Desperate measures call for desperate times.
Category Archives: anomie
lulling ourselves dead
23-Nov-22Turning phrases off a cliff.
is your life worth saving
21-Nov-22Courage is lambasted and demonized, it’s fear that’s contagious.
invisible friends
20-Nov-22Always chasing rainbows, waiting for a little bluebird in vein.
Allegiances of The Erstwhile Life
18-Nov-22ymmv when bending lightrays.
Your sky, all hung with jewels
Up against your will.
The Fluttering
15-Nov-22Sacrifice is the dirtiest word.
No Island is a Man
13-Nov-22Disconnected only from livelihood and well-being.
wit’s end
12-Nov-22Everyone’s made to believe personal fantasies are all that matter, by their favorite brands of church or state or industry.
27-Oct-22Apologies to Ambrose Bierce, who likely did not face firing squad but rather discovered what remained of the fountain of youth.
If you never cosign, you have no need to resign.
Wot Gets You In The End
13-Oct-22All the thoughts and all the feelings of all the people to ever have lived could not fill a thimble.
this world of sociopaths
12-Oct-22As heroism is self-sacrifice and nothing else, why hero-worship those who require your sacrifices?
God kills everyone.
The Missing in Action Sword of Damocles
02-Oct-22You are so special the universe forgot you before you were ever born, especially while time is non-linear.
Hope is for people whose experiences with loss were all in passing rather than all-encompassing
12-Sep-22I will not pretend society is functioning or healthy and I will not pretend others act outside self-interest.
Get banned.
Calling The Bluff of The Gods
06-Sep-22Eat Your Leaders.
It’s not death that everyone needs to accept, it’s the guaranteed unhappy ending.
I will show god terror in a handful of dust.
If you are reading this, please send thoughts and prayers out for smokes, then relocate before those thoughts and prayers return from the shop.
Eye, a canvas for the world I know.
The Unwashed, Uncritical Mass
04-Aug-22On friendships worth less than death.