Insurance covers spin-doctoring but only the nurse nightingales are worth the cost.
Monthly Archives: August 2020
In The Midst Of PR
“But…but, but I gave at the office!” – The final, death-rattle words of Joe Q. Citizen.
If Thine Eye Offends Thee, No Refunds
21-Aug-20Asking nicely for the Torquemada to change the radio station.
Starling and The Space Cowgirls
12-Aug-20“Oh I was cured alright.” – society
What I think went down in each of the unsolved murders of Bardstown.
The Boptrot Conspiracy
10-Aug-20More on the unsolved murderous trends in Bardstown.
The Fuck
10-Aug-20The idioms of self-respect and self-worship are very, very different things.
Surprise butt-sexing Lady Liberty.
05-Aug-20Good people are not drawn to positions of authority over others.
04-Aug-20I’m more nonsensed than incensed.
Offending The Senses
03-Aug-20“GET FUCKING SORTED!” – Any and every iota of the universe, to humanity.