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wormcasting the blame and culprits

A culture needing to know every detail of a new movie before it can decide whether to view or not strangely seems unprepared to predict where their own news leads. Granted, Americans generally believe liberties exist to be taken, although few actively will defend them and seemingly all can without too much pressing offer up exceptions for whom liberty should not be shared.

My theory for why the full Epstein client list and related docs will never go public, I wonder if there is something to him serving as an asset to the Mossad. But not for the purposes of blackmailing or extorting people, rather for rewarding others recruited for services rendered. And not to say the Mossad are directly or ultimately to blame, they could’ve been managing on behalf of a greater self-interest. I’d suggest the only public knowledge concerning them is their outsourced software to tech companies, the highest levels of encrypted corporate securities bought from Mossad agents or offices purportedly acting separately of the Mossad until we recall which of the FIVE EYES initiated FIVE EYES. And their manpower indulges some kind of NGO-status complete with full diplomatic immunity for a cooperation with foreign intelligence agencies and multinational corporations alike. Online or off they are glorified hitmen, but hitmen are not shot-callers. As with the CIA here or the MI:1-13 in the UK, no administration carries leashes…the occasional cattle prod on the other hand…so no administration is really what’s served. When each and every seat-filler of each and every first world nation is in it for themselves by day’s end, so too are their proper channels. The CIA worked with and cultivated the feudalism of South American drug-lords for decades. Anyone goes prostitute if the money’s there, selling out anything they claim to believe in just for the side pay. Yet entrapment, exploitation and extortion are all that the Intelligence Community concerns itself with officially or unofficially, and the only such agency to spook the CIA is the Mossad, for where the CIA only daydreams about constructing fanciful theme-parks, the Mossad stays bent toward no other ambition. If my theory plays out we’ll never know who or what could or would contract the Mossad’s resources for such the years-long endeavor tempting evidently countless of the western world’s wealthiest and most powerful pedophiliacs, but I don’t think the island was a honey-trap for folks with resource for manufacturing varying or more personalized alternatives of their own, I think it was the rewards room where they traded in their tickets for a toy.

The clientele are after all cut from the same illustrious cloth enlivened to launch automobiles into space, or buy an entire newspaper just to screw with one editor or amp up life-saving pharmaceutical pricing so that only obliged millionaires can afford real healthcare; these are what amusements can afford, how yonder Powers That Be change the station whether killing time or scratching an itch or because they certainly cannot help themselves.

Participants degraded and devalued life to legally obscene degrees, so they would be first in line to as well sell out any friends or business acquaintances to save their own skins, but where is the industrialist, prince or politician stepping forth for spin-doctored public sympathy and reduced sentencing? It’s more than that, more than what we are given to presume.

The fact that they’ve been there isn’t what they want shielded, it’s what they did to earn the trip.

Not to belittle rape or other physical abuse especially towards minors, I’m saying these people of the class to believe rights are not shareable possess means and methods for committing far worse past and present. What’s an individual victim to a community wasted or poisoned or enthralled? That must be why everyone focuses on the flight plans, essentially mere metadata, when there’s obviously more peculiarity to the nature of these many relationships than a handshake secret or non. And what is more distressing, more concerning to the most self-centered people in the world, than the comfort of their own hide?

It is pure and simple shame. Not for the kinks and illegality as offshore accounts serve no other purpose, no, but for the breadth of the games their prestige plays. The scale of gluttony at cost to life.

Amidst their very public feud earlier in the Presidential campaign season, the most conservative of current governors did not call out the most liberal of current governors for his state’s nonexistent age requirements for child marriage, for the same reason the liberal gov did not call out the conservative gov for his state’s lowering age of consent laws while simultaneously accusing librarians and teachers of grooming children. It’s not difficult to imagine the Clintons leaning on Biden’s DoJ to deflect and omit no differently than Trump is now doing with his compliant Attorney General, as much as they publicly scorn their enemies there is something greater they are one and all protecting, every friend of Epstein.

Island-visitor or not most anyone could shamelessly come forward in America today and say heck yea I permanently scarred some kid, as personal truth or in the name of liberty, and there’s a subset of the population that will openly support his or her doing so, under impish guises of entertainment fodder or convictions grotesquely more shameful. But would they learn the victims were prizes, for changing millions of votes in a state or foreign election, meeting Amazonian tribesmen with inferno or giving an entire county’s population some rare and incurable cancer…logic and ego are not made for complimenting one another.