In a healthy relationship, we accept what confounds our well-being just as much as we accept what flatters it. Why is that different in a greater culture or society, or the partisanship or religion or industry therein, where all must be freely one-sided to suit our personal favor? Are such demands not what causes the very problems in need of solving, applied to relationships of any stripe? What others like or dislike should cause no effect on your own livelihood or well-being, in that your livelihood and well-being must not be dependent upon what others like or dislike, as that is the most powerless codependency. So why give such weight to what you like or dislike?
The root function of the celebrity is to lie, of the politician is to cheat and of the executive is to steal. After the war, those fields will be salted Earth.
I have known nothing but the most horrible people throughout my life, I forgive nobody but each and every one is worth more than cannon fodder still. The only people who can fuck up your life more than yourself, are those you give control to. It’s not the blacks or the gays or the Russians making your time hell, it’s the political leaders and captains of industry you make excuses for.
Think and feel about yourself and your choices however you wish, more power to you, but that is how you define your identity and psyche for relation to the world beyond your ego. You should never lose life or liberty because of how you think or feel, but if you are not perpetually the star of the show, the center of attention or the topic of discussion you are being neither oppressed or suppressed, as each and every other person alive has their own thoughts and feelings which they are no less entitled to suffer. People must learn to differentiate between survival and enrichment. We do not have to kill anybody and we do not have to love anyone, to coexist or to function as a society. We just have to disallow mandating our respective fantasies be reflected in all those we meet with. If you want autonomy and self-determination, then allow it.
As long as everyone is encouraged to believe their own comfort means more than the well-being of others, then yes, everyone is at fault. If gumption were so easy, why can’t death taxes be more of a thing? Outside of governance beggars can’t be choosers. I beg only to differ. I enlist in no personality cults and I’ve no debts to show for it.
Being do-gooders doesn’t actually require governmental authority, in that the lone requirement for either a functioning democracy or a functioning society is personal responsibility. Not authority. Codependency is two-way, but we have to realize just how many unsolved murders nationwide likely go back to those with direct means for evading arrest. We can’t celebrate servants to the public trust for either doing nothing or for making matters worse. Even when innocent we don’t need to wait for their egos to admit they need assistance. I’m not advocating for anyone anywhere to be killed, I am advocating that anybody anywhere can help others. Nobody needs permission to help anyone.
If billionaires, the most self-serving among us, were made to live as millionaires, Joe Q Citizen would not have to pay any taxes beyond sales. But it would take bloody war to relinquish their control over governmental profiteering. World War 3. If not for their gluttony and greed, everyone could have free healthcare and free education while paying less in taxes generally. But all their enablers are willing to sell off what connects themselves to civilization. If we capped maximum wages permanently, inflationary costs of living would be prevented from ever upsizing. And eventually people would not have to work so much to afford what they need. Instead, fools would rather demand be manufactured for preordained interests. Wealth nor power or authority is achieved through good intentions, but it affords marketing to the contrary. Redistributing riches does nothing to undo the entrapment, extortion and exploitation necessary for its aggregation, only pushing the burden of sacrifice elsewhere. Without the excesses of their bias, desires, fetishes, quirks and whims and wishes, life would be less complicated for all parties. Not this trickle-down of their pilfering egos prompting the public to live beyond its own means in hopeful compliance.
After the war banks should be nationalized and currencies encrypted, so that if a calendar year passes without a dollar reentering the economy, it vanishes back to the federal reserve. It belongs to we the people, not any individual entitling themselves above and beyond the rest.
The more you use and abuse people in this society, the more you get rewarded for it. The courts exist to lessen the livelihoods of the masses, not the massive egos. In any and every context it’s always non-believers who sacrifice the most. When all is eye for an eye it’s a blindness that’s shared by chaos, not mass hallucination by order. If your enemy’s thoughts and feelings are not your concern then why should yours be theirs?
I myself have made it this far in life in spite of god and country. The universe goes entirely unaffected by the thoughts and feelings of anybody. I’d imagine becoming one with the universe isn’t about connecting with the thoughts and feelings of anybody, but of recognizing their abject lack of value outside our respective gourds. The source to every problem we meet with in life is some ego or other, often our very own, and the root to every ego is the belief that its thoughts and feelings must be replicated by others, who possess their own to suffer. All persons reluctant to share burdens have accepted the idiocy that equality is a sharing of luxury, which only manifests through entrapment of others, extortion of others and exploitation of others.
What principles or convictions I’ve sorted after a lifetime of distaste for all that the world has to offer, pushed and pulled me to dedicate years for the singular task of keeping someone alive, affording her what dignity to be plucked from thin air. And across those years, all the beliefs of everyone I’ve known provided them reasons to turn away.