The biggest losses and heartache we may ever know in life do not come from the people, places and things we dislike, but rather are the fault of what we willingly instill with love.
Denying the virtues is what causes problems and embracing the virtues is what resolves them. Humility picks no fights, whereas unregulated ego inherent to “might makes right” or “ends justify the means” is what fuels bullies and rapists and murderers and bankers. It’s not leading when icons/leaders need followers to make excuses for what they say and do. It’s heroism to self-sacrifice, and it’s what heroes face that requires effort of any stripe be made by others. Power and principles never really go together.
“If the marketing that sold me is not bought and revered by all I am being oppressed by an evil plot!”
What we like or dislike is meaningless to all those enduring their own thoughts and feelings. Preach outside comforting choirs if life anywhere is at stake, elsewise we are all entitled to keep our egos contained. This is how problems are uncreated, feeding no ego high or low. Wanting life to be more subjective than it is doesn’t make it so. Trump lost but no party is free of governmental inanity. Greed isn’t specific to race or gender. Any superiority requiring others to know lesser resource and opportunity is not a superiority that can stand unaided. Equality which dreamily shares luxury only pushes the burden of its production elsewhere. Real equality is sharing those burdens so that no luxury might be sequestered. Sharing in a society means sharing its burden and blame, or else you are working against its potential. A life without sacrifice is a life depending on others, there is no flattering way to dance around that outside of horseshit fantasies. When we entitle ourselves to only deserve society’s rewards we are not contributing to society, we are taking away from it. The Gnostics believed life was about learning to defeat ourselves. Western civilization looks to be about permitting others to profiteer the experience.
An extended love becomes a watered-down love, and carrying water is not the same thing as carrying a burden. One is for partners and the other for servants and interns. But if your party is powerless in stopping all the bad things of government across your lifetime, it’s not as capable as you need it to be. Why grant such esteem to persons who will never know your name, or the name of your neighborhood unless by tragedy captured in a news cycle? I fail to recognize any authority, only the upheavals they rest on. Meanwhile, the groupings which have never entertained the notion of getting their grubby hands on nukes encompass the homeless, the Church of Satan, most of my ex-girlfriends, the assholes across the street, the publishers of Penthouse magazine and the people your kid sells pot to. Outside of S&M parlors, positive reinforcement really is nothing better than the liberal variation of thoughts and prayers. Satan or whatever your interpretation of evil cannot tempt you via that which brings you no comfort.
Every fantasy is a lie, every lie an act of marketing and there is no strength to be found in the susceptibility toward any lick of it. Hope and pray as we might to the contrary, disparagement of doggerel can never be as harmful as the effects of doggerel. What is subservience, but illusions indulged.
Crying is humanity’s first form of communication because the intelligent designer had an undisclosed history of substance abuse. Maybe life is just the filter for separating the suicides from the people who can be sold on coexisting alongside the suffering of others.