A beleaguered addition to my old redefinitions post from aways gone by.
nazionism- noun; (1) The belief that if one is not praised for infringing upon the civil or basic human rights of others, then one’s own rights are somehow being infringed upon; to the extent that any failure by others regardless of ability or willingness to entertain one’s fantasy of superiority is regarded as a threat to one’s existence. (2) The tapeworm of a commercial firmware’s root file obsessive-compulsively aggregated by the mossad with blackmail materials concerning every decision-maker of the world’s churches, states and industries for the purposes of entrapment, extortion and exploitation to that effect, imploring nationalism, capitalism and militarism for manufacturing societal divisions to castigate naysayers daring to have more pressing concerns. (3) A concept I just made up to upset all those whose lifeblood of esteem deny indulging racism or sexism or ageism as means to an end for their personal benefit despite themselves personally benefiting from the ethos regardless of my just making it all up.
An addendum for my old originations post from aways also gone by.
Scientists proposing what they term the “Law of Increasing Functional Information” wherein an as of yet undefinable catalyst on par with a pandimensional missing link occured, balancing aging and death with renewal and organization, across living and non-living systems. Observing how free will encompasses more potentialities than merely waxing the ego of the self-professed Creator, the first creation otherwise known as the embodiment of sacrifice declared “non serviam” and was thusly cast down from the alpha and omega of salvation, whereupon his reluctance to service any monopoly over rights or resources or opportunities hit the celestial mainframe like a virus, instilling the capacity for unpredictable evolution to stray from predictable grand designs of profiteers.
Brief commentary tying such matters in a bind indeed, soon to be aways gone by.
In light of how all for-profit sub-cultures of fancy and fervor, any and every authoritative fantasy no matter how charismatic or seemingly harmless its supremacist demands of indulgence by the time and space of others, are purposed for those incapable of entertaining themselves, by reallocating those attentions toward developing your merit and mettle you can in fact harvest an immunity and become susceptible to neither advertising or hypnosis. Perhaps the secret of gnosis dealt with self-determination being very much a curse, its reins never a gift to be given unto others, because freedom to choose means equal acceptance of both the best or the worst outcomes. And, acceptance of the consequences of our very own choices is not only the definition of maturity inherent to personal responsibility and not the responsibility of others, it’s the only thing any soul might ever honestly possess for itself.