The default setting for any authority is to overstep. Nobody can be self-dependent without embracing accountability. That’s rather the root of it. But nobody can share in a society without juxtaposing dreams. Influencing others for self-interest contrasts with their own pursuits of happiness, and we should never, ever be the story ourselves. Starlight is zillions of years dead, what stars themselves got of the experience long forgotten as the universe mocks points of reference via its endless revolutions of time and space.
If the biblical Satan is all about temptation, how do voices such as those comprising MAGA believe he poses a threat exclusively through the people, places and things they dislike? It’s like saying a dick in the mashed potatoes wets their appetite. No matter how much evidence is presented a chunk of the population will never believe reality, because we’ve witlessly aggregated a nationwide culture where the inability and/or unwillingness to indulge a fantasy is the most objectionable thing imaginable, the biggest foul. Capitalists are such populists that if they had a dollar for every cent they ever freely gave away, they’d owe money. All fiction is juvenilia, and the world suffers not from the lack thereof. Passion for the fictional is a psychopathy. Yet consequences for our fantasies being the most offensive thing imaginable is the uniting factor across western civilization.
Insisting one’s preferred fantasies be endorsed by others as a first amendment right or a basic human right is where both censorship and the denial of human rights come from.
People today are all the more enlivened to publicly believe whatever hogwash they care to, free of avatars or proxies as faceless middlemen. When the world is little more than a playground now for gallivanting masquerades of heightened forms of one’s online social media personae, defining themselves by packaging, what need have they for the more immersive online experience proffered by Metaverse, etc? Jewish space lasers, vaccines full of microchips, helpless corporate entities, wars between good guys and bad, the more fantastic the nonsense the greater the appeal. I imagine most people throughout history probably had no better a grip on reality, but I am also believing more and more that the lengths most people today will go for their own appeasement is unmatched in history.
Cronyism was begat when the ugliest of crones began appointing for herself companions denied her by natural selection. Peter Principle was her most befitting compatriot, daftly siring her child, with the offspring of cronyism’s matron and her Peter Principle growing to be the last man to sell his soul to the devil, before taking the experience and establishing free market capitalism. Capitalism’s progenitor being the last soul bartered to the devil, as ensuing centuries entertained by the unholy trinity of cronyism and Peter Principle and capitalism provided the devil a world with no more virtue worthy of temptation.
If the customer were always right they’d have no voids to fill in the first place. This seems unknown to customers and exploited by their self-entitled superiors. No thought or feeling can be as heavy as the weight of the world, because every thought and every feeling is entirely subjective while life faces definitive ends. Investing in comfort is investing in weakness. When society breaks down, power-grids crash and everyone empties their medicine cabinets, it’ll be just another day for homeless, rejects and outsiders, those drawn to or forced into prioritizing matters more important than comfort. Bluntly refusing to love any of you means dishing no false hopes, and never entitling myself to favors by your effort. For as long as we all endure our own thoughts and feelings, then no personality high or low genuinely deserves a cult. No matter how hot her ass is, if it’s truly great then its greatness doesn’t need to rest on your support.
The strongest people in history, the strongest we may ever know for ourselves, did not and do not pursue their desires, they parted with their desires. Humility unto itself demands no sacrifice of others, while the only thing trickling downwards in western civilization is ego. And nothing in all of creation is more codependent than ego. The entertainer for example, for their dreams to come true they require your time and energy, your attentions and esteem and especially your resource, so that their dreams depend upon your sacrifice and not their own. We don’t want to see it, but the same fully applies to each and every politician, tech mogul, industrialist, religious leader and celebrity across the board. We care to perceive as powerful those who cannot function without yours, the more demanding somehow the more powerful. The American experience seems to be that it’s cool to be sacrificing for the dreams and desires of others, whereas sacrificing for the physical survival of others is always the epitome of discomforting inconvenience.
Mystery for the ages why so many so devoutly believe that freedom of speech somehow means guaranteed love for shitty ideas. Villains don’t see themselves as the villain though. Rather, everyone concurrently believes their own thoughts and feelings being denied precedence in all matters makes them the victim. That’s self-service, not self-sacrifice. Our culture sees remaking TV shows as supply meeting demand but feeding the hungry as not. Shelters for taxes get more legal protections and social allowances than do shelters for the homeless. What happens when the snake has nothing left of itself but pride to swallow? The alternative to god and country is personal responsibility.
People who can afford faith in government are cooking the books. The enrichment of nobody matters more than the life and liberty of anybody. I think my unwillingness is too often regarded as inability, because for most people their inability is too often sold as unwillingness. Death is always either way too early or entirely too late, but it’s never right on time.
Human Centipede reboot with a pedagogue forming a more perfect union by recreating Hands Across America, every American not holding hands but merged into a line of unnaturally conjoined twins from sea to shining sea, all sacrificing an arm and leg and more for the American dream.