I don’t want to watch the world burn, I just want to hold out after the wreck of Spaceship Earth long enough to watch all the other survivors bleed out. Someone must provide a laugh track for unanswered prayers. There’s nothing on the planet I’m willing to kill for and nothing on the planet I’m willing to die for. Because it’s not mine to possess. Those willing to kill never actually need reasoning anyhow, regardless of cosplay killing is the disdain of reason, so my end will be violent. But like Mencken wanted to say at the gallows, at least I never fell for anything.
Atlas Shrugged remake/remodel- The billionaires of the world are vanishing, because someone is burying them under tons of concrete inside their doomsday bunkers. Law enforcement the world round demands to know WHO IS JOHN GALT ‘CAUSE WE OWE HIM A SOLID.
The confederacy, Hitler and Russian oligarchs are not symbols of American patriotism, they’re competing brands who fetished cleaning their toilet seats with the stars and stripes. It’s like saying of course I’m a big Spielberg fan I just love snuff flicks. Or rather a reversal of misfortune, oh my god a foreign company might be about satanic pedophilia our sitting politicians fighting to normalize incest and lower the age of consent would never stand for such a liberal thing. In god we trust because we owe everyone else all the money in the world. Going by my time on vk, Neo-Nazi groups around Europe are a lot less shy about admitting genetic purity begins and ends in the family. Correlate that with Halloween’s Michael Myers being pop culture’s first incel, furious he couldn’t screw his mom and sister. The threshold between adolescence and adulthood is when stupidity becomes a choice. The Infowars audience has always been so tied up with cosplaying patriotism for the amusement of strangers, that they overlook the small tidbit of Alex Jones having never been even remotely right about anything in his life.
If you are not directly flattering me and what I like you’re either coughing up a word salad or it’s hate speech. That’s how 99% of the people online see the world. People love love love to think they’re more complicated than they are. If love and cruelty both were used more sparingly regardless of circumstances, they’d gain the capacity for meaning.
Nobody’s esteem is the priority or responsibility of anybody anywhere, and to deny that is the root of fascism. There’s no such thing as a fascist ever to have not mandated love or cruelty upon certain others, and that’s what a one-sided relationship boils down to. It’s okay if nobody likes me, just as I don’t need to take that as free license to lie, cheat or steal, because necessitating either route is a codependency. If I don’t love you, you don’t have to use me or abuse me, there’s peoples aplenty out there and the only rarity is tact. But failure to meet with adoration, or to be the center of attention, is not oppression. Being mildly inconvenienced or rating no better than an afterthought does not mean your life is endangered. And if I do not live in service to your interests, it doesn’t mean that I am any variety of threat, it means that I have no interest in joining any personality cult, not when I must sneak food to the neighbor’s dog wailing in the cold rain because his masters love him so much. The world is filled with non-lethal matters having no reason ever to appeal to me, and that’s fine, because it’s not fucking mine. I’m not so fragile as to require its endless support for the most trivial bullshit.
The only point in space and time that anyone has a right to issue demands upon others is for the preservation of a life, not for the comfort of a life. But if Hermione Corfield ever wanted me to scrub her toilet, I would at the drop of a hat, because as a human I am never free of hypocrisy. I can be aware of that though, and choose for myself not to comply when giving unto others amounts to sadism or masochism on my part.
And in the third panel Wonder Woman takes out her massive cock. Note to artist- have Darkseid’s explosive tears gradually morph into Kirby dots extending off-panel, splattering the wings of the invisible jet in the next like a dark rain of alien cum.