We want god! cry the unwashed masses of persons growing thirsty and starving to fuck their collectivist way through Armageddon in the biggest orgy since creation.
Testing the zero point energy drive off-world is a precaution of necessity, but the quantum semantics of the experimentation’s process for ionizing neutrinos leaves them drawn like moths to a flame back to the omni-dimensional glory-hole, tearing the veil further. This really was the skeleton to Twin Peaks season 3 missed by reviewers as reviewers ultimately are mere salesmen. Radiation from atomic and then nuke tests beginning in the 1940s doing to the aether something like a candle burning pinprick holes into a mosquito net, only instead of bloodsuckers what slips through are ghosts and devils, the inversions of our very own ghosts and devils made manifest in our corner of time and space where self-congratulatory Intellectual Properties such as Twin Peaks are a thing worth talking about.
An even harder sell is the notion that “a good person” has considerably nothing to do with self-interest. Villains perpetually by design are the hero in their own book, composed in the sweat, blood and tears of all those around them not flattering obsessively enough. I do obsess over self-enrichment versus self-sacrifice, because the differentiation permeates everything we are, everything around us and everything we say and do no matter how small the interaction yet we’re compelled beyond reason by the peer pressure of complacency to rationalize exceptions for ourselves or for whomever flatters us or we cannot play along in society, when those rationalizations are precisely what cripple societies. I don’t believe that there can or will be a herd immunity to groupthink. The America I know had me pissed on by a uniformed cop once, for the sin of being homeless in the dead of a New England winter. Every pomp and circumstance from any politician is measured against those memories. Ego-centrists believe that impairing the civil or basic human rights of others is somehow an inalienable right, like Christians wanting to influence laws primarily concerning non-believers as though tax exemption were not privilege enough. Nothing more patriotic than rationalizing the meaningless deaths of as many Americans as possible. The whole “thou shalt not kill” bit prolly encompasses sitting on your thumbs while whistling Dixie.
Our own family trees hurting is where genuine centrism begins and ends. With the collection plate full of economic collapse, an unbridled pandemic, wildfires and people rioting in the streets over unmet civil rights in the 21st fucking century, why in the fuck are we obsessive-compulsively instigating war abroad? The same for-profit militarization proactively and violently suppressing any and all showboating dissent nationwide against the illegal, unethical and immoral nature of this government by design does not possess the capacity to do what is just. Compensating for the prevailing stupid which surrounds us is a matter of self-preservation, but compensating for the prevailing evil which captivates us is a matter of self-perception. The public doesn’t care for the government’s headlock of the postal service, so allows itself to be sold on the idea that talk of impairments to the postal service are conspiratorial. The public doesn’t care for the consequences of its government’s inaction against covid so allow themselves to be sold on the notion that the virus is a hoax, an inconvenience. Flashback to the last Presidential election where Trump said global warming was a Chinese conspiracy. Americans lazily do not trust their own senses, their personal experiences, their private stings. And for no better justification but that it conflicts with the advertising. Your party shares half the blame for this duopoly government of the past century, but you are mandated nonetheless to believe fervently that your party alone holds insight into how to defuse the damaging effects that have enriched its many players. Your faith is the one, true faith and your favorite product is superior to all variations. And anybody declaring or even suggesting anything to the contrary not only detracts from your cajoling masturbatory fantasies but is clearly an enemy to all of humanity.
Americans don’t want change, they want flattery.
In blackest day, in brightest night, Space Force is private contracting R&D, making neo-NGOs of outfits like SpaceX, Blue Origin and SpaceIL for the production of the East India Tea Co ships of tomorrow. We need Alan Moore’s dead alien squid to humble us all back down to seeing the world for what it is, rather than everyone’s most comforting fan fiction mandated as canon for everyone else. We have to agree on a basic idea of reality, and just typing that out is so insane while Intelligent Design works in mysterious ways.
The pivotal question all those in the USA must ask of their mirrors now and forever: “Is it remotely possible that instead of being *the* shit, you *are* shit?” But refuse, because in all facets is scapegoating the one and only thing preventing mass suicides. *Your* ego is by the grace of god pardonable. The time we do not give to helping those in need is excusable because the new game won’t play itself, unless set to auto-play. But then, how would we test our mettle, by being a voyeur first and foremost?
The people themselves must come before Church and State and Industry, in all matters. The simple fact that in practice this is not remotely the case, but rather instead individuals judged exclusively by how well they contribute to Church and/or State and/or Industry, spells out that each and every contributing member of this particular society is aiding and abetting the greatest evils the recorded world has ever known.