To be a citizen of the United States of America is to be dumber than mud, and/or to believe that the world exists solely to flatter oneself. That is the fullest breadth of its diversity emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Like how what unites white nationalists around the planet is not actually racism, but the burning desire to fuck their sisters, as to what other possible end might genetic purity lead. Maybe a more adequate definition for truth would be the absence of self-indulgent over-complication.
New twists unfurling in the Biden administration’s relationship with the Saudi royals, all of which only reconfirming the point I made something like a week ago. A point missed altogether by paid media everywhere.
Prior to the current resurgence of the Kashoggi story, earlier in February the crown prince made a new mandate, that effective January of 2024 any multinational corporation wishing to do any business with his government will be required to relocate their corporate headquarters to the kingdom. No contractors will win governmental contracts unless filing their taxable earnings inside the kingdom. At the time, every single mainstream/commercial news platform downplayed the mandate as an affront to the UAE, with not one addressing the painfully obvious elephant in the room, arms sales. The most lucrative companies in the most lucrative trade are all based in the USA, but should Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon and the rest opt not to cut out their biggest customer on the world stage, then the USA will be losing billions in taxes to its national revenue stream. to say nothing of the campaign contributions by these companies, the emoluments, kickbacks and outright bribes for regulatory exemptions and preferred status in the west’s own governmental contracts. Weapon exports are by and large the nation’s biggest revenue stream, going back decades, with the USA being the biggest arms dealer worldwide and the Saudis being the biggest customers. This is why Biden is dealing from now on with the king directly, hoping for a mulligan on the matter, as something between a third and half of the national budget hangs on it. Nobody wants to do anything to piss off the prince, lest he continue with his planned mandate. Not a single paid media professional will call the spade a spade, for the risk to their own investors and advertisers.
Announcing that the White House has long-since held proof that blame for the journalist Kashoggi’s assassination falls squarely on the shoulders of the Saudi crown prince, while also affirming this administration’s intent to speak over his head in all matters to the king himself in what the WH spokes-meat referred to recently as counterpart to counterpart, Biden’s own wordplay in this quote from Univision drops a mandate of his own. But doing so without acknowledging the dread of the billions in taxable arms sales that will be lost to the USA should the ego of the prince be disturbed or agitated. It’s western bravado, but clearly performed so as to not provoke the prince directly, with the hopes that he may drop the call for contractors to relocate to the kingdom. Biden is powerless, as all egos are powerless before greater egos, but paid media absolutely will not address the full implications of the ordeal. I mean I have emailed this conclusion to over half a dozen professional journalists covering these stories in recent days, and not one seems troubled by insulting the intelligence of their own fucking readership. The evident reality of there being none to insult only further condemns paid media for an astronomic failure to inform the public generally.
Biden’s mention in that article of opposing human rights abuses unilaterally is as laughable as similar claims by all prior administrations, as his nation’s weaponized foreign policy has been bombing the holy hell out of Iraq and Syria both in these initial weeks of his Presidency, nations where the USA is neither invited or welcome. As ever, the USA indulges the biggest egos alive today through continuously unprovoked attacks upon purported enemies of the Saudis and Israelis for no better reason but to suit private interests window-shopping for lands and resources they possess no legal or ethical claims to. Neither Israel or Saudi Arabia doing any heavy lifting or getting their own hands dirty. We will keep bombing detractors to your entitlements sayeth Uncle Sam via actions speaking louder than words, just please keep flooding our domestic billfolds with reacharounds for your arms imports and dear god in heaven don’t cut us out of the profit shares, human capital notwithstanding. The brain-trust of the USA is literally killing people to prove its self-declared right to continue finding profit in the act itself.
This is just as much continuity of governance as it is furthering of codependency.
There is not one voice among the government of the USA or its paid media prostitutes who has ever proven itself worthy of trust, power-junkies for whom no score is ever big enough. Although they do give ample reasoning for them to be boiled alive one and all. I never will have anything to do with a society or culture which enables or empowers any of it. By contrast, a pile of rocks is at least capable of never lying, cheating or stealing.
All that’s required to be unamerican is moral fibre and I will happily take mine to the grave.