Days prior to the CPAC convention in Florida, former Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller defended Trump’s impending speech with the wordplay that the embattled former President would be looking forward, not back. What actually occurred was not even vaguely as promised, but rather more of the same old horseshit of abject avoidance of any personal responsibility. Commentators by and large acknowledged how Trump made few if any references to policy or to the future, instead discussing perceived slights made against him, even by members of his own party for not fervently honoring his egotism. State legislators already religiously censuring their own representatives while lambasting cancel culture in other hands notwithstanding.
More recently, the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell representing the worst persons in Kentucky used the same wordplay elsewhere though in the same context, that he nor his party would be looking back, but forward. It’s well in keeping with widespread conservative calls for reconciliation following the Capital riots of last month, conservatives themselves conveying an abject unwillingness to perform any movements toward meeting anybody halfway, while fully blaming their detractors for not moving far enough in any respect. These newfound vows for looking ahead are a manifest improbability when their actions insist on remaining in the pocket dimension of the previous four years.
The more unhinged from among proponents of what has been termed the big lie, that this past Presidential election was somehow stolen, believe that today, March 4th, will feature Trump’s reemergence as American President, as until decades ago the date was originally the time of new Presidents being sworn into office. Q followers have been quoted as saying that all Presidents since altering the date of inauguration have been false, which somehow magically does not apply to Trump’s administration which began with the modern January inauguration. Over fears of a new riot, many federal governmental offices have been rescheduled for the day. Like they ever need a valid excuse for a new holiday, really.
While recent testimonies infer otherwise, I do not believe anyone in Trump’s administration up to the man himself had the foresight to bar adequate defense in the Capital riot, as more likely was it a matter of self-declared patriots doing what they personally felt was right, to show their support for the more delusional of egos. Persons with badges assisting the rioters may not have been ordered to do so explicitly, but rather were conveying a street-level variety of cronyism by their actions and inaction. In today’s world, patriotism is always a contest to see who has the biggest one, the prize perhaps of god blessing them with powers to personally execute the Chinese anal-swab testing for coronavirus whenever Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks next require her international travel, presumably with Taylor Swift composing a new ballad to express her jealousy in the matter with the music video having the starlet swimming in a pool of tears from bald eagles wounded by lackluster shots from the sons of Trump whose smoking guns valiantly failed to save them as America gets made great again and Q stands revealed not as the second coming of JFK Jr but of Christ himself, Jesus giving the real patriots a thumb’s up and riding in on a jet-pack to drop the decapitated heads of Vladimir Putin and Bill Gates down onto a city park where Nancy Pelosi in leg shackles and an orange jumpsuit is picking up used condoms from the yards.
I don’t think the election being stolen is really the big lie. I think the big lie is that anything pertaining to this government ever changes, or changes for the best. That Trump ever did anything beneficial for the country by any means on any occasions, the primal shock and awe of such a narcissistic bellend casually waltzing into such powerful levels of governance presenting a sort of denial even among his most vocal critics. Prior to the pandemic, the economy was not doing great, jobs numbers were not doing great, unless we remember that in all usages by paid media and governmental politicos “the economy” references only the profit margins of the already wealthy and nothing else. Millions were booted from all the traditional welfare programs in the first half of Trump’s administration, with little if any acknowledgement by the commercial press while government stats conveyed whatever they wished to make the country appear better than our senses and firsthand experiences suggest it is. Because marketing and optics is all that seems to matter here and now.
Republicans insisting they are looking forward, and not back, comes across as far more of a request for their competitors than an endgame, less a philosophy than a daily affirmation at best with McConnell, former VP Mike Pence and the governor of Georgia each noticeably not looking back when it comes to Trump’s documented attacks against their modicums of differentiation toward his ambitions before proceeding once more with continuous support of those ambitions. The reluctance for looking back only applies to anything self-incriminatory or threatening to the convenience of double standards, the expectation for all ears to forget anything negligible which already occurred so as to not recognize when the same old horseshit occurs again, and again in the midst of so much looking forward.
The big lie is that Biden or anyone faithful to his administration is failing to permanently end filibusters or gerrymandering for any reason but duplicity from his own party. The big lie is that continuing opposition against China or Russia concerns anything but economic competition. The big lie is that continued war-drums beating against Iran, Iraq and Syria are orchestrated for any cause but to fervently honor the egotism of the Saudis and the Israelis. The big lie is that any American anywhere is immune to the effects of marketing. The big lie is that popular votes have ever actually decided anything in this country. The big lie is that the wealthiest among us, by means achieved through pillaging the rest of us or through inheriting from persons who pillaged the rest of us, have our best interests at heart, or share convictions in mind with anybody outside their wettest dreams. That promises of looking forward, and not back, were not always the status quo for those empowered and entitled with making decisions on behalf of society, as they sell all convictions and principles short for their own continued and expansive entitlements and empowerment, ultimately neither looking backwards or forwards but only ever to what they wish to immediately grasp for their own. The big lie is that even the most agreeable paid media exists for any purpose but to shield the worst people among us from the ecstasies of wrathful comeuppance of the people, by the people and for the people.
The big lie is that the people honestly want anything different, are indeed capable of wanting anything different than what commercials inform them to want. The big lie is that there is any truth to be found in this culture or this society.
The big lie is that basic selfishness earns any credit, that harms rendered are due to ingenuity or inventiveness or intelligence of the selfish, as opposed to the idiocy of the victims walking right into it over and over and over again to their dying day and ideally for all of eternity in the afterlife of their own devising, following the copy/paste formatting prescribed by yet older marketing to look forward and never back despite ultimately just cycling through memories for the lack of imagination. The big lie is that anything to do with your own temporary existence matters in the end, and the really big lie is that this is somehow free license to fuck or to get fucked as though no other choices might possibly be.