What if the Dark Ages were a coverup of civilization’s true first world war. What if the fall of the Holy Roman empire prompted the Old Testament god to hit the streets his lustful and wrathful self, prompting all the other pantheons to take one last tired stand for their own. Decades of Hell on Earth with gods battling their respective flocks, the mass of humanity coalescing upon the first mega-city, all armies aligned to steal its secret of iron-ore production for irons to hold the gods steady. Even if it meant unleashing a furnace so furious North Africa was wiped from biblical oasis to desert sands. An entire culture wiped from existence by the editors of history, the first populism sharing in the sin of stealing the forge for remaking gods in their own interest. 500 years of god-hunting, burning their bodies on the pyre where civilization began.
The lone survivor was the patron demon of secrets Baphomet. It traded those secrets to be kept alive as captive, and eventually lost in the Holy Land. Until the Templars found it, and brought it forth to erect by its persuasion the first banking system. Found centuries later by a French priest buried under his chapel, it was returned to possession of the church, leading to popes issuing encyclicals condemning American liberalism, popes signing treaties with Nazis. And after the third world war known as the second, was returned to Israel by the witchy women of the Thule society in exchange for clemency. The region’s manipulators since leveraging the bound demon clandestinely over all the heads of all the states. The otherworldly intelligence gifting captains of industry with Zero Point Energy, etc. Assuring them the end truly is nigh so they find less and lesser need fretting over matters economic or environmental, knowing they will save their own skins away from where civilization ends.
In ode to the keeper of secrets, the Powers That Be construct a star-ship called NEOM, openly disguised in the deserts as a smart-city to end all cities. A half-trillion-dollar escape pod for the few hundred most selfish to flee the consequences of their egos fed by darkness. The voids inside the blackest holes of space came about from self-consuming stars. The universe tells us the story and all of this is interactive theater. Contrary to every ego we don’t project the universe we reflect it. We are metaphors for myth. We are what the universe experiences. But maybe a thousand years now without creators, sustainers or destroyers which may be a mental exercise or a conspiracy theory or a shitty truth. But life does favor shitty truths over mental exercises or conspiracy theories.
Deescalate so you cannot see the abyss and so the abyss cannot see you. Boycott every ego, divest from the people, places and things who take without giving and personally sanction those who harm others. Granted, we live in an era with everyone realizing they might have to dodge bullets anytime and anywhere. People are edgy. Any entitlement to kill Americans is un-American yet all Americans purport exceptions, just as killing humans is inhumane while most can pardon the right opportunities. When their basic function is to manipulate livelihoods into obsolescence, neither a Capitalist government or a gun refrains from sacrificing others simply by a perceived good person wielding it. Allowing fellows to needlessly suffer so that inherited privilege can avoid gumption or accountability is a pussy-whipped perspective. They will never love you back.
I’m less bothered by the Jan 6 people smearing feces onto walls of a governmental site, than I am by them wanting to reap rewards of a system purposed exclusively with profiteering the sacrifice of others. The notion that law enforcement could or should be politicized is less important than the blunt fact law enforcement has such power and authority over picking and choosing which laws to enforce and which laws they themselves abide by regardless of who is in what office. I don’t want to fight to install a competing brand, I want to save everybody. We do not actually require political parties and we sure as feces do not require a government empowered to kill its own citizenry. Self-denial is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, empowered to kill anyone of its own population under any circumstances.
If billionaires were made to live as millionaires most socioeconomic problems would disappear, costs of free education and free healthcare met by pilfered hoards, and eventually undoing the need for traditional welfare. But if they continue to loot what’s left by price-fixing and over-charging, and deregulating what’s safe for workers or consumers, eventually there will be nobody left. Without the workers, customers, audiences and personality cults all sacrificing their own time and resources billionaires have nothing to hold them aloft. Without billionaires, others could access pursuits of happiness. It’s how any brand loyalty looks to outsiders. People needing to replicate the thoughts and feelings of others don’t have a full deck. Online social media presents confirmation bias for lowest common denominators, those codependent upon the effortlessness of headlines and like buttons.
But merely re-appropriating the directional flow of revenue streams does nothing to stop entrapment, exploitation or extortion such aggregation depends upon by design. You experiencing the luxury only shifts the burden of production and sacrifice onto other shoulders. Meaning that 99% of what constitutes our society could be thrown out with the trash, and life would be made simpler, cheaper and less cumbersome for all parties. Just accept that all of the hogwash fixes no problems in the voids below your better self. Taking responsibility for your actions and inaction is not fascism, that’s demanding others play scapegoat for your hangups so that your illusions of peace or self-control may continue unabridged but with added cookies. If your name is not enough of a personal identifier, you’re presuming others owe you sight unseen thoughts or feelings. I don’t need to hide behind labels, or branding or packaging. When was the last occasion where anyone in Congress or SCOTUS or the White House took personal responsibility for anything? There’s no human shields in the boxing ring, or innocent bystanders.
I don’t care if the constitution gets rewritten or not because ego rules all regardless, but I do feel if the old one does not immediately clean the ass of somebody somewhere, a great travesty will have been wrought. People mean more than things. As long as we continue allowing governance to manage resources for profit, or be enabled to kill its own constituents through violence or deregulation, it will continue to draw to itself the most shallow and egocentric persons among us. Voting your conscience should end with a lot more suicides. The threat to my life yesterday is the ego-tripping authority of the USA government’s profiteers and the threat to my life tomorrow is the ego-tripping authority of the USA government’s profiteers. Pick and choose your relationships. Anyone who gets the last laugh trades off on sainthood.
