The legend of BUSTY CRUNKERS.
Category Archives: anomie
19-Jun-23comment to a political blog
11-Jun-23Crimson Diamond is the NSA file explaining the futility in blackmailing me for my browser history.
If nothing I say or do enriches me, how am I ever a villain?
Narrowcasting dolorem ipsum
23-May-23Just pull on your pout.
reserving the imagination for fun
01-May-23Personal taste is never the standard for good or for evil.
Ravens and Rainbows, Wholly Holy
26-Apr-23When everyone else endures without dominance or control, only the survival of ego depends on claiming the upper hand.
terrestrial hokum
25-Apr-23Guffaw and chortle are not interchangeable guffaw and chortle are not interchangeable guffaw and chortle are not interchangeable
Christian Soldiers of Fortune
16-Apr-23The Prosperity Indoctrinated aren’t known for their reacharounds.
ongoing closures
16-Apr-23Avoid paying compliments, because every ego-maniacal despot got their first wax amiss.
countervailing of psychobabble
04-Apr-23Indulging fantasies really is the opposite of ethics.
03-Apr-23For Peter Palmiotti.
opposing every belief but never any life
30-Mar-23When entertainment and enrichment are luxury, then failure to get entertained or enriched is no threat toward survival.
Virtual Reality Television
23-Mar-23To live in service to no ego is to be unwelcome everywhere.
My life betrayed by value and purpose
03-Mar-23Buy two of the Brooklyn bridge, get the third half-off.
By psychic surgery hath we learn’d, closure as the grandest of fiction.
Creation made simple, its true wonder lay in how the gods could make such a mess of the ordeal
02-Feb-23The opposite to growing is not dying, it’s in the stagnation.
The bigger the soapbox, the dirtier the laundry.
teste meipso agog
29-Jan-23“When will somebody *else* pay the price for the world I’d feel more at home in?”
grace is acting without audience
25-Jan-23Egoists know their partisanship protects them from the gullible.
Upsetting status quo never amounts to more than upsetting egos.
social networking or pleading the fifth
23-Jan-23ban adjectives
17-Jan-23Ad-Rock pondered, “You think that you can front when revelation comes?”
R’lyeh 90210
16-Jan-23King Lear’s Edmund had the whole excellent spiel about wrongly blaming heavenly bodies for the surfeits of mankind.