Ironically, with no bills to pay by the 1960s Israel surged ahead in technology, so that today many of the world’s largest corporations rely on in-house security software purchased from and installed by Israeli tech firms, which almost always are public-facing subdivisions to the Mossad. Intelligence Community origins and all, what Silicon Valley is to the USA, Israel is to most first world nations. Nevertheless, one side of an issue affording an awful lot of marketing and platforming to its own favor provides no truth. Israel for years repeatedly blocks nonpartisan flotillas trying to bring food and medical supplies into Gaza, detaining Red Cross workers and ignoring the gentle admonishments from the UN. That deserves some frank scrutiny. The only government on the planet that can afford a nuke program and a space program yet still requires billions in annual foreign aid, means something smells rotten in Denmark. When Israeli Jews already experience free healthcare yet most Americans are dead on their feet, why do the majority of state governments comprising the USA individually give more money to Israel than spend on concerns such as their own homeless populations? Why do most states criminalize any effort at boycotting documented human rights abuses committed by Israeli elitists, as though the continuous profits of a foreign entity weigh favorably more for American politicians than do the first amendment rights of Americans themselves? Because neither the UN or the ICC possess binding authorities, as authority of any description only services the ego.
That is *how* sadomasochistic rightwing politics divides and conquers the governance of state, idealizing the petty myopism of deregulated ego even in opposition toward its own foundations just as synonymously sadomasochistic Capitalism divides and conquers the supply and demand of industry. Endlessly sales-pitching the arrogant notion that being entertained and being liked matter more than perpetuating human life, especially one’s favorite avatar or proxy being entertained and being liked. “Your hobby/job description/reason for living don’t prioritize my brand/flag/singular obsession/personality cult centerpiece/self-image/pronoun/esteem, fuck you and the horse that rode you in.”
Neocon Mercer and Neolib Zuckerberg joined forces to permit Mercer’s Cambridge Analytica to manipulate the user experiences of unknown quantities of accounts via Zuckerberg’s Facebook, because they knew there would be financial returns by bending the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. This was proven in a senate committee dealing with the matter and all of media dropped it immediately because lol billionaires. A couple of years ago there was an entirely unrelated case, with the New York Attorney General and HUD both pursuing litigation against Facebook for enabling housing discrimination. FB wasn’t just selling user info to third parties, but selling control over user experiences, what they see and what they don’t see, who can see them and who cannot see them, from ads to anything in the feeds. Live in a certain zip, you won’t see certain links and/or you will see an overabundance of certain other links. You are of a certain ethnicity, you won’t see certain stories and/or you will see an overabundance of certain other stories. You practice a certain faith, you won’t see certain ads and/or you will see an overabundance of certain other ads. Etc. Leasing agents could tailor-make interactions appealing to prospective tenants desirable for their closed circuits, and nobody else. Some corporate news platforms acknowledged the lawsuits, but absolutely none put it in the light of political applications, because lol billionaires. Search all you’d care to, but mine was the one and only voice online making that connection. Why?
I do not take blame or credit for the words and actions of others under any circumstances imaginable, and I will not allow others to take blame or credit for my own words and actions under any circumstances imaginable. That is basic morality and the definition of independence, but is totally irreconcilable with the immorality and codependency fundamental to Capitalism, and to the ego. It is not arrogance which casts me very much alone with such principles or conviction, but inextricable humility. If this were not the case, what is there to enrich me through such anti-establishment principles and conviction by the popular standards of egoism, the popular standards of rightwing politics or the popular standards of Capitalism? It is no form of independence to require a personality cult of followers, and it is no form of independence to belong to the following of a personality cult. Exactly whose enslavement do I sign off on?
And Rand had it backwards- it’s executives looting from the working producers, overworking and underpaying employees while price-gouging and overcharging consumers, and tax-dodging. What Amazon alone avoided in federal taxes the last three years could fund unemployment, WIC and the SNAP food stamps program for a decade. But god forbid some guy with time to send dick pix to someone who was not his wife be required to pay the same taxes as one of his employees suffering overtime just to afford excessive rents on a studio efficiency. The most self-serving are hero-worshiped, contrary to the tenets of any organized religion. Egomania gets indulged, rightwingers get indulged, and Capitalism gets indulged, as though any of it were even vaguely necessary by any ethical, legal or moral standards. Just let the complimentary rapists have their fun, it will all be over soon enough. Even after the events of January 6 where fans of authoritarians violently favored a competing brand of authoritarianism, realistically, police unions nationwide will continue endorsing GOP candidates because critical thinking in this country largely went out with the notion that the sort of President who thought the Peace Corps made sense was gonna be alright riding through Texas in an open caravan.