God is the absence of responsibility, the illusion of order. Any bad I say or do is a conspiracy and all things good but by the grace of higher powers, so by abstaining from self-control and free will as well as accountability self-control and free will must produce in exchange for liberty, me and mine are best suited to control you and yours. And the simulation theory is only another orthodox religion. When people are empowered to believe that the here and now is anything other than all that there is, why make the effort toward giving heaven to those you love and hell to those you do not? If you need symbology to stand upon or to shelter behind, is it really helping you, or is it compensating for when and where you lack? Any agency purposed with aggregating wealth or power or authority is in the service of a private will, not a greater good. Only marketing says otherwise. As long as it’s millionaires beholden to billionaires it’s no different from every other first world nation. Power perpetually consuming itself like stars gone supernova seems to be our only hope short of breaking a whole lot of valuable things, and even more feelings.
Carve out a morsel of heaven for yourself, from the hopeless corpses of all those who came before, and trust that someday your arm or your leg may give some other a thing worth fighting over. If your principles or convictions are benevolent toward others, you don’t seek out wealth or power or authority to hold over them, you dismantle those matters lessening their life and liberty. Rich populists and ethical politicians and moral executives do not fucking exist. I don’t care how sold you are on marketing to the contrary, but the people populating your political party and the people producing your favorite TV shows are exclusively self-inclined, while the people abiding by indoctrination are avoiding personal responsibility. Society blows goats because millions of people just like you justify your own creature comforts over sharing that time and energy with persons enduring less opportunities than yourself. People are suffering to death and you are insulted by a lack of love.
WW3 won’t fix the USA but a nationwide lobotomy might. A psychic surgery so intrusive no iota of ego goes undiscovered, scurrying like cockroaches hoping their thoughts and prayers which cost everyone around them will save themselves from the consequences of their own inaction. Artists are like GMOs, believing on some basement level or full-on insisting they can do better than the universe. When each and every living thing in all of creation suffers its own thoughts and feelings, then nothing is more valueless *to* all of creation than our private thoughts and feelings. Developing them in ourselves is fundamental to ourselves though. But compelling others to replicate is the source-code to every evil in the world. Nothing else proves our autonomy than our own thoughts and feelings, being our only true property. Nobody is entitled by nature to either the blame or the credit for those of others. Being part of a nation, part of a church or part of a partisanship, means that you yourself are not whole. Needing others to be used or abused, justifying lying, cheating and stealing as more necessary to survival than to comfort ego, all of that is codependency.
I was reared to see how unearned respect is free license for trouble, but people give away esteem to far more dangerous outcomes now. If your dreams aren’t saving a life, keep ’em to yourself because everybody has their own. Survival is not remotely about getting what we want, but fantasy footballing everything under the sun keeps too many from seeing just how perpetually impossible survival is for more persons than not. Fuck your esteem out the open window of a speeding car. You could sell your comic book collection to help feed and lodge those with less than yourself in your own neighborhoods, but you deserve those comics more than human beings deserve food or lodging and you are a great person. It’s the other political party to blame for the troubles, the competing faiths bringing forth such godlessness and the greedy Amazons we give our money to. Not you, right there all along sitting on faith and opportunity, for the cushioning.
The looming dread always in the foreground, that the world already knows more than enough fictions, and that now more attention to reality must be a thing, as our mutual neglect let it go wild from fantasies indulged and run amok. Science doesn’t know everything, Lovecraft got that, but where is its competition in trying? In accepting an anecdote free of anything supporting or validating its assertion more intrinsically than a goddaughter’s photoshop, is that not a thought or feeling co-opted? A democratic peoples should own their own currency, or else they do not own the standard for their resources/opportunities. It’s not property of Bezos, Musk, Gates, Mercer, Adelson’s widow, the Koch brother left or any*one* inheriting or conniving a workaround to self-dependence. Lauri Love explained to me once how the only cryptocurrency that’d make a lick of sense was self-destructing, but by extension all monetary systems ought to be. If a dollar isn’t spent in a calendar year following whatever transaction, let it vanish back to the country’s reserve.
And then federalize all the insurance industry’s tentacles, so everyone gets coverage with the gov picking up the tab. Workers today pay social security taxes for those retiring today. Those affording multiple homes or vanity surgeries live beyond their means at cost to the rest. The system we have is where I pay more social security taxes than Mark Zuckerberg, when I am not the one barring resources or opportunities from those retiring now. Like how Goldman Sachs robbed billions from the American people, and the government compensated them and not us. After the war we could shut down Wall Street as violently as the Electoral College. Let the merits of their products and services successfully meeting existing demand decide their value, and not shareholders free to hide long-term gains from the stock exchange in a tax-less void. The cost of living will go down when those empowered to raise it on end are penalized. Public servants on their payroll or not have no business making more than minimum wage, be they small town cops or big city mayors, Congresspersons or Supreme Court justices or Presidents. And no more corporate grants or subsidies. The government should invest in all its citizens, as a government not bettering their lives with free education and free healthcare is against its people, especially while investing openly and exclusively in the most selfish among them. We are overworked, underpaid and price-gouged by the most codependent people on the planet, people with no ethical or moral claims to what belongs to any government of the people, by the people, or for the people.
When there is no undiscovered country, no unturned stone left for the branding iron, it goes up your nethers, to prop you up as you work through your golden years. When age habitually brings about this folding circle of space and time and there’s no more well-being to sacrifice, what then?