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opposing every belief but never any life

I survived without the things you love, I have survived in spite of the things you love.

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus! If America thinks it cannot survive without safekeeping a global dominance, at anything, then Americans must ask themselves how the rest of the world managed to survive these lifetimes denied a dominance by American self-interests. It bears repeating, that if there is value in new experiences and there most certainly is as that is where all growth lay, then there can be value in differing experience and perspective. Or gone unnoticed must be all the good gun-owners actively combating whichever tyranny not encompassing tyrannical bastards who claim authority over life and death. How people as individuals think and feel of themselves informs their respective identities more so than does anything else in all of creation. But that can never be the priority or responsibility of others, or the business of others, or else the self-determination of others gets negated in exchange whether interpersonal relationships or geopolitics. Esteem is not what anyone actually needs from the world, not for their health or their happiness. The biblical dark night of the soul is total fiction, the reality is a lifetime, lasting the loneliest forever.

It’s what life itself is. And the concluding salvation for an individual life is death itself, which can only be met individually, without assistance no matter how much that proverbial fucker has it coming. I am living proof that all the loving and comfort others believe they provide is whole-cloth unnecessary. When absolutely nothing is more subjective than love itself, then its lack is the abyss we all gaze into throughout our lives. There’s always matters more dire than whether we might exert control and influence outside our psyches. And no ego can find that value or purpose within the abyss, because all it sees is reflecting monstrosity, completing and complimenting itself not with merit or mettle but the illusions of dominance for thoughts and feelings whenever and wherever the universe manifestly exists just dandy without.

If you are expected by your own doctrines to live for your god, then how can you allot any time for your own enrichment or entertainment, entertainment which western world folk are eager always to masquerade as necessity? Luxury for all, even where by-all, yet demands sacrifice to manifest it. But actual equality is the sharing of burdens, and that lacking thereof is precisely what makes of society a laughing stock. For most denominations of Christianity a mass or service is a mere hour, yet how many hours do followers give to TV, to fashion and gossip, toys and games? If you have more energy for doom-scrolling than for praying, how faithful are you really?

Maybe nobody anywhere deserves praise, especially ourselves. All it takes for evil to prevail is for everyone to continue believing themselves to be good. How many folks today feel they are good people, without ever actually doing any good unto hapless others? What manner of good people think nothing of avoiding or rationalizing the troubles of others?

Israel is what happens when there’s no separation between Church and State, and occasionally there is noise made stressing that in the USA, but just as vociferously should it be declared that State be separated from Industry. Because governance is about managing resources for all constituents for the good of the whole, not for the profit of any subset. Those not enriched by governmental business interests experience firsthand what weaponized governance truly amounts to, though popularly it’s only viewed as weaponized when the quote unquote good guys are facing consequences for their own actions. There is no merit or mettle in American politics, just competing flavors of rightwing egoism with the needs of others perpetually damned back and to the left.

Hope is as purposeful as dirt. Outside of a natural world the further removed someone is from finding any cause for it themselves, the more others are made to depend on it. Whensoever every dream in human history was built on dirt and hope, just as every burning empire in human history was built from dirt and hope.

The most hopeful eternally the most hopeless, products of environs obsessing night and day over vicarious vainglories, those comprising generations Y and Z, accept themselves as superior to the progenitors of mathematics and philosophy and the like because if a peoples were not liking shit online they were clearly backwards. Like the arrogance or ignorance of archaeologists, who chalk up as astronomy or astrology anything they cannot personally wrap their heads around. Possibly the most self-contradictory are the social media socialists, believing they warrant a free paycheck to buy as many comics as they want produced by…means and methods other than laissez-faire capitalism. Without pop culture how will they know which pronouns will complete their costumes? If you truly care to cripple first world economies, boycott, divest from and sanction their commerce altogether, not just the goods and services not already packaged for you explicitly. Maybe they’re too tongue-tied over how exactly one goes about taking back the means of production from celebrities who exist only to be personality cult centerpieces, producing nothing but shade from the glare of competing self-interests in turn competing for the nonrefundable esteem of strangers. No example of pop culture serves me or pleases me, and I would have to be a psychopath to take offense from such a realization. No collective be it political or religious or capitalist can prioritize any subset, for permitting weak links to that end will invariably undo the whole thing.

Perhaps most people are not so scared of gun-owners, but rather scared for them, whose irrational fears are somehow always greater than the rational fears of everybody else. Anyone not actively shooting down tyranny by all appearances prefer innocents to take all the real hits in life, for gun-owners are the biggest cowards among whichever population. Nobody serves my interests, and magically I am neither suicidal or considering mass-murder despite never learning of more worthy justifications. I’ve never myself known fraternity or camaraderie, because apparently sharing is ultimately one-sided and if I have failed to do something for you in the last 5 minutes then clearly I am neither friend or ally. Indeed, for a world that was so cruel to my mom, I will never be friend or ally though to my dying day will I help anyone who knows lesser rights, resources or opportunities than myself. And if someone as lowly as me could manage without friends or allies, why should you be so needy and incomplete? Nobody has ever enriched or entertained me, never serviced my interests as I’d never allow such a thing as sacrifice by others or sacrifice of others to my benefit at their expense. You cannot get more “pro-life” than that, as to end a life is the ultimate manner of snuffing its self-determination, its free will. I can posit my drawings of parallels and conclusions here, but I impose nothing upon anyone as their own thoughts and feelings are as intangible in a universe which functions while possessing all that there ever could be and all that there ever should and all that there ever would be but value or purpose for thoughts or feelings.

Away from the objective pain born of subjective fantasy, it is neither my value or my purpose to create problems for others, and so it is neither my value or my purpose to carry others above and beyond my reach. I recognize I need no power or wealth or authority over the lives of anybody anywhere. And, when we’ve no comfort, we’ve nothing for others to wield power or wealth or authority over, only the life we choose to hand away.

By declining to co-sign, indulge or favor any ego above the rest no matter the subset and no matter the greater whole, am I not the natural enemy of every church, of every state and of every industry. If no thought or feeling of mine would compel me to end the self-determination of one for the benefit of another, no thought or feeling of others would suffice. I do not have to see someone off to heaven or hell to refrain from indulging what makes them egotistical monsters. In a world brimming with one-sided favors, that is my offering, which I give freely and with no pretenses.