I obsess over ascribing to the virtues more respect than I do to the law, because the law does not often enough align with virtue, if ever, and by virtue are no lives wittingly lost. I’ve already been threatened over suggesting elements of this article by other means, but as the need for truth and justice holds greater meaning than does my own well-being, I am thusly bound to share nonetheless what I theorize by deductive reasoning had happened in regards to each of the notoriously unsolved murders of Bardstown, Kentucky.
It can be slander and it can be libel and it can be truth, for truth as well is rarely flattering because its function is not to flatter. In a Democratic society it falls on the law of the land to make the distinction in that judgement call and not pride or private shame. I sincerely feel that if you’re not looking in all directions for truth and justice then you are not looking for truth or justice. It takes less effort to be a good person than it does rationalizing otherwise, and I should not have to be the one explaining why these theories make whatever degree of logical sense, because how these names are portrayed here aligns with the experiences of a lot of people who do not often enough see things eye to eye throughout the rest of their days or their nights, so that the threat-slinging voices bothered seem more bothered by their own possession of some horse in the race than anything else. Their own pride perhaps, the private shame at an unkempt home.
But to be fair what follows are nothing more than my theories, as far as anybody who doesn’t know better knows. Which should as well encompass how, if these 4 murder scenes are in fact unrelated as local police and local media repeatedly insist, then by these lingering circumstances around us now can we be certain that, by the best efforts of both local police and local media of several years and running, not one or two or three but 4 different murderers are empowered to remain free. Any of them could be behind you the next time you stand in line. I have goddamn family here.
I do not believe that Jason Ellis was any kind of super-cop, but I do believe he was likely the sort of guy who took being a decent person to heart and took being a decent person too seriously for the comfort levels of certain of his brothers in blue, themselves worried he may grow into a Serpico. The couple first on the scene of his murder, the wife famously giving the wrong directions to the dispatcher, I would like to know if the husband was given a breathalyzer and I would like to know if their son who was driving them home from a bar had his car searched, for weapons or contraband or if the persons found not only at the scene of a crime but at the scene of a cop’s murder are always so casually free to immediately then go about their business. Because I personally know someone who later hid some guns for that man, supposedly worried over his increasing domestic arguments which if true could well have blown up over the fact of having murdered a cop. He was and is a laborer and odd-jobs for the sake of survival are not always so perfectly legal. Sometimes employers expect very inhuman things of their workers for shits and giggles, and sometimes just to make the boss look like a badass to business partners. Antonio and Pam did eventually split, however. If we still need answers, and 4 free killers suggest we do, then why should any lines of questioning be off limits?
In a completely separate occurrence involving entirely different people I think Samantha Netherland was at the wrong place, wrong time and it followed her home. Herself and her mom murdered like a scene from a slasher flick with the daughter tortured beforehand, as though an interrogation had taken place. By all accounts their social lives were limited to work, school and church with not an inch of controversy in any direction. The sorts of folks who’d open their door to anyone with a badge. As there was no evidence of a break-in and no signs that anything had been stolen, points which former lead investigator Jon Snow would later downplay, I believe that they were murdered by a paranoid cop, and I believe local cops are fully aware of this or they would not have been planting suggestions among neighbors of the Netherlands to insinuate someone who would be far more likely to rob them blind than to hurt a fly. A younger cousin of mine actually, one never given the tools to be a responsible adult but who is hardly malicious in anything he does. It would be like saying the tenant of the sloppiest home in town could magically manage to leave no trace elsewhere. It’s making scapegoats of citizens rather than protecting them.
I wonder if what Crystal Rogers could have been upset by from her boyfriend’s book-keeping, as later recounted by her mom, was perhaps a name she might have recognized either from her single girlfriends or maybe even from her own past errors in judgement and, knowing she would get no answers from Brooks Houck himself, arranged a meeting. A meeting to justify how such an infamous junkie and petty thief could warrant monetary transactions to and/or from her boyfriend, as this particular guy was maybe not so clearly some tradesman bidding on construction gigs but psychologically 17 for life. Which obscenely is a commonality in a place where every family tree offers a wagon full of black sheep and rascals aplenty, manifestly every family in the region concealing its own embarrassment of an infamous junkie and petty thief, the Johnny Boone, the Johnny Clark, the Johnny Royalty. This theoretical Johnny Doe panicked at being called out on the lonely edge of nowhere, and while borrowing his own baby mama’s suv as stereotypical good old boy rascals who clean up only for church cookouts tend to do. But could not call king of dirty jobs McKenzie Mattingly for assistance as they maintain a territorial jealousy over baby mamas generally going back all their adult lives through degrees of separation as confined by city limits, the other popular form of cock-fighting in the region, so instead called Nick Houck to come assist with the cleanup, being best-suited for breaking the news to Brooks despite the two with Brooks and Mattingly sharing roles as middlemen in something bigger than any of them, a long-running network of drug-trafficking lucratively sanctioned by and sponsored by local cops and judges who had quietly taken the reins of what once was the Cornbread Mafia, yet which still spreads far enough to prompt the state police into continuously dropping their own investigations into any of these matters the moment the slightest hint of self-incrimination by the brotherhood is unearthed. A long and proud history of using women exclusively as props and as toys no differently from union rules for the abundance of rascally good old boys man-powering the status quo, Brooks was so upset he hired Doe’s son, because in small towns everyone knows everyone and everyone owes everyone by degrees of separation as confined by city limits. But all of this is pure speculation on my part, obviously. It’s a perfectly normal thing for perfectly innocent people to harbor direct ties to so many imperfect matters best left off of Facebook where the actual character assassinations transpire.