Politicians drag their feet about raising minimum wages, saying it’ll raise costs, but they never consider the effects on costs by billionaires claiming exponentially, astronomically more. Bezos as example again, makes thousands per hour, many times minimum wage, not because he does the work of ten thousand people or because he does ten thousand times the work of one, but because he unfairly demands compensation he does not earn and has no ethical claim to. But it’s indulged by asshats in hopes he may someday throw them a piece, so antitrust laws and emoluments clauses are cast aside to let his ego pass through anywhere he wants. He’s not up top because he’s the hardest working or the smartest, but because he used and abused that many people along his merry way. Wealth pays for degrees where all others must do the work, as with everything in the culture bent to satellite their favor. We are informed slaves can quit and look for better opportunity elsewhere, when the entire framework of American society forbids anyone from getting ahead unless they lie, cheat and steal; unless they entrap, extort and exploit to indulge their pursuits of happiness. It is childish to think wealth or power comes by way of good intentions, when demonstrably nobody possessing wealth or power ever proves themselves willing to permit any capping of maximum wages, thus enabling the incessant raises to costs of living. The public gets readily informed that employers garner more for somehow taking greater risks than the unwashed masses who happen to not be pillagers of resources or their hoarding inheritors, the hoarders themselves grateful only for the sensory deprivation of comfort zones the world over. Companies can exist without their executives, but not without their workers. Just as governments cannot exist without the people to work and tax and die in wars for private financial interests, yet the people can indeed organize themselves without self-serving politicians, if they could stop watching TV for 5 minutes. But the more that western civilization moves toward automation, the more irrelevant the masses will prove in the eyes of the beholden egocentrics, the demeaning and debasement of life contingent to brand loyalty guiding them all the more to be edible human shields. You never can watch enough television because television does not complete you.
Allowing big-budgeted advertising to define one’s thoughts and feelings only conveys the void needing to be filled there. Unobserved by commercial media is the small fact that receiving food stamps requires a permanent mailing address, meaning gov stats of the homeless population and of food stamp recipients are two separate numbers, easily totaling a third of the population, including the 4 million plus households booted by Trump from the food stamp program with neither advance warning or after the fact explanation, but obviously to help compensate for the expenses of wealthy tax evasion. Why would a “liberal” media ignore or downplay that? Or the conservative media? Because it conflicts with the American pipe-dream where someday you too can entrap and exploit and extort those have-nots, when no flavor of entrapment or exploitation or extortion is ethically, legally or morally justifiable no matter how much we convince ourselves those sons of bitches have it coming. How can they have it coming, how can they have anything at all, if they are in fact have-nots?
Nobody should get what millionaires and billionaires and soon trillionaires help themselves to. Prices soar because egos cannot be regulated, that’s honestly the one and only reason. Anybody working themselves to death is unjustifiable. Capitalism insists that wealth is infinite but freedom has limitations, when the natural world speaks to the contrary. Amazon has facilities around the world, and probably employs a few tens of thousands now. They can afford to pay each and every worker, even the janitors, 30 dollars per hour, more depending on essential functionality, and Bezos would still be a billionaire many times over. But they don’t and they won’t because greasing political pockets lets him detain that much more from ever trickling back down to where it originated. That is indefensible. Only marketing says Capitalism isn’t failing more people than not. Any and every form of government ends by ego, egos being embattled since the first caveman grabbed a woman by her hair and said “mine”. The world is what it is because most people are selfish pricks, not because those who never had a chance wanted a fair shot. But in lieu of noting the universe beyond their fleeting fancies, everyone wants to wield the metaphorical whip themselves rather than see it abolished. Selfishness is bent toward milking selflessness, because being bent itself toward giving everything away, selflessness has nothing left but to take those golden showers and mud-baths pouring down from above, taking nothing with a grain of salt but the offensive.
Good people may not exist in this culture or society, they are simply not allowed, but this proves all the more reason never to be aligning with any of it anytime soon. I am far too busy dealing with its plethora of ongoing falsehoods to pretend that rewards have applications aside from nonsensical games. No hero’s journey might unfold within a comfort zone, an echo chamber, a news bubble or safe space; no gated community whether physical or ideological and never in keeping with the basic rationale of DIY segregation comprising the online social networks. And if whatever merit or mettle you claim or hope to possess is rarely or never applied toward any quantifiable solution to real problems evermore dire than circle jerks preaching to choirs, if you are not endlessly striving to save lives, especially saving lives beyond those who appeal to you, who look like you or who say and do as you wish, then what good are you for?