Tommy Ballard only got louder and louder with his drumming for justice in regards to his lost daughter and beyond, a loudness threatening to ruin the buzz of the many men who got away. Maybe particularly a chief who was so ready for early retirement after dramatically failing his community he now chiefs a neighboring community. Maybe the Tegna producers could have asked him his alibi for that murder had they not been so occupied with refilling his whiskeys.
Again, every word of this is absolute conjecture by me, and should be disregarded as heartily as any other sentiment voiced from the kind of asshole who’d rather spend the years of his life as an unpaid caregiver round the clock with no days or nights off for an entirely bedbound soul, than go strike it rich on the trail of tears to the American dream. I cannot for the life of me rationalize using and abusing other people, I just don’t have the drive for it or the imagination for it, far less the stomach for it just seeing it on fullest display in others. I am like a brain-damaged monkey at a typewriter, really. Like grassroots profiling was ever a thing. Not even a high school diploma, or bank account or 401k, as if my whole life has been wasted not defending myself or enriching myself or advancing myself but defending, enriching and advancing the people I chose to have around me. Remember however, that if you are offended by anything mentioned here or if you’ve still faith in the system, you must understand that my three attempts to bring all of this to the attention of the FBI field office in Louisville, in richer detail, has met with nothing but police driving past my house 10x more than they did prior. You have nothing to fret about. On the off-chance an earnest reporter or cop exists in this world, you must also understand that these are all the words you can or will get from me, as all the conviction for your vocation has done jack and shit for the community as evidenced by said killers walking the streets as freely as someone with a badge. This is the last I’ll publicly share on these murders because more lives are on the line, lives other than my own despite all my words already shared and cops and media proliferate precisely this situation we have today. There being 4 killers on the loose *is* the official story, so perhaps everybody ought to be looking under different stones for a change. Instead, panties get knotted when persons outside the establishment are the ones to break ground despite the persons outside the establishment being the ones not requiring a paycheck as reward to do what’s just.
I have been around the people inferred within this article under the most mundane of circumstances imaginable and never felt anything but red flags; laughably mutual. If they do not care for the awkwardness of being connected to certain individuals, then it really is up to them to sever those connections, or people will continue observing them. Keeping up appearances seems to be doing the opposite of saving lives around here, so personal comfort can really just go off and get fucked. I know local authorities tried to implicate my cousin just as I know he is not remotely guilty in any of these matters. I see no reason to trust anything coming from the words or actions of local authorities or their allies, when they are so quick and so eager to deflect upon even the most feeble-minded of our community their own faults and fallacies. Or projecting across other sons, nephews or cousins to fill that void as conveniently as possible. Families, indebted to families indebted to families because we are informed ad nauseum that the good old boys never mean any harm yee-haw when ego-centrism is THE source to every problem of every life. What constitutes flyover country anyways, but reared scapegoats? Props and toys? There are people here who have grown rich and fat from exploiting their laborers and stiffing their contractors the same as anywhere else; but here also from using their tenants for free labor and abusing their tenants for sexual favors even, with the biggest shame to Bardstown being that these figures are not even the biggest villains on the scene but rather endure quite profoundly well by selling their conduct as a family business. Nobody piss-tests landowners, yet who else can afford the dirtiest habits, the most unchristian perversions?
Association alone means considerably nothing. Nobody is debating whether or not the Houck brothers are villains, only to what degree are they villains. But neither could have existed for decades in a small town without interacting with hundreds, thousands of very innocent people. Yet our entire national culture is built around the avoidance of our own merits ever being measured, privately or publicly. Missed altogether from outsider coverage of any stripe is how *everybody* is involved. Everything which might ever possibly ail a shared society truly does come down to personal motivation, to the foundations of whatever passes for ideology privately or publicly. The eternal defense of the ego being its own lack of control; every suit of armor ultimately as hollow as a cover story.
You should not need me to prod you into wondering why certain avenues are absolutely never to be regarded for the pursuit of truth and justice. Not law enforcement lifers with things to lose or career criminals with things to gain or our own family trees. Perpetually under the subjective charade of law and order, those most bent toward self-enrichment go entirely unobstructed, while truth exists regardless of their whims and bias. Nobody requires resources to get at the truth, which is fine when resources are more often used in barring truth, obfuscating it and drowning it like the many bodies of Wilson creek through the ages. And the retaliation to follow this will only reaffirm who exactly has the power to make victims of others. Must protect the unabashed ego, no matter the harm it continues to inflict pursuing wealth or protecting wealth. Bardstown’s environs were harvesting nothing else long before the headlines or bloggers with grinds to ax, but phone records and digital trails and a street-full of cameras convey rather concisely who harasses who by repetitiously initiating unwanted contact, as though evil was not already the victor here.